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Chasing Vivi(51)

By:A.M. Hargrove

"Why don't we do this? We get ready here, and then we go to your place and you get dressed there?"

That's our plan. The party starts at seven and it's in one of the  company's many hotels. About five-thirty, we head over to Vivi's. I  tease her on the way down to the car about the way she's walking,  telling her she looks like she's been on a dude ranch for a week.

"I have and you're the dude," she comes back at me.

When we get to her place, Eric is there getting ready for the party. We  ask him if he wants to come with us, but he declines because he's  bringing a date.

Vivi asks, "Is it that one guy?"         



"Which guy?" Eric asks.

"You know, the one who gave you"-she motions up and down her body-"that one night."

Eric's face goes up in flames.

"Ahh, one of those nights, huh?" I ask.

"Okay, shut it, you two."

"Well?" Vivi prods.

"I'm not saying," Eric answers.

"It is," Vivi declares, clapping her hands. "Oooh, I can't wait to see Mr. Hot Who Stole Your Sexy that night."

"He did not steal my sexy."

"He did too. You were all swoony that morning."

Eric jumps back. "Oh, like you were with Mr. Fancy Pants here?"

"Mr. Fancy Pants?" I ask. "I'm not Fancy Pants."

Both of them say, "Right."

Then Vivi adds, "Look at your clothes."

Glancing down, I look. I only wear tailor-made clothing. Yeah, okay, I get their point.

"See," Vivi says triumphantly.

"Well, you better get used to it, missy, because it won't be long before you're going to be Mrs. Fancy Pants."

Two sets of eyes are stuck on me like glue. I didn't mean to say that,  it just sort of came out. I decide to go with it. "So own it." And I  turn away. "Now, you'd better get dressed or we'll be late. And I can't  be late being one of the principals of the company, and all, so get a  move on, Little Wolf."

She scurries past Eric to her room. A few minutes later she comes out  holding three dresses and asks which one. I pick a black one that's on  the short and sexy side, yet it's simple, too, so it will highlight  Vivi's beauty. When she returns dressed, she's striking. Then she asks  if she should wear her hair up or down.

"Always down. Every time I look at your hair I want to run my fingers through it. If it's up, I'd want to tear it down."

"Then I guess I'm ready."

Eric tells us to have fun and we leave.

When we get in the car, Vivi breaks into a barrage of rambling words.

"Who will be there? What should I say about why I'm with you? What will  they think? Maybe I shouldn't have come? They'll probably think I'm the  company whore. Oh my God, I'm having a panic attack. I'm gonna be sick.  Help me, Prescott."

Maybe teasing will help? "Calm it down there, Little Wolf. My God,  you're on the road to being a motor mouth and not making any sense.  Where's that MIT brain of yours? You can fuck the paint off a fence.  Trust me, you'll be fine at this party."

"What? How is that supposed to calm me down? Whatever you do, don't leave me for a second or I'll pee myself."

"It was a joke," I say. "An epic fail of one."

I have to find a way to get her to calm down. Maybe sincerity is best.

"Listen to me, Vivi. You're an accomplished woman. You're smart as a  whip, the most beautiful woman I know, and you're clearly heads above  most people. You're going to be fine. Believe in yourself for a change."

Granddad and Grand are arriving as we do and once we're inside where  it's warm, I introduce Vivi to Grand. Then Grand surprises me by saying,  "It's so lovely to see you again, dear. And you're looking so much  better. What a beauty you are. Well, you were beautiful even with all  those bruises but now, you're magnificent."

"Thank you, Sara, and it's a pleasure seeing you again, too."

"Wait, am I missing something here?"

"Prescott, did I not tell you I paid a visit to Vivi when she was staying with you after her unfortunate incident?"

"Grand! No, you did not, and, Vivi, neither did you."

Grand puts her arm around Vivi and laughs. "You know how us girls forget things like that."

"My ass, you do."

"Scotty, don't use such crass language around me," Grand scolds me.

"Yes, ma'am, but I wish you had told me of this visit."

