was dry and
“My feelings, Gheeta, are the same as the last time we met.”
Bossk spoke from the holding cage. “You know this creature?”
“We’ve had … business dealings.” Fett didn’t look back at the Trandoshan. “A couple times before.”
“And very profitable they were, too.” The cylinder with the Shell Hutt inside bobbed slightly as it turned toward Bossk. “At least … for some people.” The smile on Gheeta’s face soured. “I hope,” he said to Boba Fett, “that you’re not expecting the same degree of trust that you found previously on Circumtore.” The little crablike hands snapped their metal claws together, hard enough to produce sparks. “After that last affair of yours, Fett, you’re not going to be greeted with open arms.”
“I don’t need to be.” Boba Fett stood face-to-face with the Shell Hutt. “You’re a business creature, Gheeta, and so am I. Warm sentiments have nothing to do with it. If you’re ready to do business, then we have something to talk about. If you’re not ready, then we don’t.”
“The same old Boba Fett.” The Shell Hutt’s head, its jowly neck bound by the floating cylinder’s collar, managed an appreciative nod. “It’s good to know that some things in this universe never cliange. Just what business is it you’ve come to Circumtore to discuss?”
“I think you’ve got a pretty good idea of that.”
Gheeta’s expression turned sly, the lids over his large
eyes drawing halfway down. “It wouldn’t
be something to do with a certain Oph Nar Dinnid, would it?”
“Stop wasting time!” Bossk’s angry shout broke in. “You know damn well that’s what we’re here for!”
An amused glance from the corner of one eye, then Gheeta looked back at Fett. “Your associate has a charming directness about him.”
Fett nodded. “Among other virtues.”
“The others must be well concealed,” said Gheeta dryly. One of the metal hands reached up to scratch between the wattles at the side of his neck. “You realize, of course, that the party under discussion-this Dinnid person-is a guest on Circumtore. You know how all Hutts are about hospitality. The happiness of a guest is a sacred obligation with our species.”
Spare me, thought Zuckuss, watching the exchange between Boba Fett and the Shell Hutt. Throughout the galaxy, the treachery and outright malice that Hutts showed toward any who found themselves in one of their windowless palaces was proverbial. Zuckuss had heard things about how the infamous Jabba, the preeminent Huttese crime lord, went through so-called guests and the more disposable type of servants that made his flesh crawl. That was the difference, Zuckuss supposed, between Boba Fett and a creature like this Gheeta. Fett didn’t go out of his way to hurt or even kill anyone-if it hap pened, it happened-whereas Hutts in general took an active delight in other creatures’ suffering.
“There are some,” said Boba Fett, “who would take an interest in Dinnid’s happiness equal to your own.”
“Ah, yes.” The massive head at the forward end of the repulsor-borne
former employers. I take it that you’re here on their behalf?”
“I’m here on no one’s behalf but my own.”
“But of course.” Gheeta’s smile expanded enough to reveal his wet, flickering tongue. “I really expected nothing else. Altruism is in short supply among the practitioners of your trade. I imagine it’s the same for your friends here.” One of the little crablike hands raised and gestured at the others in the Slave J’s holding area. “Rather an intimidating crew, don’t you think, Fett? It makes the heart inside my casing tremble just to look at them.” Gheeta peered more closely at Bossk. “Let’s see … you’re Cradossk’s son, aren’t you?”
Bossk’s eyes were two razor slits, his voke a low snarl. “What’s that matter to you?”
“You really are his son.” Gheeta widened his eyes in mock fright. “Give the old reptile my best regards the next time you see him. “Which shouldn’t be too long from now.” The Shell Hutt rotated himself back toward Boba Fett. “Because if you think I’m going to let an obviously vicious bunch like this come sailing down to Circumtore, then you’ve got a few circuits blown inside that helmet of yours, Fett.”