Reading Online Novel


And that’s how we fall asleep.

Chapter 23: Gavin

My brain feels like I woke up in a zombie marching band apocalypse. Head pounding, stomach churning, mouth like sandpaper, and I can’t feel my fingers. I try to roll over, but my arm’s trapped by a soft, sleeping body. Curled into me, Angie’s still fast asleep, and when I move it’s like she senses it even in her sleep and inches closer until her face nuzzles my chest.

Holy fucking shit.

Little Miss Principles. The girl who wouldn’t give me the time of day. The girl who said right to my face that she wouldn’t even if I was the last man on the Earth. Sleeping in my arms. Well, if that’s not a victory, I don’t know what is.

Not just once, either. Once more in the middle of the night, and then again only a couple of hours ago. I know it must have been her first time, but once she let herself give in, she turned into a fucking wild cat. She damn near wore me out, which I’m never going to tell her, because I wouldn’t hear the end of it.

But right now, when she’s not busting my balls, she’s adorable. Who am I kidding? Even when she’s chewing me out, she’s cute as hell. I don’t know what it is about her. At first it was my pride. Hunting down the one who ran away. But, fuck, I love the way she challenges me, and she might deny it, but she enjoys it too.

Now? I don’t have a fucking clue, but my victory doesn’t feel like one. I’m not ready for our game to be over. Letting out a soft breath, I brush a lock of silky hair out of her face. I’m not used to not wanting to let go. Fortunately, we have some honeymoon left to screw it out of our systems. That should be enough.

Our honeymoon. I laugh softly. What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into? I might’ve dropped out of school, but it doesn’t take a degree to know there’s no way it’s legal. Maybe we just got our parents hitched without them even knowing it. That’d be fucking rich. “Hey Dad. Guess what? You’re married now. Congrats! I brought you a t-shirt.”

I stroke her hair softly, just watching her breathe. The covers slipped down while we slept, exposing those perfect tits and I watch them rise and fall. I want to touch, but I don’t want to wake her yet.

What’s up with that, Gavin? You falling in love or something?

Wouldn’t that be a nightmare? Angie’s growing on me, though. I could stay here all day watching her like this. Unfortunately, I still can’t feel my arm and I’ve got morning wood hard enough to drive in a nail. I need to take a leak something fierce.

When I gently pull my arm free, she stirs but doesn’t wake up. Pins and needles race up and down from my fingertips to my shoulder. I mutter curses under my breath and shake it out until it stops tingling. She grabs a pillow and cuddles into it in her sleep, now that I’m not next to her anymore. The motion rolls her even further out from under the covers, exposing a soft thigh. I’d love to run my hand up it, right into her juicy little pussy, but first, nature calls.

I shut the bathroom door quietly and look down to find the bane and joy of my existence staring right back up at me. Fuck that shit, I just need to piss. After a bit of awkward positioning, I get my business done, then head into the shower. The hot water rushes over me, clearing out the booze fog from last night.

I just stand there a while, slowly waking up, half hoping that Angie’s going to come in, but she never does. Man, that girl can sleep. Or maybe she’s just waiting for me to come back. The thought gets me shutting off the water and grabbing my towel, my cock already firming back up. I wrap the soft terry cloth around my waist and I’m just about to open the door when I hear her voice.

“It was crazy!” She’s on the phone. “I know. I couldn’t believe it either. Still can’t.”

Shit. I have a bad habit of eavesdropping on her phone calls, but come on, we’re sharing a room and she’s talking about me. I can’t not listen.

“Yeah, you would suggest that, wouldn’t you? I’m not going to be able to walk normally today as it is.” She giggles and I can hear her moving around on the bed, probably still naked. “God, it was wonderful. Every time.”

The satisfied tone in her voice makes me grin. Fuck, I’m tempted to stride out there, rip my towel off and take Angie right on the bed while her friend’s listening, so she can get the experience firsthand. If I wasn’t hard before, I’m more than fucking ready now.

“But seriously, you know I’m not on the pill.”

At her words, my skin prickles as if the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees. Yeah, she was a virgin, but with the way we met and her plans for Paul, I’d have figured she was on the pill or depo or something. Didn’t I ask last night? Fuck. How drunk was I? I never forget, and why the fuck wouldn’t she have said anything?