Reading Online Novel

Ceci Giltenan(26)

“Bridie, who tied your kertch on ye and asked for God’s blessing the day after your wedding? Caolan, Seanna, who did yours?” The women didn’t answer. “My mother did and I suspect your mothers, or another woman who loved ye, did the same for each of ye. Who blessed this child? The uncle who beat her half to death? She has no mother, nor, it seems, any compassionate clanswoman to guide her.”

Fingal smiled, the silence told him the women were sufficiently embarrassed, but Edna continued. “What other choice words did I hear? ‘Weak?’ Was it ‘lazy’ ye called her, Caolan? The laird ordered her to rest and he was right to do so. Alan said he didn’t think she was going to live through the night when they arrived at Brathanead less than a sennight ago. Do ye begrudge a lass who has been that ill a rest after a long day’s journey?”

Again her indictment was met with ringing silence. “Perhaps none of ye have stopped to think about this, but it seems to me the king, the lass’s uncle, and our laird have all benefitted in one way or another by this marriage, but I am hard pressed to see any benefit to the lass herself. And don’t tell me being wed to him is benefit enough. If ye are honest, most of ye know as well as I do marriage to him will not be easy.”

Well, trust Edna to be blunt, thought Fingal with a grin, but her last weapon was clearly meant to lay them low.

“I suspect Lady Katherine will do many things over the next few months that all of ye might find odd or even insulting, but before ye decide to spew any more venom, remember Lady Katherine’s wealth saved this clan, and see if ye can find a bit of compassion in your hearts for her.”


Niall intended only to address the most urgent issues, but as usual they were all urgent and it took longer than he thought it would. Just before the evening meal, he finally joined Katherine in his chamber expecting to find her asleep. Instead, she stood looking out the window and the bed hadn’t been disturbed. “I am fairly certain I told ye to rest,” he said, more than slightly irritated.

“I did rest,” she answered. “You didn’t say sleep, but I couldn’t have anyway. I rested in the chair and now I’m resting looking out the window,” she said with a smile.

He was not amused. “Katherine, ye knew what I meant. If I ask ye to do something, I want no argument. I expect ye to do it.”

Katherine considered that statement for a moment before replying with a slightly cheeky grin, “Perhaps then, you will be more specific with your next order.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Let me try again. Come here and kiss me, wife,” he commanded. She crossed the room into his arms and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. “That is not at all what I had in mind,” he said, and lowered his lips to hers, giving her a passionate, soul-stirring kiss. “That, my sweet little wife, is a kiss.”

“Do you see how important details are?” she said audaciously.

He gave a low growl, “I would be happy to give ye plenty of details on this subject, but it will have to wait until after dinner.” He kissed her again before asking, “Ye had a question earlier?”

“Aye,” she answered, her expression turning serious. “I was wondering what is to be done with Tomas?”

He, too, had been trying to determine what would be best for Tomas. She seemed fond of the lad and she obviously wanted to protect him from her uncle. However, in general, Lowlanders were as class-conscious as the English. Therefore, as a peasant, the son of a stable hand, Tomas’ social status was only slightly higher than a serf’s. He did not want the lad growing up without a mother’s love. He had warm memories of his own mother and bitter memories of Eithne. Although she hadn’t revealed the harsh side of her personality to her husband, it was evident to nearly everyone else, but perhaps most evident to her stepson. Even after she had a son of her own, nothing changed; she treated Fingal no better than she did Niall. In the lad’s best interest, he thought perhaps it would be better for Tomas to live with the family of one of his clansmen, but he didn’t want to discuss this now. He finally answered, “I haven’t decided yet. For tonight he will stay with Fingal as he has been. We will discuss it in the morning.”

Although Katherine didn’t appear happy he put the decision off, she said no more.

Wanting to banish the solemn look on her face, Niall kissed her again. Her warm response pleased him immeasurably and the kiss had its desired effect, she no longer looked troubled. “Ye’re distracting me again, lass. My clan will starve if ye don’t desist.”