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Ceci Giltenan(67)

By:Highland Solution

As Katherine waited for a stable hand to lead Eachann from the stable, Niall went to her and pulled her into his arms. She returned his embrace and he lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “Katherine, I love ye with all my heart. Ye know that.”

“I love ye, too, and I don’t want to leave.”

“I know, sweetling, but this is the best way to protect ye. I will come for ye when it is safe, I promise.” Looking miserable, she gave another little nod but didn’t speak. Niall kissed her before lifting her onto Eachann’s back. When she had settled herself in the saddle, Malcolm gave the signal for them to leave.

~ * ~

As they rode farther away from Duncurra, Katherine adopted the emotionless mask that had served her so well in the past, while Eithne chattered away about inane topics. Katherine tried to be polite without joining the mindless conversation. The snow on the ground forced them to travel at a slow pace and the sun was well past its zenith when they stopped on MacLennan land to water the horses. They had brought a light meal of bread, cheese, and cold mutton from Duncurra, but Katherine ate very little.

Malcolm pushed her to eat more. “Lass, that is not enough to keep a bird alive, ye must eat more. I promised your husband I would take good care of ye. What will he think if ye waste away to nothing under my watch?”

“Aye, Laird, thank you,” she answered, accepting the piece of brown bread and cheese he offered, but she didn’t actually eat any of it.

When they set out again, Eithne rode near the front of the group by Malcolm. Katherine heard her chatting away, but she was too far away to understand the words. She was just happy for a respite from the spiteful woman. After a while, she noticed Malcolm and Eithne had ridden out well in front with many of Malcolm’s men. In fact, they were completely out of sight occasionally. The party rode through a wide mountain pass on a trek skirting close to the mountain on their left.

Katherine knew the Highlands held many similar passes. When she had first travelled through this way as they journeyed to Duncurra, Niall explained they were a favorite place for thieves to lay in wait. When riding through these areas, Niall remained alert, moving quickly and quietly, with his men riding close around them. They were on MacLennan land and with six MacLennan soldiers encircling her, she should feel completely safe, but she worried. Maybe it was just Niall’s caution making her nervous, but something felt wrong. She tried to push the pace a little in an effort to rejoin those in front.

“We seem to be falling behind. Can we speed up a bit to catch up with Laird MacLennan?” she asked her escort.

One of the MacLennan soldiers said, “There is no need to, my lady. Laird MacLennan doesn’t wish for you to risk hurting yourself. Besides, they aren’t that far ahead, it’s just hard to see them because the path bends to the right and the forest is heavy. Ye’ll see, they’re just around the corner and we’ll catch them up soon.”

“I will not break if we pick up our pace a bit. I’m sorry, but I don’t think they are ‘just around the corner’ because I can’t hear them anymore. Please, I want to catch up to them.”

“My lady,” the soldier said, his voice thick with irritation, “Ye can’t hear them because the snow deadens the noise, and I will not risk my laird’s ire to indulge your whim.” In spite of her concerns, they continued to hold the same plodding pace. A moment later she did hear horses, only it wasn’t Malcolm’s party. Armed men surrounded them. They were under attack. Although the attackers did not outnumber the MacLennan soldiers, they had far superior skills. Still, she expected to see Malcolm and the rest of the men come riding back to help, but they never came. Before she knew it, the MacLennans capitulated, laying down their weapons. There was only one thing Katherine could do, she turned Eachann and bolted.

Leaning low over Eachann’s neck she rode to the north as fast as she could manage. She heard a horse thundering behind her, but didn’t look back. In a moment, the huge black warhorse drew alongside Eachann on her right and someone lifted her off her saddle. The other rider’s vise-like arm was around her, pulling her onto his horse as he slowed the huge beast. She screamed, kicked her legs, arched her back, and pushed against him trying to twist out of his grip but it was no use.

“Wheesht, lass, I won’t hurt ye, but ye’ll hurt yourself if ye keep fighting.”

She stopped struggling for a moment. “Please let me go. I don’t have anything valuable, and the MacLennans have surrendered. Please just let me go.”

“Now, lass, my conscience wouldn’t allow me to let as sweet a thing as ye ride out unprotected. Ye might be set upon by brigands,” he said with a chuckle. “Beside which, I’m not interested in the MacLennans. Ye are the prize I seek.” At this pronouncement, Katherine renewed her struggle to twist free. He held her with both arms, and with his left leg trapped her legs against the horse. In a more serious tone, he said, “Wheesht. I don’t want to bind ye, lass, but I will if I have to. I will not risk ye hurting yourself,” he grunted as she managed to dig an elbow in his stomach, “or me.” He tightened his grip, “Which is it to be?”