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By:Kim Linwood

“Michael, people are looking.” I hate the way my voice quavers. I just want this to stop. “I’ll make Declan leave, alright. I didn’t bring him.”

“I don’t give a fuck.” He takes a step closer. “Listen, Claire, I’ll give you one more chance. You messed up. I messed up. I forgive you. We can try this again.”

I blink. Forgive me? For what? Kicking his cheating ass to the curb? I knew coming today was a bad idea, but I didn’t realize just how delusional he is. What do I even say to that? “Michael—”

“No, I mean it.” He throws open his arms. “I don’t hold grudges. I love you, baby. I just want you back. I want us to be happy. You won’t have to be his slut anymore.”

Alright, that’s it. My body moves before I even think about what I’m doing. I don’t know if I’m that determined to show Michael that it’s over, or if there are things going on in my subconscious that I need to examine later, but I spin around and reach for Declan’s t-shirt, dragging him towards me. He’s caught off guard when I grab his hair and pull his face to mine.

My lips meet his and I tell myself this is just for Michael’s benefit. There’s no way I’ve been aching for it all week, or that I’m reliving that freezing night in February.

No way.

God, he tastes good.


Her body practically melts against me as I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close in case she changes her mind and tries to get away. Claire might just be doing this to piss her ex off, but her motives aren’t my problem.

She started it, but I’m sure as hell going to finish it. When I slide my hand down the side of her sexy little dress to grab her ass, she fucking whimpers and the sound goes straight to my cock.

Her body feels like all I need to live, but eventually we have to come up for air. Even then she tries to follow my lips, searching for more. We want the same thing, but I tease her by staying just out of reach, tracing my fingers over the soft skin her dress exposes in the back. Sparks flare between us. I can tell she feels it too, small shivers and goosebumps breaking out even in the warm summer air.

I’m ready to dive in for another kiss when someone coughs nearby and I hear the disapproving whispers. She freezes and my hands drop away, the moment over.

Michael stares at us, rage twisting his face into an ugly mask. He’s not the only one watching, but thankfully his mother doesn’t seem to be part of our audience. I just came to have a laugh and make sure Claire was okay, not cause trouble.

Right. That’s a fucking joke.

I might as well be honest with myself. There was nothing platonic or brotherly about my decision to come here tonight, and the instant I saw her, I needed to stake my claim. She’s like a fucking addiction. I’m pulling her deeper and deeper into my veins while pretending it’s all a joke.

I look at Michael and smile coldly, reaching out and stroking the small of Claire’s back. “I think I’m the clear winner here, but I’ll give you a free tip. Next time you fuck up—and we both know there will be a next time—try not to call the woman a slut while you’re apologizing.”

Claire tears herself away from my touch with a little growl. “I—I can’t believe either of you. I’m not some prize to be won or lost.” She looks back and forth between us, her eyes shooting daggers. “By either of you.” And with that, she turns and walks away from us.

From me.

Fucking walks straight towards the front gate, hips swaying and her skirt swirling to give me tempting glimpses of her gorgeous legs.

No way, I’m not letting her run away tonight. I chase after, grabbing her arm. “Where do you think you’re going?”

She stops and spins around, shaking off my hand. “Home. Away from you. From him. From all of this.”

Shit, this isn’t like our play at work. If I let her walk off tonight it’s going to permanently fuck something up between us. I need to get her on her own. “You’re not going anywhere unless it’s with me.” As I speak, I feel a drop of rain against my cheek.

Great, that’s all that’s missing.

“Let it go, moron.” Claire tries to look serious, but all I can see is that her lips are still swollen from our kiss. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Yeah, that’s right. She came with me, and she’s staying with me.” Michael’s smarmy voice pulls my attention to my right, where he’s standing with his hands on his hips, flanked by curious bystanders.

“Funny, I got the feeling she didn’t come much with you at all. Keep your trap shut while the adults are talking.” I don’t have time for his shit.