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Broken Rules(23)

By:Rebel Hart

My dripping wetness and the feel of his hardness in my hands makes me yearn to feel him inside of me. In frustration, I grab his hand and pull it between my thighs, coaxing his fingers inside of me. He hardens even before his fingers slide inside and I begin rocking into them to feel him more deeply.

I am in complete control of him, directing my own touch and his wherever I want it to go. For whatever I thought I wanted to happen in this room tonight, I realize now this is exactly what I needed. The relief of sex completely on my own terms. The return of control washes over me, allowing me to let go of any and everything else.

My hair falls loose as my head thrashes around and I lose myself in our hands, our breaths, and my primal cries. I rock my hips harder against his hand, moving my fingers in quickening circles that glide over my pulsating nerves. My climax builds as Emmett begins to grunt and strain in my grip.

“Wait,” I barely manage to whisper as I yank my hand away from him.

He leans forward as our hands continue working me over, and takes my hardened nipple into his mouth, holding it with his lips and teeth as his tongue darts against the sensitivity of it and the sensation that shoots straight to my core. It sends me over the edge as I grind against our combined touch, rubbing against the rippling pleasure that crashes over me in a merciless wave.

As the tingling fades, I push his hands back to his sides, catching one hand on the way to take his fingers into my mouth. I wrap my lips around them and suck in the taste of my own juices. Something I’ve never done before, but I am so lost in the ecstasy that in this moment I feel like I could do anything that popped into my head or his.

I bring him back into my mouth and lower over him, taking him in as deep as I can stand it. I am overcome with a need to own him. To make him melt in my hands and belong to no one but me. He may have to put Vivian in her place, but I am determined to make sure no one makes him feel the way I do.

His cock pushes against the back of my throat before I pull back again, pushing him in and out until he is whimpering and his legs are quivering. His hand grips into my hair as his hips thrust against me until finally, I feel the taste of him spilling into my mouth. My hand continues working over him, sliding across my spit, as I milk every last throbbing drop of him into my mouth.

With my mouth full of his seed, I think of looking for a place to spit it out, but I want to drink him in. I take it all down with one swallow, leaving him breathless and stunned as he watches me. We’re both speechless and breathless as I collapse next to him, nuzzling my cheek in between his muscular arm and chest.

We melt into a deep sleep until I wake up in a panic. I fumble for my phone in the darkness.

“Shit!” I yell out, jerking him awake.

It’s after midnight and my mom has called three times. I don’t know how long we were asleep, but my legs are still numb from my intense orgasm.

“We have to go,” I tell him as I race to find my clothes.

He wipes the sleep from his eyes and stands to flick on the bedside lamp, but he doesn’t look like he’s in any hurry to get out the door. “Wait,” he says, walking over to run his arms around me from behind.

“No, Emmett! We have to go!” I plead with him. “My mom is going to be pissed. I can’t afford to be put on house arrest right now with everything that’s happening with your sister. We still have to go talk to my dad, remember?”

“You’re already late. The damage is done.” He grins. “Might as well get as much out of it as we can while we’re here.”

I open my mouth to argue, but I’m silenced by the feel of him nibbling at my neck and ears. He kisses down my neck and down my spine, sending chills of renewed desire across my still naked body. One hand trails down and feels how wet I already am again as he lets out a grunt of satisfaction. Sure, I’m ready to go for round two. But everything in me wants to urge us to leave. I just can’t seem to get the words out of my mouth.

Suddenly he whips me around and pins my face down to the mattress with a force that only excites me more. His erection presses against my ass, when I finally regain my ability to speak.

“There are no condoms, remember?” I groan.

His hands leave me for a moment and then I hear tearing paper. I lift slightly and look around to see him sliding a condom on. “You asshole!” I cry out. “You had one the whole time?”

