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Chasing Vivi(19)

By:A.M. Hargrove

With his shitty attitude, I'm not sure I want to anymore. "I don't think so."

"We have a deal, Vivi."

"Yeah, we did. But I found a roommate, so I no longer need a place to live."

"What the hell do you mean you found a roommate?" His voice booms.

"I'm not sure how much plainer I can be."

He runs a hand through his too sexy hair. "Who is it?"

"Why is that important?"

"Just answer the fucking question."

"Lower your voice and it's none of your business."

"Yesterday, you were living in a fucking nightmare of a place in  Brooklyn and last night you agreed to our deal. I set you up in The  James. Today you went to work, and now you suddenly have a roommate? I  want to know who it is. Is this person trustworthy or will they steal  you blind?"

The idea of that has me laughing. "Seriously? Have you bothered to notice my stuff? Who in the hell would want to steal it?"

His jaws clamp together so hard his teeth click. The tic on his cheek  picks up speed, telling me exactly how much I've pissed him off.

"The truth is, I've been looking for a roommate to share bills and the  cost of rent, but I haven't met anyone until now. My new job led me to  that person."

"Oh, and who might that be?"

"Eric. The guy who just left."

His hand suddenly snakes out and clasps my wrist, pulling me into the  steel wall of his chest. "Like hell. He's the last person you'll be  living with, if I have anything to say about it."

His mouth crashes onto mine, cutting off any chance of a reply, along  with all coherent thoughts in my head. I'll say this for him. Prescott  Beckham is one sinfully sexy kisser, but not in the way I imagined. The  kiss is savage, vicious, and yet sensual. While it lacks tenderness,  it's filled with everything a kiss should be-lust, passion, and fire.  Every nerve in my body hums, sending my pulse racing. I know one thing.  If I'm not careful, my heart will most certainly be in this game,  whether I want it to or not.

Chapter 12


Vivi live with another man? Over my dead body.

I'll just have to show her a thing or two about who's the boss in this  little thing that's going on between us. And fuck whatever plans I had  on being nice. When she went behind my back and arranged to move in with  someone else, she just sealed her own fate.

However, there's one tiny problem. Make that a big problem.

Vivi and her sexy as fuck mouth.

One taste, one lousy little taste, and now I want all of her. When our  mouths connect the chemistry erupts. I used to think that was some kind  of cosmic bullshit, but there's this invisible line between us, this  flow where she's reaching into my soul that I can't explain. If I  thought the first time I kissed her set me off, I was badly mistaken.  This time all bets are off. Now I know I was right. Vivi will be mine  and nothing will stop me.

I place my hands on either side of her head and tilt it just so,  allowing me full access. Then I take her mouth exactly like I want to. I  dominate her until she moans and her fingers dig into my arms. But even  then, I don't stop. I want her lips bruised and swollen, so that when  she sees her little friend, he'll know. He'll know exactly who owns her.  Me, not him.

One hand slides down to her ass and cups it as I kiss her. I squeeze  that soft round globe of flesh until she squirms against me. It doesn't  take long before she straddles my thigh and grinds herself against it.  People move about us on the sidewalk. I hear a stray laugh as they go  by, but I don't give a damn. The world could destruct, go up in flames  around us, and I wouldn't blink an eye. We're two sexually charged  people caught up in the moment. The hand on her ass pushes her into me,  harder, eliciting a groan from deep within her. Damn, do I want this  woman. My dick is hard, harder than I can remember it being in a long  time.

I sink my teeth into her lower lip, not hard enough to break the skin,  yet enough to let her know I'm in control. She whimpers, but I quickly  soothe it with my tongue. Then I do it again. Her hands slide up to my  neck and pull me closer. I've won.         



When I detach myself from her, I'm satisfied by her look of confusion. I  nudge her into the car and have the driver take us to the first  apartment on the list.

Her heavy breathing gives me great pleasure. Leaning toward her, I ask, "How wet are you?"


"Do you want me to repeat the question?"

