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By:Kim Linwood

I break. It’s a victory I’m happy to give him. Wrenching myself loose from his grip, I turn around and reach up around his neck with both hands. Sliding my fingers into his hair, I pull him down to me, and he comes eagerly.

Chapter 36: Angie

Suddenly, it’s like even my sundress is too hot. I can’t imagine how he feels in his suit. I might have started the kiss, but Gavin’s determined to finish it, cradling the back of my head with one hand and putting the other at the small of my back, pressing me against him. Even through his pants, his hardness presses against my stomach.

I forget where we are. The flowers, the book, nothing matters except the connection between us, the electricity that’s arcing across our lips as we kiss. My hands roam over his hard body, looking for buttons and zippers and anything I can use to get his clothes off. His jacket falls, and I fumble with his shirt, only pausing so he can lift my dress over my head.

Finally his last button gives and I spread his shirt open, revealing the smooth, muscular chest underneath. Leaning in, I kiss his nipples and all the skin in between while he works his sleeves down his arms before throwing the shirt aside. The salty taste of his skin mixes with the sweet scent of the roses next to us, creating a heady perfume.

I’m tearing open the fly of his pants when my bikini top goes slack, the knot undone by his clever fingers. Letting it slide down my arms, I toss it onto one of the chairs before I grab the hem of his pants and tear them down his legs, underwear and all as I drop to my knees. I’m rewarded by his large cock bouncing free only inches from my face, pointing straight up.

I don’t even let him get his pants all the way off. Rising up, I envelop him in my mouth, trying to remember everything he taught me in the shower. His musk intoxicates and incites me. As I do my best to swallow him, all kinds of crazy, sexy tingles race up and down my skin.

He slides his hands into my hair, gripping me with hard fists and guiding me while I wrap my hand around the part of him that my mouth can’t reach. He thrusts with need, but suddenly pulls away. “No, too much more and I’ll come.”

I look up with a grin. “Okay.”

He laughs at my eagerness while he kicks off his shoes and pull his pants the rest of the way off. I watch him undressing hungrily. Out of all the gifts he’s given me today, this might be my favorite. Nothing can top him, or the feeling of finally being able to call him mine. Tossing the pants aside, he aims his intense hazel eyes at me. They’re so hungry it’s a little scary.

In the blink of an eye, he’s on me, picking me up and nearly throwing me on my back into one of the leather chairs. Making quick work of my bottoms, he tears them off so hard I hear fabric rip, but I don’t care. He hovers over me, breathing hard, then flips my legs onto the arms of the chair so I’m spread wide open for him. My heart feels like it’s about to burst out of my chest, but I’m ready for him. Whatever he wants to do.

Gavin’s nostrils flare like a bull’s, but instead of just driving into me, he lowers his face while he grabs my thighs with his strong hands, holding me open. At first he just kisses along the insides of my thighs and up over my mound, touching me with his lips everywhere but exactly where I want him. He flicks his tongue right around the edges, teasing me until I try to follow him with my hips to lure him to my center.

Instead, he tightens his grip on my thighs to keep me in place. “Good things come to those who wait, babe.”

I nearly growl in frustration, my hands gripping the armrests so tightly my knuckles go white. Almost instinctively, I reply, “I’m not your babe.”

He laughs. “Is my mouth about to eat your sweet pussy until you scream my name? Right now, you definitely are, babe. Stop denying it.”

Oh my.

I start to respond, but then he swipes his broad tongue firmly right up between my folds and I forget why I cared.

He doesn’t reply, his mouth is too busy, but the way his eyes crinkle into tight crow’s feet shows how much he’s smiling. Then I forget all about that too, closing my eyes and letting his tongue work its magic. He swirls, nibbles, kisses, blows, and basically pulls out every possible trick in the book until I’m a quivering mess beneath him, my whole body tightening up in anticipation.

I’m so, so close when he sits up that I whine in protest, making him chuckle. Tugging his discarded pants closer, he gets something out of the pocket. There’s a tear of plastic and a moment of fiddling before he’s back between my legs, but this time it’s not his tongue pushing at my entrance. I draw a deep breath, waiting, my insides aching to be filled.