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By:Anders de la Motte

She had pretty much given up any idea that the revolver could have been Dads old service weapon. Officers in the reserves in the fifties and sixties had been allocated pistols rather than revolvers, as far as she had been able to find out. Besides, the Army would have been in touch if his gun had gone missing. Nothing she had found in the safe deposit box made any sense, and there was really only one person who could help her get to grips with it.


She pulled the keyboard towards her, logged into her hotmail account and opened a new email.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: UN service

Dear Uncle Tage,

I hope you are well.

I have recently come across some things of Dads that were stored in a safe deposit box. Among them is a photograph from a UN mission in Cyprus in 1964.

I didnt actually know that Dad had served with the UN, and I was hoping you might be able to tell me a bit more?

Feel free to call me!

Best wishes,


He raced towards the lift, then realized it was on its way down to the City Museum and changed direction towards the large stone staircase a few metres away instead.

He took the steps two at a time, pushing some parents with small children out of the way as he rushed for the main entrance. He had lost a bit of time, but there was a long, glassed-in corridor leading from the lift to the entrance to the museum. There was no way the bloke would get to the end of the corridor before he did.

The sliding doors had barely opened before he was through them.

Just as he had expected, he got there first.

He took a couple of deep breaths, then began to walk slowly down the long corridor leading toward the shiny lift doors.

He jaw was clenched, and he could feel the blood surging behind his eyelids. Any moment now the lift doors would open and he would be standing face to face with Erman.

Because that must have been Erman he saw?

Clean-shaven, nice and clean, and several kilos lighter. But it was still him, for fucks sake.

So he clearly hadnt been burned alive out there in the bush at Fjärdhundra, it didnt look as if the allergy to electricity that had forced him to lead a low-tech life was bothering him any more.

Which meant what  … ?

Well, that was what he was planning to find out the moment the lift doors opened. Possibly rather more violently than the situation demanded  …

He was clenching and unclenching his fists, and could almost taste the adrenalin on his tongue.

Ten seconds passed.



Okay, so the lift was the slow sort meant for the disabled, but still  –  it ought to have been there by now.

He hit the lift button, then looked round, wondering for a moment if he should dash back up to the square again.

But suddenly the lift made a pinging sound that almost made him jump out of his shoes.

His heart was turning somersaults in his chest as he raised his fists and got ready.

The doors slowly opened.


 …  it doesnt mean they arent after you

Yes, hello?

Good afternoon, my dear friend, or perhaps its morning?

Yes, its actually morning here. Its good that youve called. Is everything okay?

More or less  …

What do you mean? Shouldnt  … ?

Dont worry, my dear friend, the pieces are about to fall into place.

I hope so. Failure is not an option.

So Ive understood  …

My dear Rebecca, how lovely to see you!

Hello, Uncle Tage, good to see you too  …

She was ten minutes early for their meeting, but of course he was already there.

I thought you were abroad, when did you get home? She leaned over the café table and kissed the old man on the cheek.

He still smelled the same. Shaving foam, aftershave, cigars and something else very familiar. Something she liked  …

Oh, a few weeks ago. Would you like something? Coffee, tea? No, how silly of me  …  Excuse me!

He waved the waitress over.

A cappuccino please, with lactose-free milk, if thats possible?

He smiled at Rebecca, but it took her a few seconds to return his smile.

He didnt seem to have noticed her reaction.

Im sorry I havent been in touch before, Rebecca, dear, but since I got home my diary has been completely full  …  These are hectic times, but of course you know that as well as I do.

He smiled again, then sipped his coffee.

Of course, she mumbled. Absolutely, she added in a clearer voice.

The waitress returned with her cappuccino, and she took a quick sip.

So, hows your new job, Rebecca? I can imagine its rather different from working for the Security Police?

Its good, thanks. Weve had a bit of trouble getting everything set up  –  equipment, staff, licences and a whole load of other things. The paperwork has taken much longer than I expected.

