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By:Kim Linwood

I try not to make too much noise while he drives me crazy, but if anyone’s outside the door, there’s no way they don’t hear my gasps and moans. The sensations ratchet through me, and I throw my head back, clenching my teeth so I won’t scream.

He slips a finger into me, and I’m so swollen that it feels much longer and thicker than it probably is. A second finger stretches me, and I can’t take it anymore. My vision turns white as my back arches. My toes curl and I grab his shoulders tightly. When my climax breaks, it’s like being torn apart and scattered to the corners of the earth.

It steals my breath away, which is the only reason I’m not bringing the ceiling down like he said. He doesn’t stop, working me like a starving man until I’m reduced to a whimpering puddle of nerves. I’m almost painfully sensitive, but he’s determined to draw me out as long as possible, and I let him, trusting Declan to take care of me.

Something is shifting between us, and it terrifies me. It’s easy to trust him with my body, but I can’t trust him with my heart. I’m afraid that if I keep coming back for more, I won’t be able to walk away when the time comes.

He’s spoiled me for all other men.


“Just fucking do it already!”

“Are you sure?” Claire teases. “I mean, the marks from your ass are so clear and I just want to—”

I storm over and make the decision for her by running the roller over the oval marks I left on the wall during our little painting break, while Claire breaks down into a giggle fit. She looks adorable there on the floor, her red hair pulled up into a messy knot. She’s wearing nothing but her panties and my cotton undershirt.

My arms ache from using the roller, and I’m sick to death of the smell of paint, but right now all I want to do is pick her up and toss her onto my couch. It’s the only major piece of furniture we haven’t christened yet.

She sighs and stands up, her breasts swaying. “It’s a shame. I kinda liked seeing all the smudges.”

I run my thumb along the stripe I drew across her neck. Not every mark is gone yet. “Easy for you to say, I’m the one that would have to stare at my ass prints while trying to carry on a business conversation with my father.”

“Okay, but,” Claire breaks off her train of thought and lights up with a huge smile. “I have an idea, come over here.” She grabs my hand and pulls me to the corner where I first started kissing her. Kneeling down, she presses her thumb lightly against the paint right at the bottom above the molding. “Your turn.”

Ice trickles into my veins, and my instincts tell me to run the other way. To avoid this moment where sex morphs into sentiment. Michael and his video scream at me from the back of my mind, telling me that I need to separate, not get closer. I open my mouth to object, maybe find a way to turn it into a joke, but I can’t fucking do it.

Not when she’s looking at me like that. Like what we did mattered.

I must be out of my fume-scrambled mind, because I kneel down next to her, and cup her chin before taking another taste of those ruby lips. She responds instantly, leaning into my touch and opening to let me in. Her eyes open slowly as I pull away, watching quietly while I leave my thumb print smooshed up next to hers.

She looks at it and cocks her head. “I was thinking maybe we would cross them into a heart or something.”

“And then we could paint our nails and tell stories! Give me a break. I’m a man, not an eight year old girl. I have my limits.” I shrug. “You were the one that wanted ass cheeks on my wall. Now it looks like a smurf was getting busy in my office.”

She laughs and play slaps my shoulder.

It’s feeling like a good time to go in for another kiss, and maybe inventory all her paint marks one by one, but before I can make a move, her phone rings. Claire gets up and goes to check her purse. “Crap.”

“Everything alright?” Is it wrong to hope it’s her date for tonight calling, and he’s so pissed he never wants to see her again?

“Er... yeah, but I’ve got to take this and it’s private. Do you think...” She trails off, but I get the drift.

“Fine, yeah. Gimme a sec.” I throw my dress shirt on and start to button while she answers.

“Hello?” There’s a pause, and I hear the hint of a masculine voice on the other end. It’s gotta be a date. Fucker. He sounds annoyed, but instead of talking back like she would with me, she’s all sweet and apologetic. “I’m sorry, I got caught up at work and couldn’t get out of it.”

I open the door and slip out. I’m just about to close it behind me when Claire speaks. “No, I don’t want anyone to see it. I know, I should’ve called, but I was with my coworker the whole time. It was hard to get away. I’m not trying to get out of our deal, I swear.” Her voice takes on a tinge of desperation and it gets my hackles up.