Reading Online Novel

Chasing Vivi(36)

"Where did you disappear to last night?"

I turn toward her. "I, ah, slept upstairs."

"I see."

No, she doesn't. Slipping into the closet, I quickly dress. All my  clothes are perfectly organized. Shirts by color, then suits. Ties are  arranged in drawers, nicely laid out and also by color. I'm picky about  this because it makes getting dressed so much easier.

I finish tying my tie and walk back out to face her.

"Prescott, if I make you uncomfortable, I can leave."

"No, it's not-"         



"Please don't lie to me. I don't want to stay where I'm not wanted. Put yourself in my shoes for a minute."

She's right. I must've made her feel awful. But, shit, I feel awful too, and I don't know how to respond to her.

"Look, I'm running late this morning. Regina should be here any minute  and will take care of you. If she doesn't suit your needs, you can fire  her. But I have to go." And then I do the chicken shit move and leave.

"Prescott," she calls out behind me, but I don't stop. My feet are on a  mission, straight to the door and they keep right on going.

"Prescott, wait," I hear as the door closes. Come on, elevator.

The doors open, I step in, and down we go, before she has a chance to  stop me. When I get outside, a driver is already waiting for me. The  ride to work is tense. I hated doing what I did to her.

Then my phone dings.

Nice move, Ace. What's up with you? Tell me what's going on. I need to know. You won't even speak to me.

My finger taps the phone. What do I text back?

We'll talk tonight. Just a lot on my mind. Big meeting today and I have to go to Atlanta on Wednesday. Let me know about Regina.

Suddenly, I feel like the proverbial married couple that has issues and  doesn't talk them out, instead talking around them. Here I am telling  her I have to go to Atlanta on Wednesday like it's something I should  naturally report to her. How weird is that?

Lynn is already at her desk when I arrive and she lets me know in plain words I look like crap.

"Is everything okay?"

She's fishing for information on Vivi. Should I bring her into the fold?  I'm so fucking confused, I don't know what the hell to do. I'm the  twelve-year-old who just saw a girl he likes for the first time. Fuck  me. That has to be it.

I've never done this-had a relationship with girls, that is-so I didn't  get the chance to go through the growing pains of relationship building.  I'm so ill at ease I don't even know how it's supposed to work. All I  know is to find pussy, fuck it, and leave the minute I tire of it. I  don't know what to do when I actually like a woman, and not just for the  sex.

"No, nothing is okay, if you want the truth."

She follows me into my office.

"What's wrong? Is Vivi okay?"

How do I answer this loaded question? Lynn stares, and if she does it long enough, she'll puzzle me out in no time.

"Talk to me, Prescott. You look like you don't know what's up or down.  And if you don't stop with the hair thing and rubbing your chin, you'll  have a bald spot and a chafed face."

"You certainly pick up on cues, don't you?"

"My husband says I should've been a detective."

"I don't know what to do with her."


"No. Queen Elizabeth."

"Smart-ass. What do you mean?"

I can't bring myself to speak.

"Does she want to take walks or something?"

"Oh, Jesus, you are so far off base, it's not funny. And of all people, I thought you'd jump on this train and figure me out."

She laughs. Totally cracks up. What the hell?

"Prescott is at a loss. I love it. You of all people, who always have women falling at your feet."

"I do not," I huff.

"You don't think I notice all the girls in the admin pool who  practically throw themselves at you? But you're smart as a whip and know  better not to tangle yourself with them. However, they still do it. You  could have any woman in this town. All you'd have to do is snap your  fingers. And you, my dear boy, are at a complete loss as to how to  handle Miss Vivi Renard. Do you know why?"

"No! Isn't that the point of this conversation?"

"You are falling for the poor girl."

"Poor girl? So you feel sorry for her?"

"Yes, because I'm afraid you're going to allow her to open one of your  many doors-and you don't think I know that you have more than one, but I  do-and when she gets one foot in, you'll slam the thing on it and break  it into a million pieces in the process. And stop scrunching up your  brow so much. I'm going to have to send you to my plastic surgeon for  some Botox if you don't quit."

