Reading Online Novel

Bought and Sold(26)

Their cries of pleasure drew Auda and Vanessa. Auda stood watching them, a tall crystal tumbler tinkling with ice cubes in one hand, his flowing white robes rippling in the breeze. Vanessa was wearing a skimpy gold bikini and her mane of blonde hair was tied back with a silk sash.

'Untie her and bring her below,' Auda ordered. 'I'll be waiting in the master cabin. Vanessa, with me.'

Zoe watched the young girl quickly come to her master's heel. She sighed as Basil withdrew his cock from her aching sex and began to untie the rope that bound her wrists.

She had not been in the room before. It was far larger than the cabin that she had been put in and was dominated by a large circular bed. All the wardrobes and lockers were built into the walls and an abundance of mirrors gave the illusion of even more space. Zoe glanced sideways at one mirror and saw a petite, deeply tanned girl who for a moment she scarcely recognised as herself. Her long dark hair, uncombed for days, was tousled about her high cheeks and slender neck. She had lost some weight since her abduction and now her slim figure looked even leaner; the smooth, taut skin over her flat stomach and ribs accentuating the fullness of her breasts and the curves of her hips. Her hands were roped together in front of her and faint marks showed through her tanned skin around her throat where she had been collared.

Auda lay reclined on the bed with Vanessa knelt beside him. Fingering the ties of the bikini at her hips she pulled the bows apart and the skimpy triangle of gold material fell away to reveal a neatly trimmed triangle of pale blonde hair, in the heart of which soft lips of pink skin were exposed and glistening. A second later and Vanessa had discarded her bikini top and knelt cradling her generous breasts, one in each palm.

'Suck her nipples, Zoe,' Auda ordered.

Zoe had messed around with a couple of girlfriends so such a request wasn't a first for her. She did as she was ordered, secretly admiring how firm and full Vanessa's breasts were. The nipples quickly hardened as she licked and nipped at them with her teeth, teasing them more forcefully as her confidence grew. The young girl sighed; arching her back and holding her breasts for Zoe whose own hands were tied too closely together to be much help to her.

'Now it's your turn, Vanessa,' Auda announced.

Zoe knelt obediently as Vanessa proceeded to stroke and fondle her breasts.

'I want to see one of you nipple clamped,' Auda said, 'I don't care which, just do it.'

'Have you had your breasts clamped?' Vanessa asked Zoe, her fingers caressing her breasts as she spoke.


Zoe looked down as Vanessa toyed with her right nipple coaxing it to a full hardness.

'And were the clamps weighted?'

'Yes,' Zoe nodded.

'So which of us is it to be?' Vanessa asked.

Zoe gazed down at her breasts as the other girl's hands caressed her, playing with her nipples, coaxing them into hard little erections of delicate deep pink flesh.

'You can clamp me,' Zoe sighed. She could remember all too clearly how it felt and although the pain had been excruciating it had been exquisite too and the thought of experiencing it again made her pussy drool in eagerness.

'You can stand or kneel Zoe, it's your choice,' Auda announced.

'Let me stand,' Zoe answered.

'Basil, fasten her wrists to the ceiling.'

The Arab's order was quickly carried out. Zoe stood passively in the centre of the opulent cabin and allowed her arms to be secured outstretched above her head, the rope around her wrists being fastened to a ring screwed into the ceiling on a purpose made steel plate. Her arms stretched high, her breasts stood proudly erect and she was left with her bare feet just able to touch the thickly carpeted floor. She was breathing quickly now, all too aware of what lay in store for her.

'Vanessa,' Auda ordered. 'You can clamp her.'

'Thank you master.'

Zoe sighed as the blonde girl slid up against her and kissed her from her throat downwards until she felt the delicious pull of the girl's mouth against one of her breasts.

'Just relax and enjoy it...' Vanessa cooed as she flicked her tongue firmly against Zoe's nipple. Zoe sighed, hanging her head back as she felt the coolness of the metal clamp close around her erect nipple.

'Oh God... no... no... uhh...'

The jaws of the little clamp sunk into her tender flesh, pricking her eyes with pain as the device latched tightly around her nipple.

'Good girl, good girl...' Vanessa whispered reassuringly as she turned her attention to Zoe's other nipple. The steel bit and Zoe gasped. She looked down and saw both her nipples clamped; the trapped, swollen flesh deep purple. She stared hypnotised as Vanessa, smiling, calmly clipped little shiny weights onto each clamp. The pull of the weights seemed to tug deep inside her sex as well as at her nipples and Zoe groaned feverishly, twisting from her outstretched arms.

