Reading Online Novel

Chasing Vivi(53)

Then he pronounces it's time to leave, because if we don't, he might  bend me over the appetizer table and make a terrible scene over the  shrimp cocktail.

"We have to wait to leave at least until your grandparents do."

"Oh, hell no. Grand won't leave until two in the morning. I'm not waiting that long." He's adamant about it.


"She's quite the party animal."         



"I can't leave without saying goodbye."

"Yes, you can. We'll call them tomorrow. Besides, we're going there for Christmas."

That's right. And I haven't bought anyone any gifts, because of my short funds. Shit!

"Okay, let's go."

By the time we get back to Prescott's, my thong is in two pieces and  tucked into his suit coat pocket, like a silk scarf. It's a good thing  they're pretty and lace. I didn't wear a bra because of the cut of the  dress, so I have nothing else on other than my dress and shoes. When we  get inside, he unzips me, drops the straps, and the dress slides off. I  stand before him in black pumps.

"Hmm. What to do with this." He circles me like a panther, slow and  steady, ready to claim its prey. My breath hitches in my throat as my  belly tightens and an ache grows within my core. I already feel heavy  and in need of a release. Soon. My hand moves between my thighs, and he  stops it.

"Remember? Mine. Every single bit. Do not touch."

"I need-"

A deep chuckle rumbles out of him. "I know exactly what you need."

He takes my hand and walks me to the bedroom. Then he pushes me onto the  bed. He takes off his tie and binds my wrists with it, asking if my arm  is okay. It's fine, I tell him. All I'm interested in is him.

He strips and now we're two naked people needing each other. When I  think he's going to fuck me, I'm wrong. He leaves. Then he comes back  with another tie and wraps it around my head, using it as a blindfold.  Good thing he has lots of ties. Now I'm in the dark, anticipating his  next move.

He spreads my legs and tells me to keep them open wide. First I feel  something cool, lube maybe? Then he rubs me all over, everywhere, in and  out. His fingers massage me, coaxing me close to orgasm number one.  Then he stops. He pinches my nipples, sucking hard, until I'm  moaning-loud. Soon his mouth moves to my inner thighs, sucking and  biting again. I'm already marked from earlier today, so he's only adding  to the collection.

I'm not prepared at all for the first blow. He slaps my clit so hard it  stings like fire. I don't know if he uses his hand or a belt, but I  scream. Then he licks me and right before I come, he stops and repeats  the entire process again. This time when he slaps me, he does it again  and again until I come, screeching and suddenly it feels like I'm being  iced, inside and out. Did he just shove an ice cube up my ass and pussy?  I'm panting, trying to catch my breath, but I can't because he slams  into me with his cock, tearing every last bit of oxygen out of me. My  breathing is jagged as I grab onto nothing. My hands are tied, so I  can't. I'm groaning in earnest now, so loud I can't hear anything but  the sound of my own choppy breath. My pussy heats up from the friction  and my clit feels raw until he flicks it hard and I cry out, not in pain  but in pleasure. I'm getting ready to come again when he tells me not  to.

"I have to."

"No." He stops, withholding it. Then he starts it all again, slowly  building it up, until he slaps my clit hard, sending me off into waves  of orgasmic pleasure. I'm so lost in the sensation, I don't even realize  when he comes until he calls out my name. It brings me around and I  feel his warmth explode inside of me. Then he pulls out and it's silent  again.

I hear footsteps and then a warm cloth covering me, wiping me off. "Are you still comfortable?" he asks.


"Good, because we've only just begun."

There's one thing I know for certain. This man likes to fuck, long and hard.

I'll need to get into shape just to keep up with him.

The room is silent for a while, until I hear footsteps again. I break  out into goosebumps in anticipation. My heart beats a bit faster and my  pulse races. He unties my hands and pulls me into an upright position.  Then something is pressed to my lips and he says, "Drink." Cool water  runs down my parched throat as I swallow. "More?" he asks. I nod and he  gives me another long drink. I wasn't aware of how thirsty I was.

