Reading Online Novel

Cocky Biker(31)

He leans down, brings my hand to his lips and kisses my fingertips, then puts my hand where it was on his hip. “You strong enough to hold me there?”

I nod, my senses tingling. I was thinking I was doing this for him, but now that it’s begun and I see him stepping out of those jeans all the way, and tug off that shirt, too, I’ve gotta admit…I need this, too.

This is life.

Feeling this awake when you’re with someone.

Wanting to touch them.

Wanting them as close as you can get them.

He palms himself and groans as he begins to stroke that shaft. My eyes blaze a trail up to his face, over his abs and his chest rippling with halting breaths. Our eyes lock and his eyelids lower slightly as his lips fall open. “Fuck, I want to be inside you.”

“Tell me what you’d do.”

He groans and closes his eyes a brief second. “I’ll tell you what I WILL do,” he grates through gritted teeth, gazing at me sensually. “The second we’re outta here I’m gonna eat that sweet cunt until you scream again.”

I dig my fingers into his hip.

“I’m going to shove my tongue in and taste that pussy all night long, baby. I’m gonna suck on your clit until you’re quiverin’ and then I’m gonna fuck you for days.”

A moan escapes my lips and I lower my eyes to watch his hand speed up, sure and steady. The crimson tip appears and expands with every urgent stroke.

“I want to taste it,” I whisper, my tongue on my teeth.

“No, baby. Not yet.” He grabs my hand and laces our fingers together, stepping a little closer. The veins in his hips swell as he lets his body move with the beating. “I’m gonna prop you on this cock and watch you ride me like you did on that motel floor.”

With my free hand I touch my breast through my gown and meet his eyes. He starts breathing more heavily. “Fuck, I love it when you do that, Sunshine. You know what else I’m gonna do to you?”


“Lick your tits until you cum.”

“That wouldn’t make me cum,” I smile.

“You wanna bet?” he smirks. A low groan escapes him. “There will come a point when I’m doing it for so long that you let go and that’s when I’ll have you.” His hand is moving faster now. Panting, he releases my fingers and rakes a hand through his hair. The underside of his bicep is paler than the top. Never sees the sun. His chest is stretched in this posture and he looks so delicious. I can’t wait to see him explode. I grab onto his hip and dig my fingers in. He groans, pumping roughly.

I whisper, eager for it, “Cum for me, baby. I looooove watching this. You look incredible.”

He groans and grits his teeth. I see his balls tightening so I reach down and gently cup them. He yells out really loudly and in another second hot semen shoots all over my arm. He locks eyes with me and firmly strokes that gorgeous shaft until every ounce is released.

The door opens as a female voice asks, “Everything okay?”


“Oh my God,” the nurse whispers from the other side of the curtain.

The door clicks back into place.

We burst out laughing. “I’ll get a towel.”


“Hey hey hey!” Tonk calls in, announcing his arrival from outside the hospital room before I even open my eyes.

With the recent turn of events I’m ecstatic to see him. Finally have good news after all these months.

My friends have been worried.

I get it.

They respect this, but I know most of ‘em are wonderin’ when I was gonna give up. Never once occurred to me to throw in the towel.

The Ciphers have done missions without me since they left L.A., but I told them I’d be back – I just didn’t know when. I had faith. It wasn’t easy watching the days pass and not knowing what would happen.

But it sure was worth it.

Glancing over to make sure she’s awake, I receive a small, closed-mouth smile. Her color is better this morning. There’s an orange juice on her little table. Must have slept through the last rounds of vitals checking.

I greet him with my morning voice, deep but happy. “Hey, Tonk! It’s cool. Come on in.”

Luna half-waves at him as he enters, looking like she feels a little like a creature in a zoo.

His eyes gleam at the sight of her. “Wow. Okay if Carmen comes in?” he asks, looking between me and Luna.

She doesn’t know about Carmen.

I haven’t had the chance to tell her and I’m not sure how she’ll take it.

But I’m not making the girl sit outside in the corridor.

“Yeah, ‘course. Bring her in. Just give us a minute.”