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Chasing Vivi(33)

By:A.M. Hargrove



"Now can I touch your cheek?"

"Oh, is there something special about my cheek?"

"Not just your cheek."

"My ass, then? I've been told-"

"Shut up, Prescott, you're ruining it for me."

The mirth disappears from him and strips me of my defenses. My heart  flutters wildly, because he can't possibly do what I think he might.

But he does. His head inches closer and so do his lips, the ones I've  always dreamed of for years, the ones I've fantasized about until I  climaxed. When they touch mine, they are as light as butterflies dancing  across my flesh. I imagine it's because he doesn't want to hurt my  already misshapen lips. I open my mouth to sigh and his tongue pushes  through. I fist his shirt with my hand and pull him to me, but he holds  firm, keeps it gentle. It's all I can do not to crush myself against  him.

When he breaks the kiss, my body aches for more and I moan.

"Vivi, I don't want to hurt you. Your face and arm need to heal." Is  this the same man who, at one time, could only talk about fucking me?

"Who are you and what have you done to Prescott Beckham?"

"I think maybe Vivienne Renard is turning him into a better man."

Prescott isn't a very easy man to read, unless he's angry, but this time  I look into golden eyes that are open, honest, and caring.

Chapter 21


Talk about baring one's soul. The greatest thing of all, though, is the  vulnerability didn't come as I thought it would. Why is that? Maybe it  was the kiss that accompanied it-and the fact that she wanted it to go  on and I had to stop makes me feel like a fucking king sitting on top of  the world.

If she wasn't in such bad shape, I would've let it continue-but her face  wasn't exactly in ready-for-kissing condition. One thing stopping did,  though, was gain her respect. Or I think it did. She gazed at me warmly  as I tucked her into bed last night anyway.

We spend a quiet, lazy Sunday morning together, before discussing hiring  someone to stay with her while I'm at work. Eric comes to visit in the  afternoon and at one point makes such a fuss, I have to steer him aside  and tell him to pull his shit together.

"She's been through it, man. Don't let her see you react like this. She  needs your strength, not some pussy shit. Got it? If you can't handle  it, you gotta leave."

He runs his hands through his hair over and over. "Lucas said it was  bad, really bad. But I, shit, yeah, okay. You're right. All I want to do  is hug her."

"Hug her, but do it like a man. And don't squeeze her. She's broken, Eric. She needs you. She needs us all."

"Okay, got it."

I have to hand it to him. He squares his shoulders and heads straight for Vivi with no hesitation in his steps.

"Vivi, tell me what you need from me. I can do whatever. Sit with you,  help you when I don't have to work, just say the word. I've got your  back."

"Thanks, Eric. Do you know anyone who does hair? I need this mop washed."

I perk up at that. I want to be the one who washes that mane of hers. "Uh, Vivi, I can help you with that."

"You wouldn't mind?"

My sour look conveys my answer and I instantly regret it as she  shrivels. I soften my tone, saying, "Of course not. I'd love to help."

That's the honest truth. The idea of sinking my hands into her lustrous  hair, of feeling my fingers running through the thick, wet strands makes  my dick perk up. I'd better stop thinking about this.

"See, Prescott will help you." Eric smiles warmly and pats her good arm.  "Oh, I almost forgot. I'm such a loser." He reaches for the bag he  carried inside and pulls out several items, one being a paperback, some  gossip magazines, a book of crossword puzzles, and a box of chocolates.

"This is so sweet. Thank you, Eric."

"I thought you'd need something to occupy your mind, other than the TV.  That book is supposed to be really good. The girl at the bookstore said  it was the latest in hot romance."

Vivi likes hot romances?

"Just what I need," she says. Vivi eyes me shyly, and it's pretty damn  cute. I wonder if she's blushing. It's impossible to tell because of the  bruising on her face. "The crossword puzzles are sure to keep me busy  for days."

