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Ceci Giltenan(54)

By:Highland Solution

At the midday meal, Eithne asked, “Has young Tomas had his beating yet today?” Tomas’ eyes grew wide with fear and Father Colm looked up from his conversation with Cairbre.

“We don’t observe that tradition at Duncurra,” Katherine said coolly. Tomas had had more than enough beatings in his life. He didn’t need another one to fully understand the cruelty of men.

“I am glad to hear that, my lady,” said Father Colm. “It is a ridiculous custom and one that I don’t hold with, either.”

“Come now, Father, Katherine,” Malcolm said, “Some people think a child is destined to have bad luck if he doesn’t receive a few whacks in memory of the Holy Innocents.” Malcolm called to Niall, who was deep in conversation with Diarmad, “Niall, what’s this I hear about not beating children on Childermas?” Wide eyed with fear, Tomas slid off his chair, maneuvering very close to Katherine.

Katherine found Laird MacLennan’s satisfied smile, as well as the pleasure he appeared to derive from Tomas’ discomfort, very disturbing.

Before Niall could respond, Katherine, clearly very irritated, said, “Laird MacLennan, please cease this discussion now. No one will be beaten here, today or ever.”

“Katherine, dear, please calm down” said Niall, “I think Malcolm was just teasing.”

She didn’t think Malcolm was teasing and she knew Eithne wasn’t. She answered, “I apologize if I misunderstood you, Laird. Please understand, I don’t see the humor in beating a child or anyone else.” Katherine excused herself from the table, leaving the great hall with Tomas, who still looked terrified. She wanted to reassure him, so she took him to her room and sat with him by the fire.

“Why does Laird MacLennan want to beat me?”

She tried to explain Childermas and the reason for the custom, although it had always seemed absurd to her. “Tomas, it must have been a terrifying day when Herod murdered all the little boys in Bethlehem. Think how scared they must have been. There are people who think if children feel just a little of that fear and pain, they will remember the sacrifice of the Holy Innocents.”

“But ye don’t think so?”

“Nay. In fact, I think it may be easier to think about the Holy Innocents if we aren’t worried about ourselves, don’t ye?”

“Aye,” he agreed solemnly.

“Sweetheart, ye know I won’t let anyone hurt ye?”

“Aye, but what if someday ye aren’t near? I don’t like him. I don’t like Da’s mother, either.”

“I know, pet, some people are very hard to like,” Katherine agreed. “Sometimes it is just best to stay away from them.”

~ * ~

“Well, that was rude,” snapped Eithne, when Katherine left the hall.

Niall glared at Eithne and said to Malcolm, “I’m sure ye can understand, Malcolm, my wife is sensitive about the subject of beating.”

“Niall, I am so very sorry, how thoughtless of me. How could I have possibly forgotten? I should go and apologize to her.”

“That won’t be necessary, I’m sure she understood.” assured Niall. “I promised Tomas we would go out for a ride this afternoon. I will tell Katherine again that you intended no harm.”

Fingal watched the entire exchange dumbfounded. Katherine had nearly died in Malcolm’s keep. He understood his mother’s callousness, but Malcolm’s surprised him. Fingal found Niall’s calm acceptance of the situation extremely irritating as well. When was he going to wake up?


After the small upset on Childermas, the festivities continued until the Epiphany, which celebrated the visitation of the Magi. On this day, people exchanged gifts in commemoration of the Magi’s gifts to the Christ child. When Katherine and Niall woke that morning, before leaving their chambers, he gave her his gift. Katherine fingered the delicate silver filigree brooch, inlaid with small precious stones, reverently. “It is beautiful, Niall, thank you.” She attached her airisaidh around her shoulders with it. “I have a gift for ye, too,” she smiled, “but I can’t give it to ye today.”

“Why not?” He feigned disappointment.

“Because it isn’t ready yet.”

“When will it be ready?”

“Early August, I think.” Katherine grinned.

Niall looked at her in confusion until the meaning of what she said sank in. “Katherine, are ye with child?” he asked.

“I think so. I have all the signs. I am tired, cranky, and I feel sick half the time. When I missed my monthly courses in November, I thought maybe it was just from the upset over Eithne, but I have passed the time they are due in December now, too.”