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Ceci Giltenan(77)

By:Highland Solution

“Ena,” Fearghas said, “Don’t start that, she is the lad’s mother, after all.”

“He may as well know, Fearghas.” Fearghas shook his head in resignation as Ena continued, “Ye know Eithne was married to one of Fearghas’ younger brothers and she lived here after her husband died in battle.”

“Aye, I remember, ye told me that when I was a lad.”

“Well, she was the most unpleasant, demanding, and embarrassingly indiscreet woman I had ever had to deal with. She threw herself at any man who would have her, regardless of whether he was married or not. She even flirted shamelessly with Fearghas. It doesn’t surprise me she has her eyes on Malcolm MacLennan now. She cozied up to him any chance she could, even back then. He was married, but I wouldn’t have put it past him to take what she offered. I think the only thing she really wanted was to be a laird’s wife. As soon as she heard Beitris had died, she hounded Fearghas mercilessly to arrange a marriage with your da. Alastair was distraught, he wanted a mother for Niall, and he agreed to it. I have to admit I was glad to be rid of her.”

“Ena, that is water under the bridge.”

“Nay, it isn’t, Fearghas. She’s a scheming hag, and if she has her claws in Malcolm again, there is no telling what she’s up to.” At Fearghas’ skeptical expression, Ena added, “Surely ye don’t think Fingal is behind this?”

“Nay, my love,” said Fearghas, “I know Fingal would never do this. Fingal, ye say the raids began before your father died?”

“Aye, they did.”

“But ye were still living here, son, ye didn’t return to Duncurra until after his death. Surely Niall must realize it can’t have been ye.”

“Actually, Laird, I think that is precisely why he thinks I’m behind it. He knows Tadhg and I were friends, and suspects I cooked up the whole scheme with him.” Fingal looked at his hands, unable to look Fearghas in the eye when he said, “It pains me to admit this, but I think that is why he requested I come home and join his guard. I suspect it had more to do with his wanting to keep an eye on me than any skill he thought I had.”

Ena looked distraught. “Oh Fingal, ye mustn’t believe that. Ye trained harder than any lad ever fostered here. Ye were smart and skilled, but ye were never arrogant. Until ye, I had never seen a lad who could best someone while sparring and still leave his pride intact. I always suspected ye remained humble because ye continually compared yourself to Niall and felt ye came up short. But ye are a fine man and a skilled warrior, never doubt that. Niall may be too hard-headed to see another explanation now, but when ye hold Duncurra for him with Chisholm warriors, he will see his little brother is a man to be reckoned with.”

Fingal smiled at her, but Fearghas looked annoyed.

“Ye can remove that indignant look from your face right now, Fearghas Chisholm, ye know full well ye’re planning to send him back with an army,” she said, daring him with her eyes to challenge her. When he just smiled and raised his hands in surrender, she said to Fingal, “Try to get some sleep lad, I suspect ye will be leaving at first light.” She rose and left the hall.

Fearghas chuckled after she was out of earshot and said, “Of course ye will return to Duncurra tomorrow at first light with Chisholm soldiers, but I suspect if I hadn’t offered, my little Ena would be leading the troops.”

Twenty Six

Try as she would, Katherine had not been able to convince Laird Matheson to let her ride with his army towards Duncurra.

“Laird Matheson—”


“Ye must let me ride with ye.”

“I’ve told ye, it’s too dangerous. I’m hoping we can reach Duncurra before Niall leaves it defenseless.”

“Ye know that isn’t going to happen. If Niall received word yesterday that I was kidnapped, and I am sure he did, it is likely he is already on his way to Cnocreidh.”

“We will be riding under a white flag.”

“Laird, I don’t think that will matter. He will be furious.”

“All the more reason for ye to stay safely here.”

“But ye don’t understand—”

“I understand perfectly. Now go rest, or I will lock ye up again.”

Frustrated, Katherine went to her chamber as ordered, but she could not sleep. Just before dawn, she made one last attempt. She found Laird Matheson in the stable with Hamish and several of his other men, saddling their mounts. He arched a brow at her and said, “I am fairly certain I told ye to stay in the keep. Ye are as hard-headed as your husband.”