Reading Online Novel


There’s amused laughter from the crowd and some scattered applause. Angie looks ready to sink through the deck in embarrassment, but he continues like it’s nothing. “Today, I have the pleasure of joining the beautiful Miss Marie Wilson with the love of her life, the handsome Mr. Herbert Caldwell.”

Angie’s hand crushes my fingers. Her whisper is barely audible. “I’m going to faint.”

“You’re going to be fine. Just remember, good food and an open bar, right?” I squeeze her hand back. “We’re going to get through this, and then we’re going to get so shitfaced that we’re going to have to crawl back to our room. Clear?” She nods nervously. For once we seem to be on the same side. It’s a small victory, won under duress, but I’ll take it.

“It’s not often I get to officiate weddings aboard, so this is as exciting for me as it is for the couple, I bet.” Our captain laughs, and the crowd chuckles along.

Laugh it up, Chuck. You have no fucking idea.

He continues, and I hope it won’t be for too long. I think the only reason Angie’s still standing is because her knees are locked. “Did you all know that captains don’t actually have the authority to officiate marriages? It’s a myth, but a so pervasive one that the Navy even has a statute dictating that Naval captains are not allowed to do it.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “I think we’re off the hook. Guess it’s just for show.” Angie nods in response, looking a little less panicked. Fuck, if it’s just for fun, we might as well enjoy it. I pull her closer and place an excited kiss on the top of her head. I half expect her to slap me again, but relief’s a powerful thing. Instead, she puts on a cute little smile. I could get used to that.

“Luckily, I’m retired, and I’m not one to let something silly like statutes stop me anyway. So, in the state of Florida I am a registered public notary. Just in case anyone’s wondering if this is for real, when we’re done, the happy couple will be Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell.” Captain Chuck bows to a smattering of applause.


Angie sags in my arms. Shit, did she faint? I grip hard, supporting her, and whisper to her as loud as I dare. “Angie!”

She steadies, then looks at me. Her eyes shimmer, like she’s about to cry. “We’re getting married.”

I laugh it off. “Relax, babe. It’ll never stick. We’ll pretend to be married, eat and drink ‘till we puke and get it annulled when we’re back on land if we have to. It’ll be fun.” She’s not convinced, but they can’t seriously hold us to this. This isn’t real. Me? I’m already looking forward to the champagne and cigars.

Chapter 21: Angie

Shouldn’t it take longer to get married? One moment, Gavin and I were standing there in shock, then a short speech, a few words and suddenly we’re at the vows.

“I do.” My voice is shaky and I barely get the words out. Gavin’s “I do” is more confident, and he’s grinning like an idiot. What if we’re really freaking married? Doesn’t he get that this is serious?


Apparently not, from the confident way he takes my hand and turns us to face the crowd. My face burns while they applaud. This is all fake. This is crazy. Ridiculous. But sometimes it’s like you’re stuck in a snowball barreling down a mountain, and everything spins faster and faster until you crash into a million pieces against the bottom.

That’s this trip.

I just got married to my stepbrother. In a freaking bikini. Crash.

The crowd gets up for a standing ovation. I want to shrink away, but instead I stand here with the biggest fake smile ever on my face, doing my best to look radiant or whatever it is brides are supposed to look like. In flip-flops.

My face is burning with embarrassment, and I’m sure I’m blushing all the way down. They could at least have given me time to put on a dress or a shawl or something. Why did I let the steward take my wrap?

Chuck’s voice cuts in behind us. “You may kiss the bride.”

Gavin laughs. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.” Wrapping his arms around me, he dips me deeply like I don’t weigh a thing, and plants his lips right on mine.

I forget about everything around me, about being married, about being nearly naked, about my embarrassment. About everything. Suddenly, it’s just Gavin and me.

Heat surges through us, connecting us in the moment. His bare skin burns where it touches mine. My blood roars in my ears, rushing hotly through me like an overflowing river and I barely hear the loud cheering of the crowd above it. Hooking my arms around his neck, I grip him by the hair and cling to him like a life preserver.