Granddad steps in. "Son, you're wasting your time. This woman will do  what she wants, when she wants, and will tell whom she wants. So my  suggestion is to forget about it and move on. Besides, it looks like  they got along just fine."

"Indeed, we did," Grand says. "If we hadn't, I would have told you about  the visit and warned you to stay away from her. Now can we move  ourselves toward the party? I, for one, would absolutely adore a glass  of champagne."

Grand takes Vivi by the arm and the two of them walk together to the  ballroom where the party will be held. Their heads are bent together, so  there's no telling what's being shared between them.         



Granddad and I trail behind them like trained dogs.

"Is she always like this?" I ask.

"Your grandmother is."

Hmm. I never noticed this about her before.

The room is empty when we enter, save for the hotel employees and event  planners. They're all rushing around handling last minute preparations.  One of the Whitworth employees comes up to me to ask how everything  looks. I let her know things are great and how pleased I am with  everyone's hard work. She smiles her appreciation and rushes back to the  staff to let them know. The food tables are filled and waiting to be  uncovered for the guests.

We have approximately twenty minutes before everyone starts arriving.  The bar is open and waiters walk around with trays of champagne glasses.  Grand snags two for her and Vivi. They clink glasses and share a secret  smile. I need to find out what that's all about, so I sidle up to them.

"So, ladies, how's it going?"

"Perfect," Vivi answers. "The room is gorgeous."

"Not as gorgeous as you." I kiss her cheek.

"You two are so cute together. I can't wait to see the great-grandchildren you'll give me," Grand says.

"Grand, don't you think that's a bit premature?"

"Not at all, Scotty. You're all over her like a blanket. I've never seen anything like it with you. I think it's fabulous."

This is awkward. "Thanks for your approval," I say. "But right now,  before this party gets started, I'm going to steal my girl away for a  minute."

I escort Vivi to a private corner and apologize for Grand's forwardness. Then I ask her what she and Grand were discussing.

"Nothing. Just girl stuff."

"Why didn't you tell me she came to visit?"

"I forgot about it. It was when we had our falling out and other things  took priority. She's quite the grand lady, though. And I'll say this.  You are her number one priority."

"Yeah, I've always been her favorite. I guess after Mom died, she took  it upon herself to fulfill that role, which included me never getting  hurt again. Sometimes she goes a little overboard. She usually hates the  girls I date, so consider yourself lucky."

"She did say I was the first one with a brain."

I throw back my head and laugh. "Leave it to her to say that. She always  told me to look for someone with more than just a large chest." I  nuzzle her neck for a second and then I add, "It's a good thing she  doesn't know how much I love that tight pussy of yours."

"Yeah, well, let's keep that between us." Her hand moves to my cheek as she presses her lips to mine briefly.

"Mmm, is that cherry I taste?"

"Yep, sure is and maybe a little champagne too."

The room is beginning to fill with people, so I take her hand and ask, "Are you good now? You seem relaxed."

"I'm fine. Just don't stray too far."

"I'll never stray from you, Vivi. I promise." I bring her hand to my lips. "Like it or not, you're stuck with me."

"I like." She straightens my tie. "Have I told you how great you look tonight?"

"You just did and thank you."


"What?" I ask.

"Too bad we're not alone. I have this urge."

"Shut up. It doesn't look good to have a stiffie in front of all my employees, especially in these pants."

A tinkling laugh bubbles out of her. "Guess not. Okay, onward to the lions."

"Hey, you're a wolf. You can handle it."


The night goes by well, as we have a few business announcements, but not  many. Vivi chats a lot with Dan. We see Erik and his hot date, as Vivi  calls him. But all the single women are eyeing Vivi and me. I knew it  would happen, but it doesn't matter because they never stood a chance to  begin with. Some of them look on in envy, and others whisper together. I  wonder what they'll think when they see her in the building as an  employee soon.

The band plays and strikes up a slow song. I drag Vivi out onto the  floor, and even though she protests, I want her swaying in my arms, to  the beat of the music. She looks up at me with gleaming eyes and her  face radiates happiness.