"No, I heard you. I don't care to answer."

"My guess is you're soaked between those thighs of yours."

Her intake of air is exactly what I was going for.

"I bet if I were to slip my hand down your pants I'd-"

"That's quite enough."

"I disagree, Vivi. We haven't even begun. The way you responded to my kiss told me a lot more than you think."

She crosses her arms and stares directly ahead of her. "Why do you have to be such an ass?"

"I'm not. I'm merely being honest, which is more than you are."

She frowns, then tugs at the bottom of her jacket. For a moment I think  she's going to come back at me with a sassy reply, but she doesn't. Her  rigid posture indicates her annoyance with me. That's okay. I'll get her  to relax soon enough-when her legs are spread and my tongue is lapping  her pussy, making her scream out an orgasm.

"Stop it," she says.

"What did I do now?"

"You're sitting there, acting so smug and arrogant."

A hoarse laugh echoes through the car. "I am not."

"Yes, you are."

"Fine. I'll sit here and act super serious. How's this?" I try to look  solemn. I'm damn sure I fail because I just want to laugh.

"You think you're funny, don't you?"

"Not at all." She's fuming and the fact that she loved every second of  my kiss makes it even better. "Better stop frowning or it might stick  forever."

We arrive at our first stop and I open the door. Then I hold out my hand for her.

"Now he suddenly develops manners," she mumbles.

The building is a high-rise on the Lower East Side and the doorman waves  us through. After an elevator ride to the tenth floor, I lead her to  the vacant apartment. It's a nice one-bedroom that would suit her needs  well  …  and mine, too.

She does a walk-through and announces it's lovely.

"I thought you'd like it. It's also a great location."

She murmurs her agreement, but that's it.

So we move on to the next, where her reaction is much the same. We get  into the car and drive to the last rental. When we arrive, she takes  note of where we are.

"Don't you live here?"

"I do. Come."

"I thought we were looking at places for me," she says.

"We are." I usher her into the building and then to the elevator.

When the doors close, she folds her arms over her chest. "I won't live with you."

"Did I ask you to?"

She clears her throat, then fidgets with her coat sleeve. I watch her  out of the corner of my eye and see her stiff posture relax when I press  the button for a floor other than my own. She follows me out of the  elevator to the vacant apartment. She's not very good at hiding her love  for this one. Her gray irises gleam and those still puffy lips curve up  in a smile she tries to hide.

"You like?"

"Yeah," she breathes. "It's lovely. It really is. Did you furnish it?"

Nodding, I say, "I offer it sometimes as a corporate rental. But it's yours for the taking."

Her soft eyes turn to mine as she says, "I can't. This roommate situation is too good to pass up."

Anger clouds my vision. "How can you think about that other man when I'm  offering you this?" I jab my arm out in front of me for emphasis.

She laughs. A good solid belly laugh.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I ask.

She's doubled over and can't speak. This is not cool. Her finger comes  up in the air. At last, she stands, and for the first time in my life, I  get a look at Vivi in a state where she's having fun. And she's fucking  perfection. A brilliant smile graces her face. She's relaxed, which has  erased the constant lines that reside on her forehead and in the  corners of her eyes.

Damn if I don't want to wrap her in my arms and kiss her. Softly, passionately, and even sweetly.

"Eric, my soon to be roommate, is gay. He thinks you're hot. Not me."  And she erupts into another fit of snorting laughter. Oddly enough, I  laugh along with her.

"Oh my God, this is so hysterical. I can't wait to tell him you were jealous of him."

"You will do no such thing." I laugh out my response.         



"Yeah, I will. This is too good to pass up. My God, he practically  tripped over his tongue when he saw you. And you were jealous of him."  She lets out another snort-giggle. Until now, I never considered her the  giggling type. But for whatever reason, it doesn't annoy me. In fact,  it's charming.

"It's not that funny." But it really is. I think about what Weston and  Harrison would say and I laugh right along with her some more. When the  funny passes, we stand and stare at each other awkwardly.