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Ceci Giltenan(70)

By:Highland Solution

She looked down, it was clear she didn’t want him to lock her in. He watched as she seemed to wage an internal battle. Finally, barely above a whisper, she said, “Nay. I will not promise to stay. If an opportunity arises to escape, I will take it.”

“Damnation, lass, there is no way for ye to escape Cnocreidh, surely ye realize that? Even if ye did manage to escape to the woods without someone seeing you, it is winter and ye have no idea how to get back to Duncurra. Ye would be in terrible danger alone. This will be over soon, don’t make me treat ye like a prisoner.”

She looked him squarely in the eye, and once again he saw the spirit and determination he had originally encountered. She said, “I am a prisoner and I won’t make that promise. If I have the chance, I will return to my husband.”

Elspet arrived, followed by servants carrying a tub and buckets of hot water.

Tadhg shook his head in frustration. “As ye wish, my lady.” Before leaving he turned to Elspet, saying coldly, “Lock her in. She is not to leave this room without my permission and an escort,” and he left.

~ * ~

Katherine’s bag of belongings had been tied to her saddle, and Elspet brought it to her while she bathed. “The laird thought it would be better if ye didn’t have a weapon,” said Elspet, “He asked me to tell ye he will return it to ye when ye leave.”

“Of course he did,” replied Katherine in frustration, remembering she had packed her father’s jeweled dagger. She rose from the tub and wrapped herself in the soft linen towel Elspet held for her. She dried, changed into a clean léine, and sat by the fire combing her wet hair.

Servants removed the tub while Elspet tidied up before laying the meal on a small table. Katherine thanked her, but didn’t make any attempt to eat it. “My lady, please eat something,” Elspet said gently.

“I will,” replied Katherine, “in a bit.”

“Is there anything else ye need?” Elspet asked.

Katherine looked around, really taking in the room for the first time. It was small, but comfortably furnished. She shook her head and said, “Nay, thank you.”

Elspet opened the chamber door to leave and said, “I’m sorry, my lady, I have to lock the door.”

“I understand,” said Katherine sadly before asking, “Would you answer a question before you go?”

“If I can.”

“When we entered the hall this evening, Laird Matheson said to you, ‘our visitor has arrived.’ When he left today, how did he know he would be coming back with me?”

“I’m sorry, my lady, that is something ye will have to ask the laird. Is there anything else?”

“Nay, thank ye.”

Elspet left, locking the door behind her. Katherine made a half-hearted attempt at eating the food Elspet set out for her, but she was exhausted, her head ached, and she felt ill. She finally blew out the candles before curling up in bed. It was warm and comfortable, but she would rather be sleeping on the cold ground in Niall’s arms than without him anywhere else. As she lay there, unable to sleep in spite of her fatigue, she once again tried to put the pieces together.

She became more and more certain Malcolm had abandoned her. Laird Matheson had said, “Our visitor has arrived.” He knew I would be traveling to Brathanead and intended to capture me. That’s where things fell apart for her. Malcolm had only arrived at Duncurra two nights ago. Niall had made the decision to send her to Brathanead yesterday afternoon. How could Matheson have known?

Based on the conversation Tomas overheard, there had been at least two people at Duncurra who conspired against Niall, one of whom expected to gain Duncurra for himself. Niall was right, that would appear to point to Fingal. Fingal was also one of the first to know she would be traveling to Brathanead, but she would not believe he had betrayed Niall in this manner.

This puzzle had too many missing pieces. Her head ached worse the longer she thought about it, but she was more firmly convinced than ever Laird Matheson could fill in some of the blanks. She resolved to try to speak with him in the morning, finally giving in to her exhaustion.

~ * ~

When Elspet knocked gently on the chamber door, Katherine was dressed and sitting in a chair by the hearth. Elspet bustled happily into the chamber saying, “Good morning, my lady, are ye well? It is good to see ye are already up and dressed.”

“Good morning, Elspet. I am quite well, thank you,” answered Katherine automatically.

“I’ve brought ye a nice hearty breakfast, my lady.” Her beaming smile dimmed when she saw the uneaten dinner from last night still on the table. “What was he thinking?” she grumbled under her breath.