'Basil, deal with Vanessa in the same way,' Auda ordered.

'No! Please! Auda, come on, that's not fair...'

'Shut up Vanessa. You're here to do as I say. That's the price of your holiday in the sun. Now stop complaining!'

Zoe hung suspended from the ceiling by her arms, watching as Vanessa was dealt with in the same manner. All the time the weights dangled, tormenting her and arousing her. Soon both girls were hanging in the same way alongside each other. Zoe watched, mesmerised as Basil clamped Vanessa's tits. When he then clasped heavier weights onto the clamps and the younger girl's more generous breasts were pulled down more acutely, Zoe felt a pang of sympathy for her. She looked at Vanessa and saw the tears quickly filling her deep blue eyes.

'Too pleasing and tempting a sight to leave alone,' Auda grinned and slid from the bed, discarding his robe.

Zoe watched him strip and circle them, her gaze drawn to his cock. Though not as massive as Basil, Auda was very well hung and the thought of him taking her sent her pulse racing. She could see Vanessa was eagerly anticipating what would happen next too. The blonde girl twisted from her suspended arms, struggling to lure Auda's gaze and draw him to choosing her body. Zoe shivered in sweet anticipation as the Arab moved behind her and stroked his hands down her trembling flanks.

'Desperate for it, aren't you?'

Zoe nodded shamefully and her reward for admitting her condition was to feel her buttocks being split by the thickness of the man's cock as he slid it towards her sex.

She sighed appreciatively and closed her eyes as the cock was driven deep into her. She hung her head back, sighing and moaning as he proceeded to fuck her.

'Please Auda, what about me?' Vanessa whined.

Auda drew his cock almost completely from Zoe's sex and stroked his hands down her trembling flanks.

'Basil, I think my blonde slave needs to learn to be quiet and more patient.'

'Yes, master.'

Zoe gazed hypnotised at what Vanessa then suffered while she herself continued to enjoy the attentions of Auda. Basil moved quickly behind Vanessa a gag dangling from his grasp. Before Vanessa knew what was happening, the gag was being forced into her mouth. The broad pad of leather had a phallus several inches long stitched against one side and this was forced into Vanessa's mouth. A leather strap was the drawn around her nape and tightly buckled. Vanessa shook her head but could manage no more than a muffled groan of protest. The young man then took a slender cane and brought it down hard against the girl's rump. Zoe winced as she watched Vanessa jerk against the rope that held her arms stretched above her head. The cane snapped down again against the bare skin and the girl twisted and writhed as she dangled by her outstretched arms. Like Zoe, her nipples remained clamped and the weights danced, tormenting her as she struggled. While Basil caned Vanessa, Auda turned his attention back to Zoe, calmly shafting her while, as she dangled from her outstretched arms, the glittering weights swung from her clamped and swollen nipples. As Zoe's cries of pleasure and pain filled the cabin, they were countered by the regular swish and smack of the cane and Vanessa's muffled screams.

After Auda had come he slumped back down on the bed and told Basil he could now have either girl to enjoy in whichever way he wished. Zoe was secretly pleased when he chose her and unfastening the rope that held her suspended, he told her to take him in her mouth. So for the second time in less than an hour Zoe had to give the young man a blowjob. As she performed the duty, she thought to herself how compliant she had become. But then what choice did she have? If she objected they tied her up and whipped her. And there was no escape. She would soon be sold at the slave market and she would then have to serve someone else. Well, she consoled herself, her life surely couldn't get much worse.

Basil was by now so aroused that Zoe only needed to lick and suck him for a few moments before she felt his organ throbbing in her mouth. Although her wrists remained tied together she could at last now use her hands so she took hold of his balls and tightening her hand around them, drew them firmly down from where they'd tightened up under the base of his cock. He twitched madly but didn't erupt and Zoe, feeling very smug, allowed a minute or two to lapse before she resumed sucking him. In no time Basil was about to come but again she forestalled his orgasm, pulling his scrotal sack down with hand, her other squeezing tightly around the shaft just below its engorged head.

In her time as an SES agent she had perfected her technique. Sometimes a man might be kept continually aroused for days on end in one of their interrogation rooms, agents even working on him in shifts. It was amazing how the most hardened enemy agent, who could resist physical torture that tested his pain barrier to the limit, would submit to this form of more subtle torture. Once, four girls had continually tormented one man for two whole days and nights. He had been persuaded to spill all the secrets he knew before they let him spill a drop of semen.