Eric makes a comment about how smart she is and that she'll have them  all completed within a week, but I'm still thinking about the romance  novel and her little remark. After a few more minutes, I excuse myself  and leave the two of them alone to chat-most likely about me. The last  thing I want to do is crowd her. Giving her space and allowing her to  feel at ease will hopefully allow her to relax here faster.         



Heading to my home office, I call Grand to check in. She was concerned  about Vivi and I want to find out if she may know of someone who could  possibly come in and sit with her while I'm at work.

"How's your friend, Prescott?"

"She's settled in here, for the time being." And I bring her up to speed on things.

"Let me make a call and I'll get back to you."

I thank her and try to get a little work done while I wait. When I turn  on my computer, there's an email waiting from the law firm with a list  of recommendations for Vivi. It includes the names of ten psychiatrists  who deal in PTSD. I print the list. Starting with the first name, I  begin my research and take notes. After the tenth one, I'm satisfied  with all of them. Vivi can decide who she wants to see.

Moving on to my calendar for tomorrow, I get things lined up. I have a  busy day since I haven't been in the office since Wednesday. When I  check the week, I've forgotten that I'm supposed to go to Atlanta  Wednesday night and meet with Weston and Special. We're signing the  final contracts for the franchising of A Special Place on Thursday. That  means I'll need to have someone here with Vivi, or Eric will have to  stay here. I also make a note to schedule an interview with him and our  interior design team. The rest of my week looks pretty set. When I check  the clock, I realize how much time has passed. Just as I'm about to  leave my office, my phone rings.

"Hi, Grand."

"I may have the perfect person for you. She lives in Brooklyn and is looking for part-time work."

"That's great. Did you tell her this would only be only for a few weeks at the most?"

"Yes, and she was fine with that. Here's her number."

After thanking Grand, I call her. Her name is Regina and she sounds  great. She is ready to come in tomorrow at seven-thirty and will bring a  list of references with her. She gives me a detailed report of how many  people she's worked for and the reason she's not working is her current  employer is recovering from a fall and is in restorative care. She'll  be out for another four to six weeks. This is ideal-not for her  employer, of course, but for Vivi. I finish up in here and head back  into the living room.

Eric and Vivi are laughing. Her laugh reminds me of champagne bubbles as  they float to the top of a glass. And it makes me happy to hear that  sound.

When she sees me, she says, "Prescott, Eric was telling me about the  restaurant. This woman came in a few weeks ago and was a real jerk to  me. The manager sided with her and it pretty much pissed me off.  Apparently, she came back yesterday and he had to wait on her. Even he  got her order wrong and got so flustered he had to have another waiter  step in and handle things."

"Served him right, too, for the way he treated you, Viv," Eric says.

"She must've been a bitch," I say.

Eric laughs. "Or worse. Personally, I think she needed to get laid. But then again, don't we all."

A hush settles over the room and Vivi clears her throat.

Eric doesn't let it go. "Oh, I didn't mean  …  what I meant was-"

"We get it, Eric." I save the poor guy from him cramming his entire leg  down his throat. "I came in here to ask if you'd like to join us for  dinner. I was going to order something in."

"Yasss. Come on, Eric."

When Vivi says that, it's hard to say no. Eric ends up eating with us as  I order in Italian from a great little restaurant around the corner  from here. During dinner, I let Vivi know about Regina's interview  tomorrow morning.

"I can't let you do that. You've done too much already."

"You can't stay alone. Besides, it's done already."

"It costs too much," she insists.

Eric blinks and stares, like he's watching a tennis match. Normally, I'd  want this to be private, but he's as concerned about Vivi as I am.

"Vivi, be serious. Do you honestly think I can't afford it?"

She squirms. "It's not that. Of course you can afford it. I can't and I'd want to pay you back."

"I wouldn't think of it." I stand firm.

"Prescott, I'm racking up all kinds of debt with you."

"Um, in my book, the definition of debt is something that is owed. You don't owe me a thing, hence no debt."

Her arms fold over her body and she doesn't exactly appear thrilled.  This isn't what I want. It's not about the money and she needs to  understand that. Before I can explain that, Eric comes to the rescue.