"Can we please stay on topic for a second? Why do you think I'll break her foot?"

"It's her heart, you big dummy. I was using the door and foot image as a metaphor."

"Whatever. Why do you think I'll do it?"

"Because you're scared. Look at you. Have you looked in the mirror? Mr. Confidence has morphed into Mr. Confused."         



"You're not helping." And she's not. I'm looking for advice, not criticism. Then again, I'm not giving her much to go on.

"What exactly is it I'm supposed to help with? I just gave you my  opinion. What more do you want? You're afraid to let yourself go. Do you  want to know what I think you should do? Is that what you're asking?"

I rub my chin and scratch my head. She grabs both hands and pulls them  down. "Stop it already. You're acting like you have fleas or something."

"I give up. What do you think I should do?"

"Court the woman."


"Date her. Don't try to screw her brains out like I know you usually do."

"I do not."

She huffs, "Oh, come on. I've smelled you reeking of sex after some of your little lunch trysts."

I take a step back. "Why didn't you say something?"

She shrugs. "Anyway, back to Vivi. She has something that most women don't. Do you want to know what it is?"

"Yes. And just say what's on your mind and stop dragging me along like this."

"Okay. She has integrity, brains, and she doesn't give a damn about who  you are, how much money you have in the bank, or what you do for a  living. In other words, Prescott Whitworth Beckham, if that woman ends  up falling in love with you, she'll fall for you and not your name,  connections, or how much you're worth. And that's exactly why you should  go after her with everything you've got. Woo her, but gently. And bare  your fucking soul to her. Get rid of your demons. She won't hold  anything against you. Vivi has a pure heart. Don't you see it?"

"I don't know if I can do it."

"Then it will be the gravest mistake of your life and the greatest loss you ever sustained."

She turns away and leaves, closing the door softly behind her.

Maybe she's right. What if I dove in head first? The worst thing that  could happen is she'd look at me differently and then what? She'd leave  and I'd never see her again. We run in different circles so not a  problem, right? Except, it's a huge problem, because I want her.

Bad enough to change my entire life, though?

Taking a risk for Vivi shouldn't be this difficult, but it is. How will I  ever shed my cowardly skin and get brave enough to do it? The only way I  know is to try. Only I don't know if I have the balls to do it.

Grow some, motherfucker, grow some.

Chapter 24


Prescott leaves and the place is eerily quiet. My brain scrambles for  answers, but finds none. Whatever I did, it'll have to wait until I can  question him again. And who knows if he'll give me an answer.

Shoving those thoughts away, I get up and brush my teeth. The doorbell  rings in the bathroom. Leave it to Prescott to think of everything. I  shrug the robe on, look out, and press the intercom.


"It's Regina."

"Hang on."

Opening the door, I greet her and introduce myself, telling her how  happy I am she's here. She's perhaps in her late forties, early fifties,  and reminds me of my mom. Her hair is graying, and she doesn't bother  with coloring it. It's cut short and nicely styled. She's dressed in  casual navy pants and a nice white shirt.

"Mr. Beckham told me about your injuries. I'm terribly sorry and I hope you're feeling better."

"I am, thank you. I would love a shower. Except, I need my arm wrapped.  Can you help?" I explained how Prescott did it, so she follows my  instructions.

Regina laughs and is engaging to talk to as she tells me about herself.  Both of her two children have graduated from college. She beams with  pride as she says they are the first ones in both her and her husband's  family to have done so.

"That is wonderful," I comment.

By the time she finishes helping me with my arm, I feel like she's my  friend. When I'm done, she helps me with my hair and getting dressed.

"Would you like to go outside today?" she asks. "You know, to get some fresh air?"

The idea sounds very appealing and I wonder if I'll be frightened. "I think I would. I may move a little slow, however."