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Cockney:A Stepbrother Romance(72)

By:Aubrey Irons



"Because I want you to stop piddling away with this local yokel state stuff and come with me to D.C."

My jaw drops as I stare at him; "What?"

"You have a unique quality, Ms. Archer, and a talent for statesmanship  that you don't see often in this business, as strange as that sounds."  He puts his glass down and steeples his hands in front of him; "I want  to run you for U.S. Senate, Ms. Archer, so that I can put you on with  Veterans Affairs where you can do some real good."

I'm speechless, my mouth opening without words as my heart jumps up into  my throat, and I realize I'm grinning like an idiot before I can even  say anything. Major Lawson just smiles at me; "I'm going to assume  that's a yes?"

"Thats-!" Holy shit is that a yes! "Yes! Major, yes! I'd be honored!"

Hudson is squeezing my hand and the Major's eyes drop to that joining  before he looks up at him; "Oh, and don't think I don't have plans for  you too, Banks."

Hudson frowns; "Sir?"

"We want you in D.C. too, actually. We're starting up a new panel on VA  affairs and post-combat aftercare, and we need a chairman."

Hudson chuckles quietly and shakes his head; "Sir, I appreciate the honor, but I don't think I'm the man who-"

"William Archer and I were quite close, Mr. Banks," Major Lawson looks pointedly at Hudson; "Quite close."

"Sir, I-"

"Son, I've seen war on three different continents, and after the  shit-show you boys saw over there in that damned desert, I'm amazed you  came back alive at all." Hudson closes his mouth, and as I squeeze his  hand, I feel him respond back.

Major Lawson looks at Hudson and nods; "What I'm trying to say is, son, I  know about all the other stuff that came after, and I'm here today to  tell you that I don't really give a shit about all that. You're a hell  of a Marine, an even more impressive leader, and one of the strongest  men I've known. I want you working where you can help." He winks; "And  seeing as I'm pretty much in charge of military records, I think we can  go right ahead and gloss over those other things."

Hudson is staring at him like he's just handed him the keys to the  world, and all I want to do is jump into his arms right there and kiss  him.

The Major nods towards me and grins at him; "Just so long as you keep looking after William's girl here."

Hudson turns and looks right into my eyes, his grin wide and his  shoulder looking free of a weight that he's had on them forever;  "Always, sir."

We of course wait until the Major leaves before I let myself all into Hudson's arms and into his kiss; "Always, huh?"

"Yeah," He says, smirking at me; "Always."

We don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, but we've got either William  or Christine picket out for names after my Dad and his Mom. I know  Hudson's pretty excited at the idea of having a little girl, but I've  told him that there are plenty of Archer girls already without adding  one more little probable spit-fire to the mix.

It was a small wedding with basically just the immediate families; my  two sisters and my Aunt Kelly on one side, and the two guys who are for  all intents and purposes his brothers on the other. We asked Major  Lawson to walk me down the aisle, and Bryce ended up taking one of those  online ordination classes and married us right there in the gardens of  my father's house. We were barely pregnant at the wedding, but that  didn't mean there weren't plenty of jokes about the "shotgun" nature of  it, especially after Logan told me the story of my Dad literally  breaking up an arranged wedding in Angola between some local warlord and  this poor child of a girl with an actual shotgun. Turns out my Dad was  kind of a badass, which kind of makes the tattooed, scarred up,  ex-mercenary, ex-drinker, ex-playboy of a Marine who's now my husband  make a whole lot of sense, if you subscribe to that weird Freudian  stuff.

I can't say the aftermath of the blowout with Donald and my telling  everyone about Hudson and I was all a fairy-tale ending, because that's  just not real life. Donald did end up suing Hudson, who ended up having  to settle for some not-that-crazy-amount - well, for him - out of court  to avoid criminal charges. Of course, after that he used every  considerable connection he had to make sure Donald didn't work in  politics ever again, so I hope the $40,000 or so that he walked away  with was worth it. And I did take a hit in the polls after the  announcement about the two of us; guess some people have a problem with  other people's happiness. I still won though, by some almost  record-breaking numbers, and on the next term, I was sworn in as the  youngest State Senator in New York history. The victory was only made  sweeter when we got wind of a massive lawsuit being leveled at Chet by  three of his staffers for sexual misconduct.

I'm due in two months, so I'm of course as big a fucking whale these  days. But for some insane reason I still can't believe, my hunk of a  husband still seems to find me irresistible, and he's still trying to  start things with me in public that we should not be doing in public. I  know even as excited as he is, he's worried about having kids just  because of his own upbringing and the stuff he's witnessed in the world.  But I know he's going to be an amazing father. I think the fund we've  recently started up to rebuild schools in Afghanistan is helping too;  helping him work through some of things he saw over there.

After the baby, I'll be taking some maternity leave before I finish up  my term with New York, and then I'm putting my career into Major  Lawson's hands; both of us are actually. We're excited for whatever  comes next, and since we've got each other, I know what does come is  going to be something amazing that we face together. The things you care  about are the things worth fighting for. We've both fought for what we  care about, and somehow against all the odds, we've found our happy  ending.

The End