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Claiming Kara:Fate Harbor 3(27)

By:Caitlyn O Leary

"Quinn, take off your clothes, I need to see you," she quietly panted. He released her flesh.

"First, I get to taste," he said. Then he bent back down and suckled her  engorged bud. It was such a soft loving that she melted into his touch.  Kara settled further back into the sofa, luxuriating in the caring  caresses and the feeling of homecoming. Then Quinn rasped his tongue  over her sensitive flesh, just one little brush, and it was no longer  languid honey, but sparks of fire.

"Again." She clutched at his head, pulling him closer, and he easily  used his strength to pull back his head and look up at her, arching a  brow.

"Put your hands back on the sofa, Kara." She reluctantly complied. He  put his hands under her, where her thighs and ass met, and spread her  wide. She was exposed. Ben came over, kneeling beside his brother.

"You're beautiful, Kachawli." Quinn took another long lick, suckling for  just an instant on her needy button before he backed down and thrust  his tongue into the tight channel of her cunt, making her scream.

The feeling of being fucked, of being filled and having Quinn's power  thrust inside her, was mind blowing. She gripped the sofa with  fingertips gone white. She braced her feet against the foot of the sofa  and lurched against his mouth, forcing him deeper into her wet depths.  It had been so long since she had felt wanted.

"More, please, more," she begged as she ground her slit against his  mouth, forcing him further into her depths. Then he was gone, and she  groaned her frustration, but Ben was suddenly there instead, his mouth  settling over her clitoris, pinching and sucking, his tongue roughly  laving, causing perspiration to blossom, and then she felt his fingers  plunge into her.

"Oh, my God, it's too much," she cried as he twisted his fingers,  pulling back and then pushing forward again, forcing her to stretch, to  get used to an invasion she hadn't known for three years.

"You're going to have to be ready for a whole lot more than this,  Kachawli." She saw him give both a grimace and a smile as he worked his  way in and out of the tight muscles of her pussy. "God, you're going to  feel so good, but you're still too tight, Kara." Kara watched,  fascinated, as the lines between his eyes furrowed deeper and he thrust  in with yet another finger, causing her sex to burn, but her mind still  wanting more.

She was enraptured, looking at his incredible face and the sight of his  fingers sliding inside her body and then slowly pulling out, covered in  fine, silky cream. He looked up at her, seeing her pained expression.  Bending down, his long hair covering her view, he suckled her clit back  into his warm, wet mouth and swirled his tongue around it, at the same  time crooking his fingers inside her passageway and rubbing until he  finally touched a spot that caused her to choke out a cry. He then  circled over that cluster of nerves again and again in time with his  tonguing of her diamond-hard clit, and she rocketed into orgasm with a  scream.

When she opened her eyes, she was still desperately holding the back of  the sofa, and two men with formidable erections were staring at her in  awe.

"Jesus, you're beautiful when you come," Quinn said as he stroked his  shaft. Meanwhile, Ben's cock was so heavy that it wasn't even parallel  to the floor. It looked so swollen and ripe that she started to  salivate. She distinctly remembered the taste of both men, each with a  different flavor, a different texture, a different smell. She bit her  lower lip and actually felt tears of need begin to form, even though she  had just climaxed. It wasn't the same thing at all as feeling them in  her, being surrounded by them. She loved the idea of tasting them,  loving them, but right now she needed more. She needed to be filled. She  needed to have that connection, that sense of oneness.

"Please, guys, I can't stand it anymore. I'm really serious. I need you  inside me, and around me. No games." She struggled to push herself up,  her body so limp that it was difficult. Both men immediately sat down on  either side of her. Quinn pulled her up and over his lap so that she  was straddling him, which was when she realized he was wearing a condom.  Thank God. She needed him inside of her. At five eleven she was a big  girl, but he moved her like she was a doll, and she relished it. He had  to reach beneath her to lift his heavy cock and position it at the well  of her vagina, and as soon as he did, she pushed down hard, needing to  complete their joining. She cried out in pain.         



