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Broken but Breathing(Jinx Tattoos Book 2)(28)

By:Shyla Colt

"No, but they're covering all their bases. Right now they're probably  scrambling to create a legal paper trail for adoption and making sure  there's nothing left behind to prove the one under the table."

"Can I tell them I'll do the DNA test with a stipulation?"

"You could, but I wouldn't suggest it. It could slow things up."

"I want to know my daughter. Right now I know nothing more than her name  and what she looks like. If they'll send me information on her-just  some basics: favorite color, foods, allergies-I'll take the test no  problem."

"Okay, I'll send the information to their lawyer tonight. He's waiting on us. I don't think it's too much to ask."

He gave a stiff nod and bit his tongue to keep his thoughts inside. It  wouldn't help anyone if he popped off and spilled every angry thought he  had rolling around his skull. Arbuckle was a shrewd man who demanded  patience and respect. Snake wouldn't get on his bad side when he had so  much riding on this.

"I already put a request in for a kit. Sometimes they're backed up.  We're out a week, unless they protest your terms. I know we're all  anxious to get this process going so chances are you'll have your  information tomorrow."

"Who's going to be handling the kit?" he asked.

"We agreed on a lab that has no affiliation with either of us. They came  highly recommended and they send a representative who administers the  kit to each client. It's a nice way to ensure nothing underhanded goes  on."

"Is there anything I can do, or should be doing to prepare for a  potential court case?" Snake asked, wiping his palms on his jeans.

"You've already done it. You procured a house. You have steady  employment that brings in a nice wage. Your girlfriend has been  professionally trained to care for children physically as well as  mentally. Did she move in with you?"         



He shook his head. "No."

"Fix that. Even better, if you can, get a ring on her finger. Courts like nuclear families."

"And they wouldn't find it odd we just tied the knot now?"

"Not with her back story. God, they'd eat it up. From tragedy to married  bliss in under a year because you were the one. It'd be a good move for  you."

"I'll think about it," Snake said, feeling ill at the thought of using  their love for his gain. Could I do that to her? I'll only bring it up  if things take a turn for the worse. Being married wasn't an issue-he  saw that for them down the road-but it needed to be for the right  reasons, or she'd never forgive him. I'll focus on moving her in.

"See that you do. If this thing gets ugly, you'll want the tables  stacked in your favor. I'll give you a call when we have an eta on the  DNA test."

"All right, man. I'll catch up with you tomorrow then."

He walked out of the office hoping for the best and fearing the worst.  What had they told Jocelyn about him and Jade? Clearly she knew she was  adopted. Both of her parents were Caucasian. Feeling the weight of the  club who wanted to plan a patch in party, his journey to get his  daughter back, and the unsettled feeling between him and Es, he did the  one thing he knew would clear his head: hit the open road.

He ended up at Rain just before closing. I'm officially whipped. Part of  him worried that she'd come to her senses any minute. She was an  ex-school teacher. He knew she had no business being with a man like  him. After parking, he walked inside scanning the mostly empty floor. He  spotted her at the bar closing out tabs. He nodded to Chuck, the  bouncer, and walked over to sit in Es' section. She lifted an eyebrow.

"Can I get you something?" she asked.

He leaned in. "Hey, do you think your boss would let you leave early?"

"Not funny," she replied, shaking her head. The twitch of her lips betrayed her amusement.

He mentally wiped his brow. "I was serious. How was your night?"

"Busy, but good. How did the meeting go?"

"Good. They want a DNA test."

"Makes sense."

"I told him I'd take the test as long as they agreed to tell me  something about Jocelyn. I don't know a damn thing about her anymore."  He glanced down at his hand on the bar, ashamed.

"Hey, none of that's your fault. You're going to make it right."

"If they accept, the test will be given by an impartial third party company."

"Sounds fair."

"I hate this whole civilized act we're putting on. I want to go down there, get my daughter, and bring her home yesterday."

"Except it'd be horrible for her. She wouldn't know what was going on,  who you were, or why you took her. You'd be the enemy who stole her from  the parents who've loved and cared for her all this time. You don't  want that."

He clenched his fists. "Only reason I'm doing this."

She patted his hand. "You're doing it right. It'll take longer, but in  the end it'll be worth it. Kids are smarter than we give them credit  for, but their brains are still developing. You have to break it to her  little by little and ease her into this. You'll get where you want to  be."

"And you'll be there to help me."

"I said I would."

"Are we okay?" he asked.

She looked startled, which caused his stomach to sour. He cleared his  throat and swallowed. He wasn't used to being unsure where he stood, or  dealing with all the emotional work that came with relationships. He'd  been alone for a while, and giving orders that were carried out without  question for nearly the same length of time. It had colored his  personality in ways he hadn't anticipated. She was new to his world in  so many ways. Another girl would've folded and accepted what he gave. Es  never would. It was part of why he loved her so much. She would always  speak her mind, demand the respect she deserved, and love him because he  was Xavier Kolton. With the biker bunnies there was always a question  mark when it came to relationship. Were they with you because of the  cut, your position, or the bad boy image you personified in their eyes?

"We're okay, Snake. This was our first fight, but I'm sure it won't be  our last. It's the way of things," she said with a smile and a shrug.

Reassured, he relaxed on his stool.

"How about I wait here until you get off?"

"Shouldn't you be working?" she teased.

"Perks of being the boss. I don't have work unless I want to."         




"You just now figuring that out, Sprite?"

"Less flirting and more working," Kali called from the other end of the bar.

Es huffed. "Look, you're getting me into trouble," she said, walking  away from him to start the closing policies as the last of the patrons  made their way outside. Eager to reconnect after the brief rift, he  focused in on the prospect, Stealth.

"Stealth, come here."

He strode over. "Yeah, V.P?"

"Finish cleaning up behind the bar and give Kali the register to count out."

"Yes, sir," Stealth replied.

He liked the boy. He'd be a good fit for the club. He followed  directions down to the letter, never asked more questions than  necessary, and held his alcohol and knowledge well. One of the main  reasons they let people go was over inflated egos that lead to wagging  tongues.

"Come here, sweet girl," he said, crooking his fingers.

"I'm not finished yet."

"Yes you are." Snake grew hard as he took in the formfitting tank top  and black pants. Not long ago he'd been inside of her and all had been  right with the world. He needed to get back to that. He stared her down;  her eyes dilated, and her chest heaved. When she walked around the bar,  he opened his legs and guided her to stand between them. Gripping the  back of her neck, he pulled her to him. He kissed her hard, intent on  leaving his mark behind. They broke apart, and he stood, pulling her  through the quiet club. Rain had a special room with a two-way glass and  plush furniture. Normally used for private meetings, the space would  facilitate a more recreational purpose tonight.

"Where are we going?" Es asked breathlessly.

"A place where I can remind you who you belong to."

She gasped. He glanced back and chuckled at her scandalized expression.


"Anytime, anyplace. And I promise you, you'll love every second of it."

She bit her bottom lip, and he groaned and walked faster, pulling her  along behind him. She was intoxicating. They'd danced around one  another, put in the work to build a strong foundation, and now he wanted  to learn her body as well as he knew her soul. They climbed the stairs,  and he paused at the door to enter the code. The door clicked, and he  turned the handle, allowing her to step inside the spacious room.  Flicking on the light, he revealed the large wooden table lined with  chairs by the door, and comfortable, black leather couches in the back  of the room against the wall. A table rested between them and a bar sat a  few feet away against the back wall.