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Broken Rules(10)

By:Rebel Hart


Chapter Four

I turn to face Vivian and Lily’s pleased, judgmental faces, cringing over the satisfaction there after seeing Emmett and me fighting. Especially with me chasing after him as he stormed off twice in a row.

“Ready to give him up yet?” Vivian taunts menacingly. “Everyone knows he’s only with you out of some weird survivor’s guilt over everything that’s happened. And it’s only a matter of time before he realizes that, ditches you, and comes running back to me.”

For once, Lily seems somewhat bothered by Vivian’s remarks, but she still does nothing to come to my defense.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Vivian. So just back off.” I turn to walk away, feeling in no mood to get into another verbal sparring match with her.

“And you have no idea what he needs,” she shoots back before I can get away. “Things won’t stay like this forever, Sooner or later, Emmett won’t be in the position he’s in now. And he won’t know how to live without that kind of money and power. My family will be back on top and he’ll come crawling back to mooch off of us…”

She keeps rambling as I round the corner and push through the back doors of the school. I try to note everything she’s said to bring up with Emmett later. She could just be blowing hot air on false, narcissistic confidence. Or she could be alluding to what’s happening with Bernadette.

My stomach rumbles as I push through the chilly air, realizing I shouldn’t have been so quick to abandon my lunch and chase after Emmett. Now I’m cold and hungry and really have no clue where I’m walking to. I only know I don’t want to be inside of the school and run any risk of dealing with Vivian and Lily again.

Realizing I’m storming through the school yard aimlessly, I finally stop and take a seat beneath a large tree. Thankfully, the sun is angled in just the right way to provide some warmth as I rest my back against the bark. I close my eyes and lay my head back, feeling sick over how the day is going.

I didn’t expect Emmett to be back today but walking through the halls with him all over me felt redemptive in a way. It felt like the rest of the Elites had fallen down to where they belonged—shamed, out of sight, and out of mind. But then Lily and Vivian had to pop up out of nowhere, and now Emmett and I are fighting. Right in front of them at that—giving them just the ammunition against me they needed.

Why couldn’t Emmett have just told them off? Who cares what Vivian wants or doesn’t want…what about me and my feelings? I’m frustrated that my needs always seem to come second to hers, even when she’s not his girlfriend anymore.

When I first came to WJ Prep, I was captivated by the Elites and their endless, tormenting games. Caught up in their maze, never knowing what to expect next, but it was never good. Then Emmett took me prisoner, and I thought once I was free that would be the end of it. But he still has me held captive. I’m starting to wonder if I will ever be free. Even if things between us end one day, I can’t imagine not being haunted by all that has happened between us.

“You’re in my spot.” A guy’s voice suddenly pierces through my circling thoughts.

“Excuse me?” I shriek back, bolting my head forward in expectation of yet another bully waiting to strike. But instead I’m surprised to see Malcolm Henderson standing there with a gentle smile on his face. “Oh, it’s you. I haven’t seen you since…” I trail off, remembering the eerie night when he and his father, supposedly by order of my father, met with me in an abandoned warehouse out in the middle of nowhere. It was right after that Emmett and his cronies ended up taking me captive.

Malcolm Henderson and his dad, Liam, are the owners and founders of a software company that services the Jameson Automobile Company. Malcolm and Emmett are already ex-friends who don’t like each other, but I have been especially curious to see how things turn out now that Emmett is in charge of everything. The Jameson Automobile Company used Malcolm’s software to run extortion rings of politicians, and modified it to create a black market for underage girls. A sex trafficking ring.

Malcolm is tall and slender with creamy pale skin, sandy blonde hair that he keeps spiked up, and kind, pale blue eyes. His chest is narrow, but chiseled, and sits on top of long legs that spider out around him.

“I hear it’s been quite eventful for you since then.” He smirks sympathetically, nodding to the sunny seat in the grass next to me. “Mind if I join you? I normally hide out here to eat lunch.”

“Sure, but only if you’ve got enough in there for both of us.” I eye his full and unopened bag of McDonald’s, thinking how ironic it is for him to be eating that considering that’s where I was ordered to go alone before he picked me up.

“I believe I just might.” He smiles before spreading out on the ground and opening the bag.

“How did you have enough time to pick that up, anyway?” I ask as I accept a small handful of fries.

“One of our assistants brings it to me every day,” he explains casually. “I promise it’s not always fast food though. Sometimes they bring food from the cooks in our kitchen at home. You know, healthier stuff.”

He talks about it all as if it’s so ordinary. I wonder if he even has a clue that the average home doesn’t come with assistants for food delivery or a kitchen full of private chefs. “Healthy is good.” I nod awkwardly, feeling suddenly in way over my head.

“I’m just kidding.” He bursts into laughter. “I skip out early on third period, just long enough to go grab something and bring it back here where I hide out to eat.”

“Oh...sorry…” I laugh uncomfortably. “I guess I just thought…well…”

“That I was that spoiled and rich?” He grins.

“Aren’t you?” I blurt coldly. I almost feel bad, but really, I’m genuinely curious.

He nods bashfully. “Okay, fair enough.” His face lights up as he looks over at me with perfect shining white teeth. “True…my family does have enough money for things like chefs and assistants. And we do have those things, but we weren’t always so rich. We never got into the habit of relying on those things too heavily.”

“Ah,” I grunt as he hands me one of the burgers from his bag. “New money?”

“It’s what the Elites hate about us,” he answers frankly. “But I’m sure you can relate. Your dad has money, after all. And he’s just as despised by the Elites…especially now.”

I shift in the grass, wanting to talk about anything besides my father. Especially because I have no idea if Malcolm is someone I can really trust, or how connected he is with Theo.

“My father probably does have money, but that doesn’t have anything to do with my family,” I confess bitterly. “My mom and stepdad have always worked their asses off to support me on their own. I’m sure our lifestyle is nothing like what your family has grown used to, but I’m not complaining. We’re happy. At least as long as Theo and the rest of the Elites stay out of our lives, anyway.”

Malcolm purses his lips in a grimaced nod before taking a big bite of his burger. We eat like that in silence for a moment until I finally start to feel a little pathetic for sounding so bitter.

“I’m sorry if you and your dad are really close to Theo or whatever,” I add, embarrassed, realizing I’ve probably already said way too much. “I just don’t have the best first impression of him.”

“Just distant business partners,” he says softly. “Don’t worry. You’re allowed to hate your father. I wouldn’t like him either if I were you.”

I’m taken aback by his understanding, which is more than I’d expected. “How much do you know about everything that happened after we met with your father that night?” I ask him, feeling on edge thinking about just where he falls into all of this.

“Well, I’m sure your perspective would take the cake” He raises his brows. “But I don’t expect you to tell me anything. I wouldn’t put you in that spot. I’ve heard enough to piece things together. My father and I didn’t know everything Theo had planned, but after hearing about what happened to Emmett’s dad…we made assumptions…ones that are probably pretty accurate.”

I grow quiet, wishing we could change the subject. The fact that he said ‘what happened to’ Emmett’s dad gives away the fact that everyone is well aware it wasn’t a suicide, and he obviously has his own conclusions about my father’s involvement. I want to stay as far away from it all as I can, so I go back to eating without saying a word.

“I guess it’s no wonder I never see you around school much,” I blurt finally, blotting food away from the corner of my mouth. “If you’re always hiding out here for lunch.”

“I try to stay out of all the bullshit around here,” he replies.

“I thought it had all calmed down,” I murmur. “Until today.”

“Yeah, I thought I saw Vivian lurking around earlier,” he offers empathetically.

“And Lily…who is apparently her new best friend,” I add, with a resentful slump.