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Cocky Biker(28)

By:Faleena Hopkins

And I don’t seem to give a shit. She woke up late last night. So this is officially day one of the battle.

I’m all in.

Grabbing a bag from the dresser, I pull out toothpaste and a toothbrush that’s still in the package. Bought these for when this miracle would happen. Gave me hope to have them ready.

She watches me tear it open and walk to fill one of those vomit dishes they have handy, with fresh water from the sink. It’s never been used — cleaner than my own fingers.

The tray table is an awkward sonofabitch so I have to work not to splash.

I swear at it under my breath.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Your breath stinks.”

She smiles in surprise. “Jesus,” she mutters.

I chuckle because I could care less about her fuckin’ ass-breath, which really is terrible. I only said that and am doing this to break the iceberg she’s erected now that she realizes she can’t run.

The girl likes it straight and honest. Some women would call it rough, but they’re not made of iron like this one.

I can give her what she needs. I can talk her language.

Cocking an eyebrow, I ask, “You want me to do it for you like a little baby?”

With a weak arm, she grabs the toothbrush after I squeeze blue goo on it. “Fuck you.”

“Let’s get your strength back and we’ll talk about fuckin’ again.”

Her deep brown eyes dance with amusement and she brushes her teeth slowly, stopping to say, “It tastes strong.”

“Bet my cum tastes better.”

She huffs a laugh and shakes her head like I’m an asshole, spitting out some foam and continuing the difficult journey.

I stop watching, pick up my Ciphers jacket and ask, “You gotta use the bathroom?” She reluctantly nods. “I’ll get a nurse.”

Outside my heart is pounding. I feel like that smile and half-laugh she gave up was a win on my part. One I’ve waited a long fuckin’ time for. At the nurse’s station I have their full attention. Karen watches me as she always does. She’d love me to take her somewhere private. Not subtle, this one. I couldn’t care less.

“You must be so happy, Jett!” Ellen gushes.

“Yeah. When can she eat real food?”

Diego walks up and hears this. “We’ll bring her soft food first and see how she handles it.”


Nice guy, but I still can’t believe a man who’s not gay wants to be a nurse. “Congratulations!” he says.

“I didn’t do anything,” I call back as I walk off, pulling my phone from my jacket pocket. Dialing, I wait for Tonk to answer, “Hey.”

“Guess what.”

After a beat, he goes, “No way.”

“She’s up.”

“Holy fuck! What’s she like?”

“A pain in the ass.”

He chuckles. “So…she’s healthy then.”

“If you can call it that,” I say with a big smile.


“We’ll be back in a couple hours to check on you again,” the young, attractive nurse tells me.


She leaves and glances over to Jett with longing. “Isn’t his beard handsome?” she asks me while staring at him. I’m sure he has admirers wherever he goes, but still, she has some fucking nerve doing this in front of me.

She disappears.

I glance over to see his reaction…and discover him climbing in the small, extra bed.

“Don’t say it,” Jett warns with a suspicious look. Somehow I know he’s not talking about the nurse. He knows my mind has switched gears now that I see he’s planning on sleeping here tonight.

“What the hell are you doing?”

He’s got his pillow on the foot side of the bed so he can see me. I saw the bed, earlier. I just haven’t been able to bring myself to ask the question: Have you been here every night?

It’s too big.

But now there’s no avoiding it with him untying his boots. “I’m goin’ to sleep. It’s been a busy day. You came back to life. I had to force you to eat carrot soup. You nearly spit out the applesauce. You didn’t know your breath stank. Phew. I’m beat!”

Fighting back a smile, I hoarsely persevere. “You’re not sleeping here!”

“Well, that’d be a change.” He leans to the floor, grabs a wandering pillow from it and shoves it under the one he has. I watch his muscles undulate during the reach and his biceps contract as he rests his hands under his head, propping up. “There, now I can see you better,” he smirks.

I can tell he’s waiting for a reaction, so I take another route and give him none. “Goodnight then.”