"Goddammit. Kara." He grasped both of her hips again, halting all  movement. He looked at her and winced in sympathy, seeing that her eyes  were filled with tears. "Sweetheart, it's been too long."

"I need you. I don't care." She struggled to push down further but his  strength wouldn't allow her to. "Quinn, I need you, the pain is not  having you inside me."

"Ben, help her," Quinn bit out. She looked to her left, and saw Ben's  face mirroring Quinn's expression, both of them filled with concern. She  didn't care. She needed this, needed them filling her and fucking her,  the pain be damned. Ben reached under his brother's arm where he was  holding Kara, and brushed through the curls at the apex of her thighs  until his questing fingers found her swollen bud. Ben ever so lightly  pinched and twisted that sensitive flesh as he bent down for a tender  kiss. Her mouth opened, tasting her essence on his tongue, loving the  flavor of Ben and Kara intermingled. He began to thrust his tongue in  deep, the same way he had into her cunt. She sucked him in deeper, just  as her needy sex had done, that combined with the ministrations on her  clitoris, causing pulses of need to flood from deep within her body.

She knew that Quinn could feel the release of her liquid need, because  he slowly allowed her body to slide down another inch on his thick  shaft. This time there was no pain, only pleasure. She ripped her head  away from Ben, who just bent down further and latched onto one of her  engorged nipples. She cried out, and Quinn immediately looked up,  gauging her reaction, ensuring that she wasn't in pain. Kara had to take  three deep breaths before she could speak and assure him.

"So good, Quinn. No pain, only pleasure. So much pleasure." She drew out  the last two words with an ecstatic smile. Kara noticed the sweat that  beaded Quinn's temples and realized just how tight a rein he was holding  on himself. "Please, more, please give me everything. I need you to  love me. I need you to fuck me." At that moment Ben squeezed and rolled  her clit, and cream burst from her channel, dripping out on either side  of Quinn's cock. Quinn slammed her home, causing Ben to release his  hold, but Kara didn't care. "Yes!" she screamed.

"Fuck!" Quinn shouted. Ben backed up and watched the two of them. Quinn  started a hard and fast rhythm, lifting and dropping her, his strength  amazing. Never had she felt more small and feminine than to have him  treat her as if she weighed nothing. She loved that as much as the  sensations that roared through her system.

Her slight breasts were bobbing up and down, and she saw his eyes moving  up and down, fascinated between where they were fucking and the jiggle  of her breasts. Never had she had a man seem so enamored by her chest.  It was awesome, and just one more thing to make this wild ride perfect,  both physically and mentally. Then Quinn twisted his hips and shoved  deeper, and Kara stopped thinking. Everything shut down. She was only  capable of feeling.

"Again!" she demanded as her cunt clamped down on his thick cock.

"Yes," he agreed. "Again, Kara." His voice was a deep rasp. He pushed  deep, bumping at her cervix, causing just the right bite of pain that  morphed into the most stupendous pleasure. Her muscles tightened, so he  had to work to pull out, which felt so good to both of them. They would  both groan with pleasure, and then it would start again, and again.  Finally, her juices provided the lubrication to increase the speed and  they started the climb toward their peak, crying out as they went over  together. Kara collapsed against his chest, and Quinn released her hips,  immediately aware Quinn had probably left bruises.

She felt hands easily spanning her rib cage and lifting her from behind,  again relishing the strength of the men who owned her heart.

* * * *

"Careful, Ben, I think I bruised her," Quinn attempted to bark, but it came out as more of a croak.

"I think she needed that, didn't you, Kachawli?" Ben asked as he put her on her hands and knees on the soft rug.

"I need more," she said as she widened her legs, allowing Ben to see her  swollen sex. He ran a finger through the tender folds, causing her to  push toward him. He pushed a finger into her passage.

"Baby, I can barely fit one finger inside you, you're so swollen. You've got to relax," he murmured.

"I can't. I'm too excited. It's been too long, it felt so good with  Quinn. Now I remember and I know I'm going to love having you inside me.  I can't relax, Ben. Please, just fuck me. Please, Ben." She felt him  double his fingers and shove them inside as her entire body shuddered.