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Ceci Giltenan(42)

By:Highland Solution

Tomas occupied the room next to theirs, but Katherine did not protest. She helped Fineen move his things into the laird’s chamber for the moment, but she still worried. Everything in her screamed that Eithne was a feminine version of her Uncle Ambrose. Her instinct told her to keep Tomas away, at least until Niall came home. “Fineen, I need you to do something. Please go find Tomas, I think he is in the stables playing with Nevan. See if he can stay with Effie or Shona for a while this evening. You can tell them I will send for him later.” Fineen nodded and left.

Katherine returned to the great hall and informed Lady MacIan and Laird MacLennan their rooms had been prepared. “Well, I should hope so,” said Eithne, “and my bath is ready?”

“Nay, my lady,” Katherine said, “I was unaware you wanted one.”

“Katherine, are you so simple minded that you must be instructed in common courtesy? Doesn’t every weary traveler deserve a hot bath? It is a good thing I am here. I fear my home will become a Highland hovel under your tender care.”

Eithne stood to leave and called to Edna, “Send up a bath. Now!” Turning back to Katherine she said, “We will have our evening meal when I return to the great hall. You will be dressed in proper attire and that rag will be removed from your head, or you will not dine at my table.”

Eithne looked delighted when Katherine snapped, “My lady, I was under the impression you were a Chisholm and thus a Highlander, so you will understand why I will not remove my kertch.”

Eithne slapped her so forcefully Katherine’s head swung to the side and she tasted blood. She heard shocked gasps from everyone in the hall.

“How dare you address me in that manner?” screeched Eithne. “You will do as I say or you will not eat.” She strutted from the room, heading to the tower looking happier than she had all afternoon.

Malcolm, too, rose to leave, chiding, “Lass, Niall will be very disappointed to learn of the disrespect you have shown to his mother.”

~ * ~

After Niall chose not to retaliate for the last raid, Matheson had sent a clear message by escalating this one. Not only did he steal sixteen head of sheep, but he torched several haystacks. They searched the area west of where the raid occurred, but the trail stopped shortly after crossing onto Matheson land. “Fine,” said Niall. “If Matheson wants this feud, by God, I will give it to him. We raid tonight and I want every one of those animals replaced.”

Niall sent a rider back to Duncurra just before dark, instructing him to tell Alan the situation. “Will I deliver the same message to Lady Katherine?”

“Nay, she will worry. Just tell her we have decided to do some hunting and will return tomorrow.” Well, it was true, really, he consoled himself. He was simply hunting another man’s sheep.

~ * ~

Katherine glanced around the great hall, the servants appeared transfixed. After Laird MacLennan and Lady MacIan left, they rushed to Katherine, but she put up her hand and shook her head slightly, saying, “Please attend to the tasks you have been given.” Many of the MacLennan soldiers who rode escort were lounging in the hall. She worried they would interpret any sign of support for her from the Duncurra staff as disloyalty and report it to Lady MacIan.

At the moment she was most concerned about Tomas. Just as Uncle Ambrose had, she suspected Lady Eithne would instantly identify him as Katherine’s most profound weakness. However, she was confident Niall would sort things out as soon as he returned. That thought had barely formed when she learned he would not be home that night. Very few things kept him away from the keep overnight, but it did occur occasionally. Still, of all nights, she wished it didn’t have to be this one. She had hoped to finalize plans for the evening meal and send her regrets to Lady MacIan without defying her order, but now she had to explain Niall’s absence as well.

Katherine had to get through this evening as best she could, on her own. She needed to get Tomas back to the keep and tucked away as soon as possible. She found Edna to discuss her concerns. Edna agreed. “Don’t worry, I will see to him. I’ll send Maura for him and he can stay with us tonight.” Maura, Edna’s daughter, was a bright, responsible girl of four and ten, so Katherine nodded her assent.

“Edna, please let me know when he is safe.”

~ * ~

The evening meal was nearly ready when Maura returned with Tomas. Katherine stepped into the west tower so the MacLennans wouldn’t see her and kissed him good night, saying, “Tomas, I want you to stay with Edna tonight. Tomorrow, I want you to stay here in the west tower with Maura and Nevan until your da comes home. Do you understand?”