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Claiming Kara:Fate Harbor 3(12)

By:Caitlyn O Leary

"Kara, I've had a recurring fantasy since meeting you," Ben said,  looking into her eyes. Kara couldn't focus on what he was saying.  Quinn's fingertips made it difficult for her to think, let alone focus  on what was being said to her. "Kachawli, I've fantasized about you with  your hair down. I've never seen it totally down. May I?" he asked as he  reached for the pins that were holding her hair in place.

Kara nodded, but then asked, "What does ‘Kachawli' mean?"

"It means ‘sweetheart' in the language of the Tlingit people," he  answered as he took down her hair and fanned the silky, white-gold  strands out around her shoulders.

"I think her hair would look even prettier against her naked skin,"  Quinn suggested as his cheek nuzzled the back of her head and his  fingers kept up their maddening strokes so close to her nipples, but not  yet there. God, she needed him to touch the budding crests of her  breasts. As she arched into his hands, trying to force the touch she  craved, she heard a soft chuckle, and he deftly avoided brushing her  aching nipples.

"Quinn," she cried.

"Let me take off your shirt, and I'll give you what you need,  sweetheart, I promise." Kara raised both of her arms above her head,  anxious to do anything to get those tantalizing fingers to touch her  where she needed to be touched. For a brief moment she worried that he  would laugh at her need, but he didn't. Instead, she was rewarded with  words of praise from both men as they slowly pulled the shirt over her  head and stripped off her bra.

"God, Kara, look at you! Your nipples look like wild strawberries," Ben  exclaimed in rapt delight. Kara looked down and couldn't pull her eyes  away. She wasn't seeing her breasts. She was seeing the beauty of the  cream of her breasts being cupped in the strength and mahogany  masculinity of Quinn's sea-roughened hands that caused her to literally  stop breathing. She wanted to stop time so that she could just savor  this moment. Then the actual sensation of his touch burst over her  senses, and she would have crumpled over had his strong arms not been  surrounding her.


"Sweetheart, are you all right?" That was when she realized they had  been talking to her, and she had missed what they had been saying. She  looked into Ben's eyes and saw his look of concern. She felt embarrassed  because once again she had gotten lost in what her family called "her  artistic fog." She looked away, unable to meet his gaze.

"Hey, Kara, it's okay. You can tell us. Did something bother you just  now?" Ben asked. Kara still couldn't bring herself to look up at him,  but that just brought her focus back down to the wonder of her flesh  engulfed in Quinn's hands.

"Ben, look, nothing's wrong, she's aroused." Quinn brushed both thumbs  over the turgid peaks, eliciting a sharp gasp. "Kara, answer Ben." When  she continued to keep her focus on his hands, he grasped both nipples  between thumb and forefinger and gave a light pinch. "Look at Ben and  answer his question. Did we do something to bother you?" Quinn asked in a  stern voice that finally cut through her fog.

Kara jerked her head up from the fascinating mix of light and dark  colors, hard and soft textures, to see the concern in Ben's glorious  milk-chocolate, brown eyes. She reached up to cup his face, to reassure  him, but that only pressed her breasts deeper into the hands of the man  holding her, and she moaned at the decadent feel, which then caused  Ben's eyes to darken even more with worry. She shook her head hard to  clear it so she could be clear.         



"No, Ben, everything is fine. It's me just being me. I'm sorry, don't  pay any attention to me. I like everything we're doing. I promise." She  trailed her fingers softly down his face, trying to relieve the lines of  worry. When that didn't work, she pushed up at the edges of his lips,  trying to force a smile.

"Not good enough, Kara. I don't understand. Why did you zone out? Are  you sure we're not rushing you?" His face was a mask of apprehension.  For the first time, she was beginning to feel surrounded like she used  to with her family, trying to explain a part of her that nobody  understood. But now she was doing it half naked in front of strangers.  She started to wiggle, trying to move Quinn's hands.