The glass is gone and replaced by his mouth. Warm lips tease mine, then  travel over my mouth, tasting and exploring. He pushes his tongue  through my lips and makes me forget everything else. If I weren't  already sitting, my knees would buckle from the way he turns me into a  boneless heap of flesh.

"Can you rest your weight on your arms?"

What? I'm trying to figure out his question when he flips me over and  I'm on my hands and knees. "It wasn't a particularly difficult  question."         



"Oh, this."

"Yes. Lean forward on your arms and tell me if it's okay."

I try and my one arm causes me discomfort, so I tell him.

"Lie on your chest. Is that okay?"


Suddenly, a huge mound of pillows is stuffed under my belly and hips  until my butt is raised in the air and my thighs are spread wide. His  mouth is on me once more, tongue drilling into me, making me squirm.

"Hold still," he says against me, and then he blows warm air on me. I'm  still blindfolded, unsure of what's happening. But he stops and I hear  something, though I'm unclear of what until something cool touches me  and is inserted into my backside. I inch away, because it feels weird at  first.

"Hold still. I'm stretching you."

"Stretching me?"


His finger moves around and I'm not quite sure what the hell he's doing  but it feels better and better every second. He keeps playing back there  and it's amazing. When he pulls out I beg for him not to, but he says,  "Relax for me."


I feel something pressing against me. But this time it's not his finger.  He inches in, stops, moves in a bit more, and stops again. Then he  pushes through and at first there's a burn, then a flash of pain. But  he's very still until everything passes in an instant. In the meantime,  he's massaging my clit and I'm completely aroused by this.

"Vivi, how do you feel? Do you want me to stop?"


He begins to move faster, not much, just a little. Enough for me to feel  the full impact of his erection. When he's seated all the way, he asks  me again how I'm feeling and I tell him the truth. This is good. I feel  stretched and full in a weird way, but it's good. Then he picks up a  rhythm, not hard and fast like what he usually does, but super slow. His  fingers find me again and massage my clit until I'm on the verge of  having a mind-blowing climax.

"I'm going to come."

"That's the intention."

When I do, he moves just a fraction faster, holding my hips with both  hands, fingers digging into my flesh. I wish I could see his face when  he comes. But I can't. He groans out his own orgasm and as soon as his  dick stops pulsating, he pulls out.

"I'll be right back after I get rid of this condom."

Condom? Maybe it's better for him that way? Or maybe less messy? I don't  know. He returns and takes off my blindfold. He wears a sexy smile.

"Vivi, I thought your pussy was sweet, but damn if you don't have a sweet as hell ass too."

"Thank you, I think."

He half smiles, wipes me with a warm cloth, then tosses it on the floor. After he unties me, he wants to know if I'm thirsty.

"Yes, I'd love something to drink."

"Other than water?"

"No, water is fine."

He hands me a glass and I guzzle the thing down.

Then we're lying there, him holding me, when he asks, "Did you like it? And I want honesty."

"I did. It's not anything like I thought it would be."

He chuckles and his chest vibrates from it. "How did you think it would be?"

"Painful and  …  gross."

"It can hurt if not done properly." Then he laughs. "Gross, huh?"

"Ugh. I know." I put a pillow over my head. He rips it out of my hands.

"No hiding, Miss-I'll-Punch-Your-Face-In."

"Yeah, she was a bitch and deserved it. But butt love is a little weird."

Now he really lets out a booming laugh. "Butt love?"

"Well, yeah. That's a nice term for it. You were loving on my butt."

"True. And I'm in love with that butt of yours." He squeezes it for emphasis. "Would you be willing to do it again?"

"Sure, but I like it the other way, too."

"So do I. There isn't anything about you, Vivi, I don't love. Why do you  think I was so relentless when I pursued you? Even when you just acted  like you hated me."

Dropping my gaze to my fingers, I don't know what to say. "I never hated  you, Prescott. Never. You were overbearing. Pushy. I didn't know how to  take you. But hate is too strong a word. I feared how I'd react to  you."