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Ceci Giltenan(24)

By:Highland Solution

During the ride from Cotharach, she had given a lot of thought as to how Niall had become involved in her uncle’s scheme to seize her lands and the leadership of her clan. Not completely naïve, she knew Niall wanted her wealth badly enough to agree to marry her sight unseen, relinquishing his other rights, but she hadn’t known why. She understood many men measured their success by their financial worth. Still, although she knew very little about Niall, after spending the last ten days with him, she had trouble believing he fell into this category. Now his reasons stood all around her. He had married her because he needed her dowry for his clan. She fully understood and respected that decision and she knew, in the same circumstances, she would have made a similar choice for the sake of her own people.

~ * ~

As Niall rode through the village with Katherine, he couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking when she saw the poor conditions. Her warm smile and graciousness towards his clansmen appeared genuine. He hadn’t warned her about the rundown state of Duncurra. She had asked him about his home and clan during the evenings they spent together at Brathanead, but she never pushed for more detail than he gave, and he never revealed their desperate circumstances. He expected her condemnation now, but she gave no hint of disapproval. If anything, she appeared concerned.

When they reached the courtyard, Niall helped Katherine dismount. He led her up the stairs, through a set of large double doors, and into the great hall. The great hall connected the keep’s two large towers. Normally a flurry of activity, it was even more crowded than usual because of all of the people who came to greet them.

“Welcome to Duncurra, Katherine,” he said.

~ * ~

Katherine looked around the great hall with interest. The most impressive feature was a massive hearth standing directly across the room from the entry doors. She noticed four doorways, one in each corner of the hall. “Where do those doors lead?”

“These two in the front lead to the two towers. The left rear door exits to the kitchen and the other one leads to the buttery.”

“The floors are timber,” she noticed.

“Aye, there is a level below this one, mostly used for storage.”

Katherine noticed a large refectory table surrounded by wooden chairs, standing near the far end of the hall by the hearth. Although it wasn’t on a raised dais, she assumed it was the laird’s table. Benches and trestle tables were stacked against the side walls, but she saw no other furniture. The room’s only adornment, a frayed tapestry, hung over the hearth. While not as richly appointed as Cotharach, everything was clean, and fresh, and sweet rushes covered the floor.

Niall introduced her to Edna, the widow in charge of his household staff. Edna, a tiny ball of efficiency, was shorter than Katherine by several inches. Katherine admired her no-nonsense air. She remembered with amusement that Edna was the object of Turcuil the giant’s affection. Having met her now, Katherine understood why the energetic little woman left him tongue-tied when she was near. She had no doubt Edna could be every bit as fierce as any giant.

Niall also introduced her to an older couple, perhaps close to three score in years. Small, balding, and bookish Hendry, the steward, had an air of authority as palpable as Edna’s. His strong, sturdy wife, Bridie, managed the kitchens, and while she was courteous, Katherine felt stark disapproval from the older woman.

Excited about finally reaching Duncurra, Katherine looked around eagerly. Just as Niall had described to her, the women wore a full belted léine under an airisaidh. Additionally, Bridie, Edna, and many of the other women wore a triangular white veil. She wanted to ask them about it and generally learn more about her new home and clan. Therefore, she felt profoundly disappointed when Niall said, “Edna will introduce ye to the rest of the staff over the next few days. I have been away now for almost a month and I must attend to some business that can wait no longer. She will show ye to our chamber now. I want ye to rest.”

Katherine hesitated, she didn’t need to rest, and there was so much she wanted to know. Her primary concern was what would happen to Tomas. She realized when she had made the decision to bring the lad, she was not thinking beyond his immediate safety. She wanted to ask Niall about it now.

When she didn’t move to leave immediately, Niall arched an eyebrow at her and, in a chilly tone, asked, “Did ye misunderstand me?”

Surprised by his obvious displeasure, she answered, “Nay, Laird, I was going to ask you a question, but it will wait.”

The look on his face told her the formal address irritated him and his voice was clipped when he responded, “Very well. I will join ye soon.” Edna cringed and a quick glance around told Katherine others, too, noted the laird’s annoyance.