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“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Sharald turned his attention back to his younger cousin. I walked to Prastian and listened to his shallow breathing. Stradus wasn't here, but he would always be with me to guide me.

With my new wizard powers, I saw the green mana lurking within Prastian. Like Stradus's, it was fading. Even with my new powers, I was still no good with white mana. That dark place where I went to defeat Premier would be no help either. I took Prastian's hand and latched onto his mana. I fed it with all the healthy elves around me, taking their lifeforce piece by piece. Prastian's breathing eased. His heartbeat grew louder until it was strong.

Prastian slowly opened his eyes and said, “Hellsfire?”

“Brother, you're alive,” Demay said, running over and hugging him.

Prastian cried out in pain.

“Sorry. Let me fetch you some water.”

Prastian reached out to me. “Thank you, my friend.”


“Thank you, Hellsfire,” King Sharald said. He glanced at the other wounded elves in the tent. “Can you do the same for them as you did for Prastian?”

“I wish I could, but I can’t. I didn't heal his wounds.”

“I understand.”

I walked out of the tent, trying not to look at the other injured elves. I wanted to put my hands to my ears to drown out their moaning. I didn't. I deserved the guilt that lingered. I saved Prastian because he was a friend, and the next ruler of Sharald.

I went to one of the dwarves' tents next, to see if I could do something for Jastillian. I smiled when I saw I didn't have to. He was sitting upright while a healer tended to his left arm.

“Lad!” Jastillian grunted when he tried to move. The healer forced him to remain still.

“How are you?”

“My arm's sore, but I won't lose it. Thank the gods for that. How are you?”

There was no easy way to say it. I managed. “Stradus died.”

“I'm sorry to hear that.”

“Me too.” I didn't want to hear anyone else giving me condolences over Stradus's death. Every time they said something, the tears in my eyes built up. I changed the subject. “What did I miss?”

Jastillian told me of how hard-fought the battle to open the gates had been. They did it, but not without heavy losses and serious injuries. Eventually, the combined forces and Wizard Stradus were too much for the creatures. They routed them at the south gates, but before they could secure the north gates, more creatures from the Wastelands had come.

Jastillian hadn’t been sure they could win that battle. Then they saw the fire I had created in the tower when I defeated Premier. After that, the creatures were confused and disoriented. The alliance used that distraction to take out the creatures. Some still fought hard, but not as a group. Others fled back to the Wastelands. A few escaped into Northern Shala. Patrols had been sent to kill those in our land.

I left Jastillian without telling him about Premier. I let him assume he was dead. I knew I had to tell everyone, but not this moment. Krystal knew. I knew it would only be a matter of time before she was obligated to tell someone.

I carried Stradus's body to Cynder. He lay down on a hill, well away from the armies and the city walls. He slept, but didn't snore, which meant he wasn't in a deep sleep. Spots of dried blood covered Cynder, and his scales were cut and slashed. I had never thought such a thing could happen to a dragon. Thankfully, he wasn't bleeding now. I was worried that the wounds were serious, and that he slept like people did before they died. I put Stradus's body down and put my hand over Cynder’s rough red scales.

Cynder flinched when I touched a wound. “What'd you do that for?”

It bothered me that he didn't snap his jaws or blow smoke at me. He might have been seriously injured in ways I couldn't comprehend. “Are you all right?”

Cynder snorted. “You're concerned about me? How touching.” He laughed, but it came out raggedy. “I'm fine. I just need to rest. Stupid, freakish, and loud bird. I hope it's somewhere dying. I would so love it to suffer, but the screeching would drive me insane, even from here.” Cynder focused his red eyes on Stradus. “So he's finally dead. After all the adventures we went through, I didn't think he could die. How did it happen?”

I told the dragon what had happened, and how Stradus saved my life. I even told him what he wanted me to do about Premier.

“The old man was always a bit soft when it came to lost causes,” Cynder said with a smirk. “He took you in.”

I chuckled at his remark. “Yeah, I guess he started being that way when he took you in.”

Cynder grinned and snorted smoke. “What are you going to do about Premier?”