Reading Online Novel



“This is Anne Caraway for Breaking News. In a move that surprised many industry experts, Cooper Holdings has refused any attempt to settle the lawsuit brought against them on behalf of a large group of former employees. Today, we will be bringing you the start of what promises to be quite an interesting trial.”

The TV at Garrett's house is so ridiculously huge that I feel like I should’ve brought popcorn. It’s like watching the news on a movie screen. Considering I’ve never seen him even turn it on, it feels like a bit of a waste.

It’s weird to hear a news report on a case I’ve worked on. I’d be with them there today if I hadn’t quit. I’m both relieved and frustrated about that. This was my first real case, and I didn’t even see it through to the end.

Not that anyone blames me. There might be some debate in the family about who exactly caused what, but the one part everyone agrees on is that I’m the one who got screwed. Oh yeah, the video made that part really clear.

Garrett and my mother have both tried to get me to talk to him, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it. Either he did it, and can go burn in Hell, or he didn’t, and he hates my guts.

I’ve been too chicken to find out.

The perky blonde news anchor turns to an older man in a dark blue suit with a graying combover. “Herb Andover from the Andover and Andover Law Firm is here with us today. Mr. Andover, is this normal procedure?”

He shakes his head solemnly. “No, indeed it is not, Miss Caraway.” His words come out slowly and evenly, each one carefully thought through before he lets it pass his lips. “Normally, a settlement would be reached. Honestly, I’ve looked at the case, and I’m surprised Cooper’s team didn’t take what was offered. It would astound me if the final verdict isn’t a much larger financial loss for Cooper, not to mention the tremendous loss of face. The fact that his counsel didn’t protest the television broadcast makes me wonder what they have up their sleeves.”

My thoughts exactly. What the heck is Declan doing? The guy on TV is right, but I knew they wouldn’t take the settlement. Cooper would never have agreed to that, even if it would be in his best interests. At this point they should just be trying to get it done quickly and privately to mitigate the potential for disaster.

I’m surprised by how conflicted I feel. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Harry Cooper crash and burn while everyone watches. But even if I should, I don’t want to see Declan dragged through the mud with him, not until I’m completely sure about what happened at the wedding. Then if I still think he did it? I’ll be the first one there to stomp his face into the dirt.

The camera pans to the front of the courthouse just as a group of men and women climb the long elegant steps, all of them in dark, professional suits. Even at a distance, Declan stands out. He’s taller and broader than the rest. He was made to lead the way, just like his father. My heart does a little flip at the sight, but I will it to keep still, reminding myself that the way he leads isn’t where I want to go.

Suddenly the camera zooms, and his face fills the screen, handsome and confident. The field reporter jumps in without a pause. “Mr. Riordan, what’s your plan? Do you really think it’s possible to win this?” Declan’s face is obscured by the fuzzy tip of a microphone, making him back up with a flash of irritation across his face.

“You know I can’t comment on that while the case is still in progress.” He looks squarely into the camera. “But I feel confident that our key witness will be the tipping point.”

Huh? There weren’t any good witnesses for the case. That was one of our biggest problems. Did they find someone at the last minute? They couldn’t have, we did everything but go through the phone book one by one.

“There’s been a lot of talk about your witness, Mr. Lloyd Peterson. Mr. Riordan, could you elaborate? How do you think he can help?” The reporter rattles off his questions like a machine gun.

“No further comments.” Declan pushes the microphone out of his way, creating a short burst of feedback before someone shuts if off. The crowd seems to automatically adjust to let him through as his team goes into the court building. Following closely behind them are Cooper, smoking one of his cigars, and his useless friend.

“Are you sure you want to watch this?” Mom’s voice startles me. She’s walked into the room without me noticing.”

“I don’t know.” I shake my head. “I really don’t know.”

“Me neither, and yet here I am.” She sits down next to me, her fingers worrying at the cuffs of her sleeves. “Want company?”