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Claiming Kara:Fate Harbor 3(42)

By:Caitlyn O Leary

"Yes." Kara felt herself calm even more at the idea of being at eye  level with Ben and Quinn, as they both were propped up on their elbows  looking down at her. After Ben got her situated, Kara felt her breathing  calm.

"Sweetheart, after I undressed you, something happened. I think that you  went someplace ugly in your head. Is that possible?" Quinn asked in a  gentle voice. Kara considered his words.

"Not ugly, exactly. Just scary. I'm afraid I'm making too much of this … I  can't … I just can't … and the more I worry, the less I can feel aroused."  She watched as Quinn and Ben looked at one another. She watched as Quinn  shook his head and Ben nodded. She desperately hoped that meant that  Ben had a solution, because she couldn't understand herself.

He leaned down and brushed the hair back from her face again and again.  It soothed her. He just continued to do so for countless minutes,  patiently, until she finally relaxed. He brushed a light kiss against  her lips and then smiled down at her. "Let's just agree to stay in this  moment. No yesterday, no tomorrow, just today. Will that work?"

"So we don't have a past to consider, no potential future … " Her voice trailed off.

"Just right now," Quinn answered. Once again, Kara felt a profound sense of relief.

She felt her eyes mist over at the wonder of it all. "I can do that, I  can do ‘right now.'" She let out a deep breath she hadn't even realized  she'd been holding. "Yes! I can do that," she exclaimed joyfully, she  reached up and hugged Ben around his neck. "Thank you. I so wanted this.  I really wanted this, but I didn't know how to do it. I got clogged up  again."

She rested her cheek against Ben's chest and began to notice the  textures and scents and the beautiful color of his skin. She melted into  him, wanting to burrow even closer. She pressed herself tighter, which  just made her nipples grow harder and her breath quicken. She felt her  hair being gathered and wound as it was wrapped around Quinn's fist. He  got closer to the top of her head and pulled just a little, and no  matter how they might have talked about no past, he still knew that she  liked having her hair pulled, and she was happy. There were things she  remembered that pleasured each man, and she wanted to give them  pleasure.

From one second to the next, each of them made their move. Kara latched  onto Ben's tempting copper nipple, causing a surprised gasp. Quinn  starting licking the back of Kara's neck on the way up to her ear, while  continuing to tug rhythmically on her hair. Ben reached out and gripped  the globes of her ass, and started to squeeze. Despite the myriad  sensations, the taste of Ben in her mouth was glorious and she continued  to lave and suckle, relishing Ben's harsh indrawn breaths.

"Kachawli, I need you to stop. We want to make love to you." Ben drew away and Quinn tugged at her hair just a little harder.

"But why? Why should it matter who makes love to who, if it's only  today?" Again Kara watched as the two brothers communicated without  words and Ben was enlisted to do the talking.

"Just let us love you first, for now. Later today you can make love to  us, but we would like to love you first. Would you let us give you that  gift?"

* * * *

Ben held his breath. The passionate woman they'd had in their bed in the  past had been playing hide-and-seek with them for the last hour. He  knew it wasn't Kara's fault. She really was nervous and scared. This was  a huge emotional step for her, no matter how much she tried to frame it  into a "just sex" category. That was the problem. Her heart was unable  to be intimate unless it was deeply involved, but her head was telling  her that the only way it could be involved with them was if it was just  sex. He looked over at Quinn to see if he was tracking with the plan.

"Sweetheart, anytime you want to take the lead, you can, all right?"  Yeah, Quinn was tracking with the plan just fine. Ben smiled as he  watched his brother reach out and cup Kara's right breast. He wasn't  sure which one of them looked the most satisfied at the caress. Watching  her respond without reservation under his brother's touch was  intoxicating. It was as if a garden had sprung up to play.         



