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Ceci Giltenan(69)

By:Highland Solution

“I would rather not,” she said, and he chuckled.

“Well, lass, if ye want me to answer, ye will have to.”

Ignoring him, she asked “Will it be much longer?”

“Perhaps an hour,” he answered.

“Well, I...um...I need some privacy,” she said shyly, bowing her head and looking away.

He had expected this and signaled for his men to halt. He lifted her chin and gently turned her head so he could look her squarely in the eyes. “Lass, I will allow ye to have some privacy, but first answer me this, do ye have any idea where ye are?” She looked back at him, apparently confused, and by way of clarification he asked bluntly, “In which direction would ye go to get back to Duncurra?”

As realization dawned on her, he saw tears fill her eyes. She tried to blink them back and said, “I don’t know.”

“I didn’t think so. I know ye are scared, and I know ye want to go home, but running away from me would put ye in danger and I can’t allow that.”

“And I’m not in danger with you?” she challenged.

“Nay, ye are not,” he said firmly. “But I warn ye, if ye try to escape, I will find ye. This is my land and tracking ye through snow will not be difficult. Furthermore, if I have to traipse through these frigid, snowy woods tonight searching, when I do find ye, I will bind ye until we reach Cnocreidh. I will not let ye put yourself at risk. Do I make myself clear?”

Still fighting tears, she nodded before looking away. He hated threatening her but knew it was necessary. He added more gently, “Ye will get through this and I will get ye back to your husband unharmed.” He dismounted and lifted her to the ground, motioning for her to go into the woods. As she walked away he added, “One more thing, lass.” She looked back at him and he said with a wink, “He won’t kill me.”

~ * ~

They did arrive at Cnocreidh within the hour, and Katherine felt utter despair set in. The massive fortress appeared to be as impenetrable as Duncurra. It stood on the top of a hill with a huge swath around it cleared of trees, making it impossible to approach or leave without being seen. Not only that, but two thick, fortified walls surrounded it, an inner curtain wall enclosing the keep, and a second wall encircling the village around it. They entered through a manned barbican set in the outer wall, the heavy portcullis opened as they approached. The inner curtain wall appeared to be higher and thicker than the outer wall and she could see sentries on the top. They crossed through another manned barbican and portcullis to reach the enormous keep. It looked as if all of Duncurra would have fit within the central section of Cnocreidh, between its four massive towers. Katherine thought dismally that finding her way out of the keep alone would be a challenge. Escaping the walls appeared to be nearly impossible.

“Welcome to Cnocreidh,” Tadhg said as they entered the courtyard. He dismounted, lifted her to the ground, and handed his horse to a stable hand. Taking Katherine’s elbow, he led her to his keep and through the doors into the great hall. Fires roared in two hearths and the flurry of activity suggested the evening meal was nearly ready. As they walked in, he called to an older woman, saying, “Elspet, our visitor, Lady Katherine MacIan, has arrived. Turning to Katherine, he said, “Elspet manages the staff here.”

He spoke quietly to Elspet for a moment. Although Katherine had ridden in his lap for hours, she hadn’t actually gotten a good look at him until now. He had dark hair and green eyes, and while he stood as tall as Niall, she thought he was perhaps less broad through the shoulders. However, he had crushed her against him long enough for her to know he had the same powerful muscles. He hadn’t been unkind to her, and he swore to her she was in no danger, but her heart ached for home.

~ * ~

When he finished speaking with Elspet, Tadhg turned back to Katherine and said, “I will show ye to your chamber. I have arranged for ye to have a hot bath, and dinner will be brought up. I suspect ye could use some rest.”

She nodded, following him up the stairs to a well-appointed fourth floor chamber. A fire crackled in the hearth and the room was warm and inviting. She walked in, standing there for a moment with her back to him. Tadhg thought she looked very small and fragile compared to the virago he had pulled off her horse earlier. Even though he had warned her about the danger of escaping, he suspected she had still hoped to try until they had ridden into view of Cnocreidh. At that moment he had felt her shoulders droop. Now she looked very alone and afraid. Even though he was the cause of her current consternation, he wanted to comfort her.

“Lady Katherine, I know none of this is your doing. The difficulties between the Mathesons and MacIans go back many years, and I’m sorry ye have become a pawn. I want ye to be comfortable here. “I would rather not lock ye in this room.” She turned sharply to look at him and the fear he saw in her eyes disturbed him. “If ye will agree not to take one step out of this keep unless I give ye leave and someone accompanies ye, I will let ye have your freedom within it. Will ye promise?”