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By:Kim Linwood

Eventually, he pulls away. “Fuck, too sensitive.”

I let him out with a soft pop before I look up, unable to keep the grin off my face. I did pretty well, I think, especially for my first time.

He laughs. “Feeling pretty proud of yourself, aren’t you.” Crouching, he gets right up close. “You suck great cock, babe.”

“Don’t call me—”

He kisses me, deeply, putting a hand on the back of my head so I can’t get away. Doesn’t he care about... well, apparently not. I wrap my arms around his neck, and return his kiss for all I’m worth.

Chapter 31: Gavin

Well, fuck, that was unexpected. Far be it from me to not enjoy a spontaneous BJ, but I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Pretty sure I’m not out of the shithouse yet. I can’t deny that our chemistry is real, but aside from my cock, what else is she after?

Even still, somehow I’ve ended up in bed with her head on my chest and my arm around her like we actually belong in the fucking bridal suite, and for once, I have no idea what to say. She sure feels good in my arms though.

She even smells good. I resist the urge to lean in and kiss the top of her head. Jesus. I never thought I’d end up like my father, but here I am pushing aside my pride because her mouth felt good around my cock and her hair smells nice. I blame the shower on adrenaline, but the cuddling?

Shit, now what?

“Nothing’s changed, has it?” Angie’s soft voice breaks the silence with a question that sounds more like a statement. Her soft breath brushes over my midsection while she traces the tattoo on my side with her finger. One of the first ones I got. A bunch of feathers wrapped in barbed wire. It seemed really fucking symbolic of... I can’t even remember.

I sigh and look up at the ceiling, wondering about the shitty paint job. “No.”

“I can’t stop thinking about you.” Her finger trails higher, up towards my chest, following black ink while she talks.

Cold settles in my gut. She’s betting on my ego to get me back. Typical.

“And I hate it. I hate that you were a total asshole to me when I was scared and I still can’t stop.”

With a quick grab and roll, I put her under me. Angie squeaks in protest at the sudden movement, but I don’t miss how her legs slide open automatically so I land between them. Her tits jiggle enticingly when she lands on her back, and I’m already hard just looking at her.

“Like hell you hate it.” I grind my cock against her and she whimpers. “And scared? Scared of what? Being set for life? Oh yeah, poor you.” I try to sound pissed, but man, it’s hard when I can feel her heat soaking into me. I don’t even believe me.

She frowns and tries weakly to buck me off, but she’s breathing heavy and it’s not from the effort. “Set for life? Are you serious? Yeah, I’d just looove to be pregnant for pre-med. Raising a baby on my own in medical school sounds like so much fun! And I’d be stuck with YOU which would basically be hell. I’ve been trying to get away from you since we met!”

I laugh. “Of course you have. That’s why we keep ending up in bed together. You have to rest from all that running.” I don’t believe for a minute that she doesn’t want to be exactly where she is. The rest of it? I don’t know, but doubt creeps in. “I still don’t know what to do with you.”

“Really?” She traces her fingernails along my chest, sending tingles racing straight down to my cock. “The great and mighty playboy is out of ideas? How disappointing. I can think of a couple of things.”

“Yeah?” Is this really the same girl?

“Yeah, like you get the fuck off me and we finish this trip and then never see each other again,” she snaps.

“That’ll be a little hard, Sis.”

Angie laughs. “Didn’t you hear? The marriage is off. Your dad pulled the plug.”

The feel of her under me is so distracting that her words take a moment to register. “What? What do you mean?” I grab her hands and pin them to the pillow behind her head. From the way she chews her lip and her eyes light up, she doesn’t look like she minds. “Spill.”

“Mom told me.” She raises an eyebrow. “Your dad hasn’t called?”

“Apparently we don’t talk as often as you guys do.” As in, hardly ever if we don’t have to. This would’ve been nice to know, though. “Tell me what happened.”

“Why do you care? According to you we’re just a bunch of gold diggers anyway. I can see it in your eyes whenever you look at me like that.” She wriggles against my grip.