Reading Online Novel


I get to the top, open the door to the right for him and gesture inside. “The master bath. Would there be anything else?” I tell him acidly.

“Well... there is one thing—”

“Don’t even try it. Do you really want me anywhere near your vulnerable body parts right now? Really? What if I slip and bite it off?”

“I was just going to ask which towel I should use, but thanks for the warning.” He backs into the bathroom, grinning as I let out a growl. “Thanks, Sis.” With a laugh, he shuts the door.

Arrgh! I stomp back downstairs, then pause to give myself a minute to relax my features. With my happy daughter mask back on, I return to the dinner table. Mom throws me a thankful glance, but I’m sure I’ll hear about the wine glass later. Gavin returns after a couple of minutes, looking drier, but still with big burgundy stains on his shirt and pants. He winks at me and sits as if nothing ever happened.

When dinner’s over, I offer to clear the table, just to keep out of the way. Of course that ass does the same. It makes Mom smile. “That’s very nice of you kids. I’ll take this wonderful wine Herbert brought and we’ll have glasses ready for you in the living room when you’re done. I’ve even got some of that sparkling grape juice you like, Angela.” Then she and my future stepdad glide out of the dining room, arm in arm. And here I thought being eighteen meant being an adult.

Gavin looks at me. “So...” He draws it out. “How about your mom’s bed? If we’re quick, she’ll never know.” He pats me on the ass.

Oh, for—

I’m only one poor decision away from picking up the sauce boat and flinging it at his head. “Not in my room, not in Mom’s bed, not ever. Got it?” I stick my tongue out at him again. “Prick.”

“Oh real mature there, Sis.” He rubs it in, putting pressure on the word to make sure I hear him.

I whirl on him, almost dropping the sauce boat and potatoes in the process. “I already told you, don’t you dare call me that. I’m not your fucking sis, and you’re not my freaking bro.” I’m done. There was a breaking point, and I hit it. “I’d rather you didn’t talk to me at all, to be honest.” With a snarl, I put him behind me and stride into the kitchen.

He shows up a moment or two later, balancing a scarily tall stack of plates, silverware and a couple of glasses. I rush over to grab the top ones. “Jesus, you don’t have to carry all of them at once. What if they’d fallen?”

“I would’ve paid for new ones?” He shrugs after putting the stuff down on the kitchen table.

Of course. Throw money at it. “Believe it or not, it’s not that easy. They haven’t made that set in ages. I wouldn't have to kill you. Mom would.”

“Alright, alright. Fuck. How was I supposed to know they were family heirlooms?”

They aren’t. They’re the set Mom and Dad bought when they were first married, but I’m not about to tell him that. I start putting stuff in the sink, figuring Mom and Herbert want some time alone. I can always wash some of the pieces that don't go in the dishwasher. Anything to keep busy.

“Thanks, you can leave now.”

I sense Gavin moving just a split second before his hands come down on either side of me and grip the edge of the sink. He moves close, until his front’s pressing against my back.

“I could do you over the sink. They’re snuggled up in the living room. They’ll never know.” His breath is hot against my ear, and his bulge presses into the small of my back.

“Are you deaf? What part of ‘I don’t want anything to do with you’ and leave didn’t you understand?” I whirl around, but it only presses my breasts into him instead, and that doesn't help. It’s hard to think when he’s so close. He didn’t button his shirt all the way up after trying to clean off the wine stains, and I can see a bit of ink peeking out. The image of his naked chest is burned into my brain even though I wish I could scrub it out.

“I heard your words.” He leans in like he’s going to kiss me. My breath speeds up and my heart starts pounding. Even if my mind thinks he’s despicable, my body knows differently. He stops short of my mouth. “I just don’t think you meant them. Admit you want me. Just a little?” His teasing voice both excites and infuriates me.

I’m just about to say something when his hand comes to my hip, sliding slowly up along my waist, the heat of him almost unbearable. For a second I close my eyes, distracted by his touch, before I force them back open. I check the doorway, expecting Mom and my stepfather-to-be staring at us in shock. There’s no one there, but even just the thought gets me moving. I dodge to the side to get away from his touch, clutching the kitchen counter behind me. “Leave me alone. I should never have gone with you in the first place, and it sure as hell didn’t become any more appropriate now.”