Reading Online Novel

Chasing Vivi(31)



"It's more like two days."

She rubs the chill off her hands. "So what can I do?"

"Follow me." I lead her into my bedroom until we get right outside the bathroom door. "Vivi? Is everything okay in there?"

Her small voice comes back to us. "Yeah, I'm good."

Through the door, I explain that Lynn, my admin from work who she met  that day at the restaurant, has come in, just in case she needs some  help. "She's like my mom, so if you need a hand getting out of the tub,  give us a shout, okay?"

"Thank you. I think I will. This arm is useless."

"Are you ready now?"

"Yes, please."

"She's bruised up something terrible, so be prepared," I whisper to Lynn.

Lynn nods as she walks into the bathroom and I hear her introducing  herself. I hear them chatting as I leave the bedroom, closing the door  behind me.

Maybe it's time to put the coffee on or order in some food. I'd better  make the coffee and wait until they show up. When they do, Lynn's brows  are drawn together and she's biting her lip. Vivi shuffles around like  she's older than Grand. She grimaces with each step and her eyes crimp  at the corners. Clearly she's in pain.

"Vivi, when did you last take your pain medication?" I ask.

"Before I left the hospital. I don't like the way it makes me feel."

Vivi twists her fingers, and Lynn gains my attention over her head.

"I understand, but you need to keep the pain under control. Let me get  you some water and one of your pills. Are you hungry? Can I get you some  coffee?"

"I'm hungry, but my stomach feels off."

"Probably because you haven't eaten much. I can order in."

Lynn huffs out a response. "Don't you have anything here?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't cook and Gerard has the week off."

"Didn't I tell you he was a spoiled brat, Vivi?" she said, as she  prances off into the kitchen. The sounds of cabinet doors opening and  pots banging come to us and I smile. Leave it to Lynn to take over.

"I like her," Vivi says.

"So do I. She's my lifesaver in the office."

"I can tell."

"I'll be right back." Her pain pills are on the nightstand, where I left  them, so I dump one out of the bottle and bring it to her. "Would you  like water? Juice? You name it."

"Water, please."

I get into the kitchen to see Lynn cooking an old-fashioned breakfast.

"I thought this would do her some good."

"I agree. What did you want?"

"She's in terrible shape, Prescott," she whispers. "I've never seen anything like it."

Rubbing my face, I agree with her. "I wasn't there when it happened and  it was a good thing. I probably would've killed the motherfucker."

"You've known her awhile. Why the sudden interest now?"

"She moved here recently. I haven't seen her in years."

Lynn sees more in me than I'm willing to share. "Do you mind if I go hit the treadmill while you cook. I'm-"

"Go. I'll hold down the fort."

After making sure Vivi takes her pill I change and run a very hard  thirty minutes. When I'm done, I'm actually slightly calmer. Grabbing a  towel as I leave the room, I rejoin the ladies. Lynn is about finished  cooking and Vivi appears more relaxed.

"Has the medicine kicked in yet?"

"Some. I'm better."

"Good." I tell Lynn not to wait on me. I head to the shower first and  when I notice some of Vivi's things in the bathroom, a sense of  uncertainty slides over me. I want her here, yes, and I want to help  her, but how far do I want to take this? Will she expect more from me  and if so how much?

Am I jumping to conclusions? I'm confused because I don't even know what  exactly it is I want with her. I need to stop repeating this ridiculous  conversation in my head and just move forward already.

Water streams down my back and washes the remainder of my frustrations  away. By the time I get dressed, the tightening in my chest has eased.

"It smells really good in here," I say. "Bacon, one of the best aromas ever."

Vivi sits at the counter and I ask her if she's comfortable there.

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Are you right-handed?"

"No, left," she says.

"Shall I feed you, then?" It's her left arm that's broken.

"No, I may need you to wipe my face, though, if I make a mess of myself."

"I can do that."         