He ignores my scolding, which makes me want to bitch him out even more. But I am quickly distracted by his hands squeezing into my hips as he effortlessly slides straight into me. No warm up needed. Wasting no time, he begins thrusting in and out of me at a quickened pace.

We are inexplicably restored to the same level of desire we had been suspended in earlier. He fills me completely as he pounds against me. I push against him as hard as I can, feeling like I can’t get enough of him inside of me, even though I am certain nothing else could possibly fit. I slip back into an insatiable hunger as I claw into his thighs, urging him not to stop or slow down.

Our groans grow more demanding in between our heavy breaths until we finally we build to our release. I collapse against the bed as my muscles tighten around him, tensing with the roaring orgasm that crashes over me.

“Okay, now we really have to go,” I laugh into the sheets as I try to regain my ability to move and speak.

His hands press into my ass and rub up my back, followed by a trail of long, slow kisses that drive me mad. “Don’t get me started again,” I quip.

I’m scared of losing myself in this. Everything about him is intoxicating. The winding curls of his hair, and his expressive eyes that give away everything that is going on inside of him. I see even more sparking inside of them every day. He’s finally opening up, letting the real him shine through.

“Started?” he asks coyly. “My goal is for you to never stop.”

We’re all afraid of the darkness inside of us, but Emmett has a way of bringing mine front and center. I can’t hide from it when he’s around. He forces me to confront the darkest parts of myself. What I can stand, what I can forgive. I have been able to outrun everyone and everything else I have ever encountered…except for him. I can’t outrun Emmett. I can’t get away from him, no matter how hard I try.

“Let’s just run away,” he blurts suddenly. “Let’s just get away from all of this.”

“What about Jameson Automobiles?” I reply heavily, knowing Emmett could never run away. And I wouldn’t run away with him regardless. I have a family here who loves me, but I don’t throw that in his face right now.

He sighs and lets it go. I don’t know if he was hoping for me to tell him it was okay to run away from the company, but I think we both know that can’t happen. And he would never let himself do that, even if I did tell him it was okay.

“Why do you always look at me like that?” I look away, blushing.

“Like what?” he asks.

“With that crazy look in your eye.”

“I’ll tell you a secret,” he says with a shy grin that quickly fades. “I have always wondered, if I stare at you long enough, if maybe you could read my thoughts. Know what’s going on inside of me so I don’t have to fuck it up trying to say it all out loud. Before…when my dad and the Elites were still around…I had to act a certain way. Say and do certain things that I hated. I used to wish you could read my mind. So you’d understand everything the same way I did.”

“That’s funny,” I smirk shyly. “I never feel like I know what’s going on in your mind, but I feel like you always know what I’m thinking. It scares me sometimes.”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking right now,” he quips.

“Yes, you do!” I laugh. “I just told you!”

“Oh, don’t play dumb, Ophelia.” He teases my chin with his finger. “You expect me to believe there is anything less than at least a thousand thoughts going on in your brain at any given time?”

“I think you give me too much credit.” I smile.

“Or you don’t give yourself enough credit,” he quips back before rolling over.

It’s strange. I’m not used to Emmett building me up. I can’t understand why it’s so hard for him to just say how he feels, but it seems maybe he feels so much it’s hard to express. It’s a possibility that I’ve never fully considered before. I was so busy convincing myself he was heartless and malicious for so long, I never considered just how many conflicting thoughts could be happening inside of him. Or that he feels he has no way to get it all out.

But it makes sense considering what I know about his father. Emotion wasn’t allowed. It was considered a weakness. Emmett has been trained to suppress how he feels. More than that, he’s been trained to convince himself those feelings aren’t there at all.

“If only we could just hide away in some place like this for a few days. Or a month,” I say with a smile as I peel myself up and reach for my clothes.

“I’m serious,” he says with a kiss to my forehead. “I don’t ever want to be too far from your mind. Think of this and me at least a little all the time.”

“Ugh, I do,” I assure him bitterly. “That’s part of the problem.”