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By:Kim Linwood

“I need to get my head checked is more like it. This is it, I’m done with whatever this is.” Headlights appear down the street, and it seems like something is finally going my way since there’s a glowing taxi sign on the roof. I wave my hand frantically, flagging it down. “Here’s my ride.”

He looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t stop me. Instead he peels off his shirt.

I roll my eyes at him. “Very impressive, but I’ve seen it, and it’s not going to convince me to stay.”

“It’s for you, you idiot. You still look like you’re going topless. At least take this to cover up.” He throws it at me as the cab pulls up.

I hold it for a few moments before grudgingly putting it on. I’d rather not have to spend the whole cab ride trying to cover my breasts. “Thanks. I’ll give it back tomorrow.” Slipping it on is a reminder of how big he is. It was tight on him, but on me I could put on a belt and wear it for a dress.

It’s still warm from being against his skin, and I hate that I notice.

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind knowing you have it, imagining you cuddling up with it at night, smelling me, wishing I was there with you—”

“You’ll have it back tomorrow. Smelling like bleach.”

With a grin he opens up the door for me and I slip in, sliding wetly on the leather seat. Sticking his head into the cab, he catches the cabbie’s eye. “I’ve got your number. She gets home safe, or I’ll come and find you. Got it?” He looks scary as hell, shirtless, drenched and looking like he wants a fight. Well, another one.

“Y—Yeah, sure. Of course.” Apparently the cabbie finds him scary too. “I wasn’t planning anything, man.”

“That’s right.” Declan turns to me, his face softening, but only barely. “I’ll see you at work. We have a lot to do this week.”

“Yeah, yeah. My life will be a living hell, blah blah blah. Just close the damn door.” I glare at him, but I’m not sure he’s convinced. He closes the door, anyway.

The cabbie takes my address and against my better judgment, I look behind me as we pull out. Declan stands there and watches as we drive away, his thumbs stuck into his pockets, the water running off his bare torso.

The image burns into my mind. If I’d gotten into his car tonight we’d have had sex. I want to think that I’d have resisted, but he was right when he’d told me he could’ve taken things all the way when we kissed against the wall. I wouldn’t have stopped him.

When he’s involved, I can’t seem to tell up from down, let alone right from wrong.

Not professionally, and not personally.


“What were you thinking?” Dad growls at me, hunched behind his desk like a fucking gargoyle. Or a mob boss. His eyes are pure ice, his thick brows knit in a deep frown. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him this pissed.

“He threw the first punch. What was I supposed to do?” This is ridiculous. What fucking business is it of his?

I can’t believe Claire said something, but I’m more annoyed at getting dragged into Dad’s office like I’m twelve and brought home a crappy report card. At twenty-seven we should be past this sort of thing. Sometimes I think he wants me working here just to be able to police my life for as long as possible.

“What were you doing there in the first place?” He pushes his chair back so he can stand and pace back and forth like a tiger getting ready to pounce.

“It sounded like a good party. I heard the punch was delicious. How could I stay away?” Rolling my eyes, I make as if to leave. I don’t have time for this shit.

“Don’t you fucking turn your back on me, Declan,” he thunders behind me. He must be pissed as hell if he’s swearing. I can count the number of times I’ve heard that on one hand. “I’m sick and tired of your shit. The fights. The parties. The embarrassment, over and over. When are you going to fucking grow up?”

I throw my hands out. “I’m me, and what you see is what you fucking get. Don’t act like you didn’t know that when you hired me. I’m damn good at what I do, but I’ll never be a good little boy scout.”

“Don’t I know it.” He sinks back into his chair and sighs. “Declan. You’re a brilliant lawyer when you want to be. You’re smart, you’re aggressive and you can do the work when your mind’s on it. But every time you do something crazy like this, you’re one step closer to no one taking you seriously. And so long as you’re working here, not taking Riordan & Flynn seriously.”