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Cocky Biker(34)

By:Faleena Hopkins

Dr. Mackey, the one who’s been checking on me for the past three days, and who performed my surgery, walks in with smile.

“Fatburger? I’m jealous. I have to eat what’s in the cafeteria.”

“Oh, please,” I say with an eye-roll. “Everyone knows doctors can afford the good stuff.”

I pretty much shock this guy every time he sees me by saying things well-mannered — and boring — people don’t say. He pauses then shrugs. “When I’m off duty, sure. But I work twenty-four hour shifts, sometimes longer. In surgeries for eight ten hours at a time.”

“Holy shit,” I whisper, impressed.

He smiles. “Yeah, not able to go anywhere but downstairs and eat what’s there.”

Jett offers up his half-eaten burger. “Want a bite?”

Dr. Mackey laughs. “Thanks, but I just ate.”

Jett smirks and chews away.

“How’re you feeling?” the doctor asks me.

“I want to get out of here.”

“Well…” he picks up my chart and reads, frowning like he needs glasses. “Looks good. Looks really good.”

“Can I go?”

“Well, you’re not being held here, Luna.” He slips his hands into the enormous pockets of his lab coat. “You’re free to go at any time. We’d like to keep you here longer, to make sure your brain has healed properly.”

I bring my knee up under the blanket and lean on it. “It’ll heal wherever I am. It’s in my head. Not going anywhere.”

“But if you’re here, we can do something if…need be.”

“Like what, cut my skull open?”

On a glance to the floor, he says, “Maybe.”

“Fuck that. I’d rather be out in the sun again if anything that drastic goes down. I’ll take my chances, thanks.”

He nods and glances from me to Jett. I look over to see Jett staring back at the doctor with a look that says, She’s the boss. And he’s got a smile on his face filled with certainty that I’m going to be fine.

Can I just admit that he’s scaring the fuck out of me?

It’s like he’s tuned in and knows what I need.

But in my mind?

We just met five, six days ago.

He’s got three months on me that I just don’t have.

“I’ll have them draw up the release form for you to sign, saying this is your choice, and that you won’t hold us liable if something happens to you.” Dr. Mackey waits for me to understand.

“Okay. Do what you have to do. I’ll sign it.”

“It was good meeting you, Luna.” He steps closer and extends his hand. “Didn’t know if I’d have the chance to.”

Shaking it, I only nod. It’s so crazy to have almost died and be looking at two of the men who saved your life. I know Honey Badger is included in that list. And I guess Scratch, too. Jett’s told me about them, but I’ve yet to officially meet them. That night at the motel doesn’t count.

I’ll have to tell Jett to let them know I’m grateful.

Before the doctor disappears, I call after him, “Dr. Mackey!”

He leans into the room with his eyebrows up, hand on the doorframe. “Yes?”

“Thank you.”

He smiles. “You’re welcome.” He nods to Jett and holds his look a moment. He’s known Jett longer than I have, too. The men silently say goodbye to each other and the doctor leaves for the last time.

“I don’t know what I’m gonna do now,” I say aloud, but mostly to myself.

Jett leans forward in his chair. “Come with me.”

Meeting his confident eyes, I shake my head. “No, Jett.”

They darken as he takes this in. “Why not?”

Because I don’t know what love is.

I’ve never had anyone care about me like this before.

Because I’ll lose you one day when you realize I’m a piece of shit, and then it’ll hurt too badly.

This way I’m in control.

“Because I like to travel alone,” I whisper, staring at the stupid hospital blanket.

He stands up so quickly I feel a soft wind lick my face. But I keep my eyes down because I don’t want to see how much this is hurting him.

“Fuck,” he mutters with pain in his deep voice. “Okay...Fine.”

The sound of his feet heading for the door and then it closing brings my head up. I expected to be alone now, but there he is leaning against the wall, arms crossed, eyes locked on the tile floor. The muscles in his face are tense with confusion. “What do you do out there, Luna? How do your survive?”

I hate it when he calls me by my real name. I’ve gotten really used to Sunshine.

“I get by.”