"Shhh," Quinn crooned into her ear. "You're still in control here, Kara.  He just wants to understand. We both do. We're not going to judge. You  went somewhere in your head. Can you share that with us?" he coaxed. His  warm hands stayed where they were, his thumbs continued their languid  brushing back and forth, and despite her anxiety over the conversation,  she felt her arousal increasing. She knew that the panel of her panties  had to be getting wet.

"Ben, you know what I'm like when I see something I want to sketch,  right?" She watched as he nodded his head carefully. She could tell he  wanted to understand everything she was saying. "You've seen me get  pretty caught up in things when I go into artist mode, right?" she asked  with a self-deprecating smile. He nodded, and Quinn kept stroking. She  had to talk faster before she went up in flames.

"That's all that happened. I looked down and I saw Quinn's hands, and  me. My body and I went into artist mode. Okay?" she ground out. This was  embarrassing. It would have been more embarrassing, except for the fact  that she needed these men to start doing more than sitting here barely  touching her and insisting she talk. She watched as Ben's expression  lightened and she saw his dimples. God she loved those dimples. He  reached up and covered both of his brother's hands, and now she had four  hands covering her two breasts, and she couldn't suppress a groan of  pleasure.

"Oh, you like that, don't you, Kachawli?" Ben whispered. "What do you  like more?" he asked as he and his brother squeezed. "Is it the feeling?  Or is it the visual stimulation?" Ben glided his hands up further so  that one rested against her breastbone and the other circled her throat,  and she tilted her head back so that now she was gazing up into Quinn's  face. "Tell Quinn. Tell him what you were thinking when you first saw  his hands on your breasts, Kara," Ben demanded.

"Quinn, I love how your hands feel. I love the calluses. I love feeling  the ridges of scars, how they snag against my skin … " Kara's voice  trailed off because instead of the normal caramel color of his eyes, she  saw them turn a molten honey that was such a fascinating shade, one she  didn't think she had ever seen before.

"Kara!" She felt a slight pressure at her throat and realized that Ben had pressed to get her attention.

"Hmmm?" she questioned, looking into Quinn's eyes that were now a dancing caramel color again.

"I believe, sweetheart, you were going to tell me you liked looking at my hands, but you got lost," Quinn explained.

"You have beautiful eyes." She smiled up at him. She lifted her hands  from where they were still cupping Ben's wonderfully dimpled cheeks, and  instead, circled the back of Quinn's neck as her back was pressed to  his chest. She tilted her head more to the side so that she could more  easily see him, and finally he bent closer. She looked at his lips,  anticipating their first kiss.

"Hands, sweetheart, we were talking about hands," Quinn said before he  cut a glance over to his brother. "I see what you mean. I love that  she's an artist, too." Just like that, she came out of her dreamlike  state.

"What?" she asked in an unbelieving tone.

"Ben told me how into the moment you could be. How different things  would just take you flying into another universe because you would be  imagining them as a sculpture or as a piece of glass, or just as  something beautiful that you wanted to remember. I really didn't  understand what he was talking about until I saw you do that. That's  what really happened, wasn't it, sweetheart? It's not just the physical  sensations, not just the touching that sets you off, you get just as  wrapped up, or maybe more wrapped up, in the visual aspects of  lovemaking, don't you?" As he was talking, Quinn's eyes went from  caramel to molten honey again. If Kara was going to be with him for any  length of time, she would always know when he was getting aroused by  just looking at the color of his eyes.         



"I never have been before," she finally confessed. "But you both are so  masculine, I love looking at your faces, your bodies. I know I'm  supposed to call you handsome, but you're both visual feasts. I love  your skin color, and when I saw it next to mine, I literally couldn't  breathe, the colors looked so stunning together. Then, to see the press  of your strong fingers so gently cupping the rounded flesh of my  breast-yes, I could feel it, but you're right. It was the seeing it that  aroused me the most. I went into my zone, and I didn't hear what you  were saying," she admitted quietly.