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Chasing Vivi(27)

By:A.M. Hargrove


"That's right. You. Can't. Have. Her. No matter how hard you try. She'll never be yours."

What the fuck? Then it hits me. He still thinks I'm after the step-cunt.  Shoving him off me, I growl in his face, "I don't want her. I never  have. And she's playing you for a fool." Removing myself from his  presence, I walk to my office, head held high, and notice how everyone  on the floor is staring. "Sorry for the disruption, everyone."

Lynn follows me inside and closes the door. "Jesus, this place is a soap opera today."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"I can't because you know everything."

Falling back into my chair, I say, "And I thought today was starting out great." I lean my head back and groan.

"It's not all bad. You closed the deal. And your dad won't be here to make you feel like shit anymore."

"You're right about that. But he has it in his head that I'm after his  stupid wife. And she's fucking around on him only he doesn't see it."

"He will when she dumps him. As soon as she finds out about today, she'll move on to greener pastures."

"You think?" I ask.

"Hell, yes. Jeff is what, fifty?"

"He's forty-nine."

"Okay, and she's what, in her thirties?" Lynn asks.

"Maybe late thirties."

"Prescott, she'll want a younger, richer version of him, which was why she was hitting on you."

I shudder at the thought. "That's sick."

"Just saying. Anyway, I hate to break up your self-pity party, but while  you were in the meeting, five calls came in that you need to handle  right away. All of them are urgent and have to do with the merger you're  working on."

"On it. And FYI, it was not a self-pity party. I'm just blown away by everything."

She pats me on the back. "I know you are." Lynn gets the whole situation as she's been with me throughout the entire mess.

"Hey, Lynn, thank you."

She gives me a thumbs-up on her way out the door.

I take care of the phone calls and Granddad comes in. He wants to discuss the house.

"The house?"

"The house you grew up in."

"Oh, you mean Dad's."

"No, son, it's not your dad's. It's yours."


Granddad explains that my grandparents bought the house for my parents  to live in when they got married, but the deed is still in their names,  which makes them the current owners. They've only allowed Dad to stay  there because of me, but under the circumstances, they don't feel  comfortable with that anymore. They're signing the deed over to me  because they believe my mother would've wanted it this way.

I start to laugh, a little at first, but then I'm bent over at the  waist. "Oh, God, that bitch will die when she finds out. And thanks,  Granddad, for making me do the dirty work."

He laughs right along with me. "Hey, Scotty, do you think her lips will be able to handle the shock?"

We're both snorting so loud that Lynn comes in to check on us. "Are you two up to no good?"

"You might say that," I answer her.

"I'm glad to see your spirits have lifted."

"Oh, they have."

Lynn leaves, and suddenly I rethink things. "Granddad, would you mind if I sit on this for a bit?"

"What do you mean?"

When I stop to think about it, I don't want to stoop to his level. My  grandparents had a better influence on me than that. Even though it may  sound crazy after all the shit he's put me through the last few years, I  don't feel good about evicting him from the house. Her, I wouldn't  mind. But he's my father and even though he may not have much integrity,  I do.

Granddad beams. "I've said it before, but I don't say it nearly enough.  Your mother would be so proud of the man you've become. Take all the  time you want, son." He leaves before I can respond.

Those words always stagger me. I've never thought of myself as someone  who'd make my mom proud. To hear him say that means more than I can say.  As I analyze it, a question arises. When did I become so caring? For  whatever reason, I attribute this change in me in part to Vivi. A mere  few days ago, I would've told my dad to kiss my ass. Now, I'm making a  conscious effort to become a better person. I know I treat my employees  well, but I do have a nasty streak that sneaks out from time to time.  But if I can behave exactly like I did about the house, maybe I'll  become my grandfather instead of my father. It's Granddad I've always  admired.         



Maybe if I can let go all of the issues I have with Dad and focus on the  future, I can become a better man-a man I'd be proud to be.

When I get home that night, I text Vivi, but then I remember she's  probably still at work. So I'm surprised when I get a response.

The restaurant. 7:30

I text her back.

Dogs or cats?

She hits me with: Neither. Fox.

Isn't she something? Maybe I should just call her Foxy. But that won't  work since she's already my Little Wolf. It's almost six. I better get a  move on if I'm going to find a stuffed fox before I pick her up. I have  to drive uptown to make the purchase and bribe them to stay open, too.  But I make it worth their while.

When I get to the restaurant, I'm early, so I leave my little surprise  in the backseat, get out of the car, and wait a few doors down. She  comes out and sees the waiting vehicle, with the driver standing next to  the door. She greets him as he opens the door for her, but when she  gets a look at what's sitting on the seat, she throws her head back and  lets out a loud belly laugh that can be heard all the way down the  street.

I jog over to the car. "You like?"

"Oh my God. This is too funny! Where did you get it?"

"Uptown. Do you like his hat?"

She tries to grab the thing out of the car, but it's too large. It's a  giant stuffed wolf, with a cowboy hat that rests on its head at a jaunty  angle. The thing is ridiculously funny because it has a stupid little  grin. What makes it even better is that on its lap is a baby fox, also  wearing a hat.

"The hat's the best. Maybe I can borrow it sometime."

"Nah, your ears won't fit through."

"What do you mean?"

"Hers are stuffed through the little holes on top."

"Ahh. I see. This is perfect. Thank you for Mr. Wolf." She leans up and kisses my cheek.

"Anything for you, Little Wolf. And it's Ms. Wolf. Couldn't you tell by her skirt?"

She tries to hold in a laugh, but isn't successful. "I forgot about Little Wolf."

"I didn't."

"You don't seem the type who forgets about anything." She raises a brow.

"Mmm. You're probably right. Come on. Let's get out of here. Have you eaten?"

"Actually, no."

"Good. Neither have I. What would you like?"

"You choose," she says.

We end up at a small bistro near our homes and order dinner. She asks me  about my day and I end up telling her what happened with Dad. She  actively listens and is compassionate about the incident.

"Oh, Prescott, you must've been devastated by his behavior. I'm so sorry  you had to experience that." She grabs my hand and I want to fold. This  is different from my grandmother offering me sympathy, or my  grandfather understanding that my dad is a complete dick and idiot. This  is Vivi, who is an outsider to this situation, but she's empathetic and  kind. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't want her to see this  vulnerability.

Clearing my throat, I straighten in my seat. "It's fine. I'm used to it  by now." A weird chuckle leaks out of me. Jesus, get a hold of yourself,  dude. You sound like a girl. Then a tingling sensation sweeps up the  back of my neck and over my face. I swear to God, if I'm blushing, I'll  die.

"Excuse me a second." I tear out of my seat like a firecracker exploded  in my pants. When I get to the bathroom sink, I look in the mirror and  my skin is the color of a summertime tomato. What the fuck will she  think of me? That I'm the biggest pussy on the damn Earth, that's what. I  have just emasculated myself.

The door opens and some dude walks in. I need to pull it together and  get out of here. After I splash cold water on my cheeks, I return to a  waiting and concerned Vivi.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. For a minute there  … "

"Do you want to leave?"

"We haven't gotten our food yet," I say.

"We can get it to go. It's fine."

I can't believe my own ears when I say, "You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all. You might be coming down with something."

"Maybe." A big fat case of pussyitis. I signal to our waiter and  instruct him to make our dinner to go. He brings it a few moments later,  boxed up and labeled. When I drop Vivi off, I have to help her inside  because of the huge stuffed critter. She laughs all the way upstairs as I  struggle with the ridiculous gift. But I'm happy she likes it. When I  say good night, I thank her for listening.

"Anytime you want to talk, Prescott, call me. I'm a good listener."