The wheels of Swedish bureaucracy turn very slowly  …

You can say that again! This time his smile was easier to return.

In which case I would guess that youve applied to be allowed to bear weapons in the course of your work. Its not usually particularly straightforward for private companies to get approval for that. The state is very precious about its monopoly on violence  …

She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again at once. Instead she merely nodded. She shouldnt really be surprised. Uncle Tage had always seemed to know almost exactly what she was doing, even when she worked for the Security Police, and nothing seemed to have changed just because she had a new job. The idea that he was somehow watching over her made her earlier disappointment disappear completely.

Perhaps I might be able to help? As you know, I still have a number of contacts  …

That would be great!

She remembered very well how his contacts had helped her the previous winter. He had managed to get her cleared of suspicions of misuse of office, and saved her from getting fired. She really shouldnt be exploiting his willingness to help in such a paltry matter, but he had volunteered, and she had already had two applications for a weapons licence rejected.

The members of her team were complaining more loudly now, and it was only a matter of time before their grumbling reached the bosses. And that was something she could do without  …

If it isnt too much trouble, I mean  … ? she added.

Not at all, Ill make a couple of calls on Monday. No guarantees, of course, but I shall do what I can. What else are friends for, if not to help one another  … ?

Thanks very much, I really appreciate it, Uncle Tage.

He put his cup down and gently pushed it aside.

Now, to the matter you were asking about. As I said, I didnt really want to discuss it by email. Some things are better dealt with face to face  …

She nodded.

Im very happy to tell you about my and your fathers shared past, but first its my turn to ask you for a small favour, Rebecca  …

Anything, Uncle Tage, you know that  …


He lowered his voice and leaned across the table.

You mentioned a safe deposit box that had belonged to your father, and an old photograph?

Yes, thats right  …

He leaned forward even further.

I want you to tell me exactly what you found, Rebecca. Its very important that you dont leave anything out!

She was taken aback by the sudden sharpness in his voice, and leaned back slightly.

Some documents, she replied, fingering her coffee cup.

What sort of documents, Rebecca? His stare seemed to go right through her and she took an exaggeratedly slow sip of coffee to have a reason to look away. Tage Sammer was one of her dads oldest friends, someone she trusted. Yet she still felt suddenly hesitant.


I understand that this is rather sensitive. We are talking about your father, after all.

His tone was softer now, more personal.

Let me see if I cant help you a little, Rebecca, my dear  …

He glanced quickly at the next table, then lowered his voice a bit more.

Might the documents possibly have been passports  –  foreign passports containing your fathers photograph?

She hesitated for a few more seconds, then nodded slowly.

I understand  …  he repeated, and this time his voice sounded almost sad.

They sat there in silence while he seemed to ponder the matter.

A safe deposit box is actually a sort of bubble, has that occurred to you, Rebecca? Life outside goes on, things change, but in there time stands still. Much like life itself. We create our own reality, small spheres where we imagine we control what happens. In actual fact the feeling of control is just an illusion, and those spheres are nothing more than bubbles. But all bubbles are doomed to burst sooner or later, arent they?

He shook his head.

You must promise to keep what Im about to tell you to yourself, Rebecca, he went on.

She nodded.

You mustnt share it with anyone, not even your brother. As you know, Henrik isnt capable of keeping a secret in the same way as you or I, and if what Im about to say were to get out, there would be consequences, serious consequences. Do you understand?

Of course, Uncle Tage. You can trust me.

Yes, I know I can, Rebecca. Youre more like your father than you realize  …

He gave her a wry smile that made her heart skip a beat.

It all started in 1964, in a small village in northern Cyprus. I was the company commander, and your father was one my four platoon leaders. We already knew each other from Officer Training College, and got on well. Erland might not have been the most natural leader, but he made up for it by being extremely well prepared for any possible scenario. And he was reliable and loyal, qualities which are becoming harder and harder to find these days  …