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Ceci Giltenan(45)

By:Highland Solution

“She became angry, ye were too hard-headed to give in, and decided to go to bed hungry instead. Why couldn’t ye have just appeased her and changed your clothes? What were ye wearing, anyway?”

“I was wearing this,” she said, pointing to the Highland clothes she wore.

“Is that when ye ‘stomped off’ to bed?”

“Nay,” she said miserably. “When she came downstairs and I hadn’t changed, she asked me why I defied her. I said I did not intend to defy her, but I did not have more appropriate clothes.”

“But ye do have other clothes. Ye have the Lowland gowns ye brought with ye.”

“Niall, that’s not the point. A gown is not more appropriate than what I am wearing. Anyway, that’s essentially what I told your mother, and she told me to leave, so I did.”

He shook his head and said, “Nay, Katherine, the point is, like it or not, and believe me I don’t like it, when Eithne is in residence, she is Lady MacIan. Ye defied her in front of clansmen, which I will not tolerate. Are you going to try to convince me your behavior was not willful this time?”

“Nay, Niall, but—”

“No arguments. Put on a gown, come downstairs, and apologize, so we can restore some semblance of peace.”

“Niall, I haven’t told you everything,” she tried to explain.

“I’ve heard enough. Ye were childish and disrespectful. Ye will make amends.”

“But what about my kertch?”

“Leave it off.”

“How can you ask me to do that? Shall I take off my wedding band, too? You’re a Highlander, you know what it means.”

“But ye aren’t a Highlander!” Niall yelled at her.

That stung worse than Uncle Ambrose’s whip ever did.

“Nay. I was just forced to marry one who always seems to believe the worst of me, give him my wealth, live in the Highlands with him, and help care for his clan. You’re right. I’m not a Highlander, how silly of me to think that,” she snapped at him.

“Not. Another. Word.” Niall looked furious. “I’ve had enough misery from that woman to last several lifetimes and I will not have ye adding to it. Ye will placate her until she leaves. Change your clothes. Now!” Niall roared as he left the room.

Katherine felt crushed. She put her sewing away, removed her kertch, and changed her clothes. With rigid determination, she forced back her tears before descending to the great hall. She could tell by the looks of pity she received from the Duncurra staff they had heard Niall shouting at her, telling her she wasn’t a Highlander. They looked as shocked as she felt.

Niall stood with his back to the room, staring into the hearth. She approached the table where Eithne sat gloating. Adopting her mask of indifference, with her head bowed, Katherine said, “My lady, I apologize for defying you in front of your clansmen last night. Please forgive me.”

“Well, I was appalled and insulted by your behavior. See that it doesn’t happen again.”

“Yes, my lady. Please excuse me now, there is work I must do.”

Eithne waved her away arrogantly. Katherine glanced to where Niall stood with his back still turned to her and, with her heart breaking, she escaped to the kitchen. There she found Bridie sobbing in Edna’s arms.


Niall introduced Tomas as their foster son that evening. Exactly as Niall expected, Eithne looked as if she had just smelled an exceedingly bad odor. Katherine had been right to shield Tomas until he returned. Malcolm’s cool reaction surprised him a little, and Niall got the impression he disapproved as well. However, Tomas had been the child of a peasant, and Malcolm and Eithne had spent enough time at court to be overly class conscious. He knew it would be best to limit Tomas’ contact with both of them.

Niall remembered vividly how Eithne expressed her displeasure with him when he was little. Initially subtle, she would give him a hard pinch or a thump on the head. As he grew older, she slapped him or took a leather strap to his hands or legs. Niall believed if she felt perfectly comfortable treating her stepson and even her own son in that manner, she would have no compunction about doing so to his foster son. One of his guardsmen would be assigned to stay with Tomas at all times.

~ * ~

Katherine chastised herself repeatedly. She knew how to protect herself from the likes of Eithne and was a master at controlling her anger and hiding her emotions. She had become complacent. Whatever gave her the idea she could have principles, much less stand on them? She became Katherine Ruthven, remaining quiet and calm, keeping her eyes downcast, and doing everything Eithne asked of her.

Having had no sleep the night before because of the raid, Niall looked exhausted by nightfall. After the evening meal, Katherine excused herself to put Tomas to bed. Niall, too, offered his apologies and followed Katherine and Tomas out of the hall. When they reached the second floor, Niall made to open the door to Tomas’ room and Katherine stayed him. “Your mother is staying in that room. I’ve moved Tomas’ things out for now.”