Vivi says to Lynn, "Thank you for cooking this. It looks and smells so delicious. I can't remember the last full meal I've had."

Lynn cooked pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns. Damn, I had no idea I had potatoes here.

We eat in silence. My plate shines after I'm done. "I was starved. That  was excellent, Lynn. Thank you." When I get up to clean, Lynn starts to  protest, but I shut her down. "You cooked, I clean. My house, my rules."

It doesn't take long because Lynn is a neat cook and cleaned up as she went. Vivi droops in her chair. "Vivi. How about a nap?"

"Can I sleep here? I'm too tired to move. All that food, you know."

"I have a better idea." Before she can object, I pick her up and carry  her into the bedroom. "Let me get a blanket." There's a throw on the  couch, so I grab it and cover her. "Now sleep." Her eyes are already  closed.

Lynn and I work while she naps. She wants to know all about Vivi and I tell her a little bit, filling her in about the attack.

"That shit needs to go to prison forever."

"I wish. But if I have anything to do with it, he'll serve time now. I have Neil's firm on it."

"Neil? Isn't he corporate law?"

"Neil is, but there's a criminal division in his firm that will handle it."

"What about her family? Where are they? Has she called them?"

"She doesn't have anyone. Her parents are deceased and she's alone."

Lynn throws her hands up in the air. "That's it. I'm adopting her. The poor child."

"I know."

"Why, Prescott Beckham, you've more than a soft spot for this girl, don't you?"

"Not up for discussion."

"Remember when I asked you to ease up on the drinking?"


Her hand wraps around my forearm. "I never mentioned another word to you  about that, but I know you did. You never came into work again stinking  like a distillery. If I were a betting woman, I'd say Vivi had  something to do with it."

"Your point?"

"My point is this. That is an extremely fragile woman in there. I love  you like a son. But you are as stubborn as a mule and you grew up the  hard way, Prescott. I was at Whitworth when it was all unfolding. I  witnessed the arguments between your grandfather and your father. You  have a backbone forged of steel. I'm not sure if she does. She may. All  I'm saying is be gentle with her. She's not your run of the mill girl  you're used to dating."

"You don't have to tell me that."

"She's just so  …  broken at the moment."

"So, what you're saying is I'm not the guy to put her back together?"

"I'm not sure anyone can right now."

Chapter 19


Lynn and I are standing near the kitchen counter when a piercing scream jars us both out of the conversation.

Fuck, Vivi!

When I get to the bedroom, Vivi is thrashing on the bed, trapped in the  coverlet. She's fighting it as though her life depends on it.

"Vivi, it's me, Prescott. Wake up." Touching her face, her puffy eyes  twitch open and focus. Then those same eyes dart about the room, until  they settle back on me. "Everything's fine. You're safe."

"I was dreaming. I was back in that room and I couldn't move."

"It was a nightmare. But I'm here now. He can't hurt you and I'm going  to do everything in my power to make it impossible for him to ever touch  you again."

She leans into my chest and I feel her trembling. "I don't want to  sleep, because I relive it all over again. I can smell him, taste his  blood when I bit him, feel his breath against my skin, hear the hatred  in his voice." She shudders violently.

What the fuck do I say to that? I want to find the fucker and shove his  dick so far up his ass he'll spit the damn thing out his mouth.

"I'm sorry. But I'm here for as long as you need me and I swear I'll do  everything I know to protect you. I don't know much about what to say to  make you feel better. Quite honestly, I'm at a loss. But whatever you  want from me, just ask. I'll fucking give it to you, I promise."

"Does Eric know I'm here? And Lucas? I don't want them to worry."

"Yes, Eric and Lucas are aware."

"I don't want you to leave. I'm afraid, Prescott. And I feel like such a big dork for saying that."

"Don't be ridiculous. We're going to find someone for you to talk to  about this. You're suffering from PTSD and you can't fix this by  yourself, you know?"         



"I can't afford to seek help."