As Ben moved down on the bed, tracing his way down the curve of her  tummy, he paused to kiss, lick, and knead Kara's warm, feminine,  decadent flesh. He'd never want her to feel self-conscious in case she  lost the weight, so he didn't want to make too big a deal out of how she  looked now, but, God, she was spectacular. His dick was being cut in  half inside his jeans. Kara undulated under his hands, and he found it  hard to breathe. He continued his path downward toward the apex of her  thighs, to the hair that was more golden colored than that on her head.  He speared his fingers through the silky tufts until his middle finger  touched the top of the soft seam that sheltered Kara's core. It took  everything he had not to push through, to plunder this flesh to see if  she was feeling even half the level of arousal that he was.

He looked up and saw his brother circling around the tip of Kara's  nipple with his tongue as he delicately pinched and pulled her other  nipple. Kara was right-seeing her white and pink flesh against their  skin was a sight to behold. She was moving her head back and forth  across the pillow and her strands were coming loose, shimmering onto  both men in silky streams, just one more sensory pleasure that made the  waiting an agonized gift.

Ben moved down even further on the bed. It was small, so he had to curl  onto his knees in order to get his face level with Kara's mound. He  breathed in deeply and smelled a hint of her arousal.

"Kara, can I part your legs?" He waited, and she didn't respond. He  looked at Quinn, who seemed equally oblivious to his words. He reached  out and nudged his brother, who looked up at him.

"Kara, honey, will you open your legs for me?" Both men watched in dismay as she immediately tensed up.

"I'm still not ready," she whispered.

"To be loved?" Quinn asked as he kissed her cheeks, her lips, and nuzzled next to her ear.

"For making love. I'm sorry. I know I never had this problem before. I don't know what's wrong with me." Ben hurt for her.

"You're doing fine. Please, let us worry about that. You just let us  make you feel good. We have absolutely no expectations. Just breathe  deeply, and relax into Quinn's arms. Let me taste you. I've had many  fantasies of tasting you. Would you deny me that, Kachawli?"

"But Ben-"

Ben cut her off. "I can smell your arousal, Kara. You're killing me,  here. Please let me taste just a little." He slid his hands from the  inside of her knees up to her plump thighs, once again reveling in the  plush softness of her flesh. He used a little pressure and felt her  slowly acquiesce. She allowed him to part her legs to look at the closed  valley of her sex. He placed a soft kiss on the outside of her vaginal  lips, brushing back and forth, cajoling just as he would if he were  kissing her mouth. He let loose a stream of warm air and then smelled  that first hint of spice slipping through the protective barrier of her  seam. He blew up and down her cleft from top to bottom and smiled as he  felt the total relaxation of the creamy white thighs under his palms.

"Ben, that feels so good."

With the tip of his tongue he etched along the seam, carefully going no  deeper than the tip, but he couldn't believe the warm, soft, and  welcoming feel of her sex as his tongue drifted up and down the furrow  of flesh. It took everything he had not to spear in and lap up the honey  that he could smell and begin to taste, gathering just beyond his  reach, but that wasn't the point. The point was to beguile Kara, to have  her realize that she was just as capable of the deep desire and arousal  she'd had when she'd been in their arms before.

While making his fourth pass, her hips snapped up, forcing his tongue deep.

"Yes," she cried. He looked up, but couldn't see her face. It was  blocked by Quinn's head and hands. Ben stilled. "No, Ben, please touch  me more, please, Ben?" The last was said as if she thought there was  some way he could deny himself, let alone stop trying to fulfill her  heart's desires.

Ben closed his eyes, and lapped up the abundance of cream that was now  spilling forth from Kara's vagina. He had to keep his eyes closed,  because it was too much for him, too. He had told Quinn that this would  work, but he'd never fully believed it until this moment. Her flavor was  different. It was like her, but more lush and decadent. It made his  taste buds spark and buzz. He curled his tongue so that he could pull  more of the silky essence forward and savor it.

Finally, the taste along with the perfume of her musk forced him to open  his eyes, so that he could see the beauty that was Kara's gold and pink  and white pussy. He had to open her further, to see if inside she was  as aroused and as deeply crimson as he remembered.