Reading Online Novel

Broken but Breathing(Jinx Tattoos Book 2)(31)

"No, I want to know what you're going to tell her first," Snake insisted.

"That we'll be having new friends over to visit. We'll leave it up to  you to reveal the true origins when you deem appropriate," Mr. Miles  said.


"My client is fine with that. We'll expect your proposal for visitation  in the next twenty-four hours for something no more than a week from  now. The client will begin a partial living situation within the next  six months."

"Absolutely not," Mrs. Miles roared.

"Listen, bitch, it's this or I'll come and take her right now and all  that money you have won't help you. Trust me when I say my patience is  running thin, and you won't like me when I stop being nice."

Mrs. Miles began to sob.

"Can we keep this civil please?" Mr. Miles roared.

"That's completely up to you, Mr. Miles. My client is doing you a favor  by not reporting your illegal adoption and going through legal venues.  We understand this is a trying time, so we'll forgive your  transgressions. But this will be the only time that happens," Arbuckle  said.

"Understood," George replied.

"We'll be in touch," Arbuckle said, hanging up.

"Who the fuck do they think they are trying to keep me from my daughter?" Snake practically bellowed, pounding his chest.

"We're going to get it together, but you have to be patient. If you fly  off the handle and go after them, they'll have the law on their side and  you won't see Jocelyn in your house," Arbuckle stated.

"Just hold on a little while longer, Snake," Es said, the gentle voice of reason.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded.

"You listen to her. She's got her head on straight. I'm counting on you to keep him walking the straight and narrow."

"I will." The determination in her voice made him smile. She had a lot of bite for a little thing.

"I'll contact you tomorrow once I receive the papers from their lawyer.  If you don't find the terms agreeable, we can negotiate. For now, I  think you should go cool down, and remember, you need to lay low until  this is taken care of."

"Understood," Snake said, eager to leave the office and blow off steam.  The room began to shrink around them. He rose and hurried from the  office, desperate for fresh air and distraction.

"Are you okay?" Es asked as they stood by his bike.

"Hard to swallow all the things I want to say, but I'll do whatever it takes to get my little girl back."

"I know you will, love." She ran her hand down his arm. "What can I do?"

"Just be here with me, like you are. You up for a long ride?"

"Let's go."


Two hours later, he pulled up in front of a large grey stone building  that resembled a castle. Ravenwood Castle had always intrigued him. It  was a throwback to his childhood when he wanted to be a knight.

"Did you bring me to a castle?" she asked as he dismounted the bike.

He laughed. "Yeah, I guess I did. I figured it'd be impossible to stay  pissed at a castle. This has been on my bucket list for a long time now.  Let's hope they have a room available."

"Seeing how it's a Wednesday night, I think we've got a good shot at it."

He offered his arm, and they made their way inside.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" a tall brunette in her mid-thirties with a bright white smile and kind brown eyes asked.

He glanced at her name tag. Christine.

"Hi Christine. My lady and I happened by and we thought we'd see if you  have any rooms available. I've been eyeing this place for years."         



"You're in luck, we have a few. Did you have a preference of where you'd like to stay?" Christine asked.

"If you have a room in the castle that would be great."

She smiled. "We have two actually. The Empress Matilda Suite, and The Duke's Dungeon."

"What's the difference between the two?" he asked, holding Es to his side.

"Well, the Duke's Dungeon is more masculine with tans, beige, and brown  décor. The Empress has feminine touches with a turquoise color scheme.  They both have balconies and fireplaces, perfect for a cozy night in."

The mention of the color turquoise made him smile. "We'll take the Empress."

"Excellent choice. How long will you be staying?"

"Just tonight."

Christine typed in her computer. "I do want to tell you guys about  breakfast from eight-thirty to ten in the Great Hall. It's an experience  you won't want to miss out on."

"We'll be sure to take that in," Snake said.

"It's going to be one sixty-nine with tax."

He dug out his wallet, better for the long ride and the new experience. There was a lot to be said for a change of scenery.

"You're full of surprises, you know that?" Es asked as they were led to their room.

"I have to keep you on your toes, don't I?"

"You do that without trying."

"I'll hand you the key. If you need anything, I'll be down in the lobby until eleven," Christine said.

"We're alone now. Are you going to let me ravish you in the castle?"  Snake asked, nipping at her neck as they walked inside the room.

"This is your role play, sir. I'm just here to fulfill your fantasies."

He closed the door and buried his fingers in her hair. "You know what I really want?" he asked.

"No." Her voice shook and her lips parted.

"You living in my house."

"You don't have to do that to get Jocelyn-"

"This is for Daddy's happiness," he replied, nipping at her bottom lip.

She moaned. "It's not too soon?"

"I wanted you there from the minute I signed on the dotted line."

He traced her lips, and she hummed. He wasn't above a little convincing.  He kissed his way down her neck, palming her ass. "We could do this  whenever we wanted. No more back and forth." He rubbed her against his  bulge.

"So persuasive."

"I know what I want." He popped the button of her jeans and pushed them  down. "Turn around and put your hands on the door. Holy shit, these are  hot," he murmured, running his finger over the skeleton hands that  appeared to cup her ass on her black underwear. "You can leave these on.  Spread your legs."

He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and shoved them down. Pinning  her to the wall, he rubbed his throbbing cock between her thighs,  nudging her clit with his head. She undulated her hips, giving him  breathy gasps that had him leaking pre-come. When he paused, she moaned  her protest.

"Don't you worry, sweet girl. I'm going to give you exactly what you  need." He slid her panties to the side and thrust into her slick sheath  in one powerful movement. She cried out. He moved his hand to cover  hers, pinning her frame to the door as he fucked her fast and hard. She  pushed up on her tiptoes to give him the perfect angle. He was  relentless, pounding her pussy to make sure she knew who she belonged  to.

The ragged sound of her breathing mingled with the slap of their flesh  worked as an aphrodisiac. Rock hard, and aching, he gritted his teeth to  maintain control. Her walls flexed around him, and he slowed his speed.

"Not just yet," he groaned, circling his hips.

"No." Her forlorn cry had him ready to fuck her until she came.

Not yet. He needed the words he'd been dreaming about for weeks.

"You ready to move in with me?" he asked, countering every word with a  thrust. She shoved her ass back at him, trying to force him back into  their frenzied pace.

"Yes," she said gutturally.

He slammed into her, and she yowled. Her walls quivered, and she clamped  down, yielding her sweet heat. He pulled out, spraying all over the  panties he coveted.



"Brother, we need to talk," Mike said.

"What's going on, man? I'm kind of in the middle of a moving process,"  Snake said, watching the prospects load up a small U-Haul.

"That's what the prospects are for. I need you come to the club, we have some shit we need to get right."

His stern tone made Snake's spine stiffen. Shit, he's pissed. "All right, I'm headed out now."         



The dial tone was the only response he got. What the hell could I have  done in the past twenty-four hours that has his boxers in a bunch?

"I expect this shit to be done by the end of the day, understood?" Snake asked.

A round of, "Yes V.P.," echoed around him.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Es asked, coming out of the bedroom in a pair  overalls and a head scarf that kept her honey locks away from her face.

"Yeah, I need to go see Mike at the Clubhouse. Don't worry, they won't  bite. They'll do whatever you ask them to, and you couldn't be safer."

She shifted her weight to one side. "Okay."

"Isn't Jole coming over, too?" he asked.

"Yeah in another hour."

"There you go. Once your ride or die gets here, you won't notice I'm gone."

"Not after we crack open a bottle of wine."