Reading Online Novel


We’re supposed to eat at the captain’s table again tonight, but I can’t. No way. I barely held it together at the bar, and I’m sure everyone on board who might care knows about our fight by now. If I have to play the happy wife, I’ll probably drive a fork through his leg before the main course shows up. The mental image of smiling at Captain Chuck while Gavin clutches his bleeding leg makes me snort humorlessly. No, Angie! Bad idea.

I’ll just get room service or something. Or sleep. Lie here and cry while I plan more ways to hurt Gavin. I don’t even know. For now I just stare at the ceiling, thinking about last night. There’s a fleck of paint missing. Ugh, noticing that feels like a pathetic new low.

LL Cool J shouts out from my purse, startling me out of my daydreaming. I almost don’t get it. I’m busy being miserable here in bed, and the phone is all the way over there. It doesn’t stop though, so with a sigh, I get up on my elbows. I blow my bangs out of my face. Time for a trim. Just one more thing not going my way. Rolling to the edge of the bed and reaching over, I barely reach the fancy purse, grimacing when I remember who bought it for me.

Might as well get it over with. The suck is strong with me today. I tap the button and put the phone to my ear. “Hi, Mom.”

“Angela! Where are you? And don’t give me that Cassie crap. She let the cat out of the bag.”

I get that she’s annoyed, but I’m an adult. She’s probably mostly hurt I lied. I suppose I’d be too. “Sorry, Mom. I’m...” I draw a deep breath. “I’m on a cruise.”

There’s silence for a long moment. “A cruise? How did you... Wait, did you take Herb’s tickets?”

“Yeah. I know I shouldn’t have, but it seemed such a shame to just throw them out.”

She tsks. “I thought so too, but you didn’t have to be sneaky about it. Why didn’t you just tell me?” Yup, she’s hurt. She’s using that disappointed Mom voice. Everyone’s mom has one, the one that makes you feel guilty no matter what you did. It’s actually been a while since I’ve heard it.

“Honestly? I thought you’d be mad. I mean, they weren’t ours to use.”

“Ours? Honey, who’re you there with?” There’s an edge in her voice, though I don’t know why. “I know it’s not Cassie, so don’t even try to lie.”

“I’m here with Gavin. He found out I was going and came along. His name is almost the same as Herb’s so they just figured we were you guys.” That’s the short version anyway.

Mom is quiet, but I can practically hear her thinking over the phone. “This is going to sound strange, honey, but did anything... odd happen? On the cruise I mean?”

Oh, no way. She knows?

I throw myself back on the bed, finding the missing paint spot on the ceiling while I decide how to answer. “You mean like, accidentally marrying my new stepbrother?”

She squeaks out a choking laugh. “Did—Did you guys go along with it?”

Oh God. My voice is tiny. “Yes.”

There’s a long silence, and I’m starting to panic. Then she sobs and my chin starts to quiver. Except it’s not a sob, it’s laughter. Like, can’t catch your breath, stomach aching laughter. It’s so loud it’s hurting my ears, and I hold the phone away, staring at it like it’s going to bite me. Now I know how Gavin felt the other day.

“Seriously, Mom?”

Then suddenly she stops, and I risk putting the phone close again. “I’m sorry!” She gasps for breath. “I know I should be mad, but I just wish I could’ve seen your faces when they... wait a minute. How far along with it did you go?”

My face gets so hot I can feel my phone stick against my cheek. “Well, here comes the bride, do you take this man, eating cake... dancing... You know, the works.” I can’t believe I told my mother I accidentally got married and she laughed at me!

“Mmhmm.” She hears the words I’m not saying too. The consummation. “Does this have anything to do with our other conversation? I can’t say I’m sorry to see Paul go, but rebounding with Gavin? Honey, I know he isn’t actually your brother, but that’s bound to get awkward.”

“Awkward?” Understatement of the year. “You could say that. Aren’t you more worried about the married part?”

“Did you sign anything?”

“No, at least I don’t think so. Unless Gavin did.” I try to remember, but I’m pretty sure we were whisked straight to the reception.

“If you didn’t, then there is no marriage. Even if you did, the license was in our names. You might give a lawyer somewhere a headache, but I think you’re in the clear,” she says gently. Just listening to her voice and getting it off my chest makes me feel so much better. Adult or not, sometimes I need my mom. “But back to you and Gavin. Is this serious?”