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By:Kim Linwood

I roll my eyes at him, thinking of a million things I’d rather do than attend some function with him. “Can’t we skip it? Or you go, and tell them I have a headache or something.”

Gavin shakes his head. “I think we better show. The way they’ve been going on about it, Dad must’ve set it up, and it’d be pretty fucking weird if we weren’t there.” He shrugs again. “It’s probably something for you.”

That would only make me feel better if I knew what it was. With a sigh, I make sure my suit’s properly back on, then nod. “Fine. This’d better be good, though.”

He leads the way. Up two flights and we’re back at the heavy door labeled UPPER FRONT DECK. When Gavin opens it effortlessly, I glare at him, but at least he holds it for me.

I step through to a deck covered with decorations. I’d seen the balloons earlier, but now there are flowers everywhere, mostly white, but beautifully accented with bright colors. Soft classical music plays from the speakers, setting a solemn mood.

And the people! The deck is packed with what seems like just about every passenger on the whole ship. What are they all doing here? As soon as we stepped through the door, all conversation stopped, and now they’re all staring at us. I glance at Gavin, but he only shrugs.

A red carpet runner starts at our feet and parts the crowd right down the middle towards the front of the deck. I follow it with my eyes to where it ends at an arch covered in vines and flowers. Standing next to it, still in full dress whites, is Captain Chuck, looking smug and distinguished at the same time.

I swallow. That’s an altar. Those are guests. The captain’s officiating. I start to hyperventilate. I glance back at Gavin and I see from his dropped jaw and wide eyes that he’s realized what I just did.

“Oh shit,” we whisper in chorus.

Chapter 20: Gavin

Holy fuck.




Dad doesn’t fuck around, but I can’t fucking believe he was actually planning on fucking marrying Marie on the fucking cruise ship.


Now what?

Angie looks like she just had a heart attack. I don’t blame her. Pretty sure mine skipped a beat or two just now. It’s still racing like I’ve run a ten-mile. Giving her a nudge with my elbow, I turn on a smile. It’s fake as hell, but nobody cares so long as the mask is in place. I figured that out long ago.

She glances at me anxiously, her eyes flitting around like a wild animal ready to make its escape. I hold out my hand and she takes it hesitantly, swallowing the biggest lump in history. “Gavin!” she whispers with a hiss. “It’s a wedding. A wedding. For us!”

I step closer to her so we can hear each other more easily, whispering out of the corner of my mouth. “It’s for our parents. It won’t count.”

“We are our parents. At least as far as they’re concerned. We’re not actually going to do this, are we?” There’s panic in her whisper, and for a little thing, she has a painful grip when she’s freaked out.

“It won’t count.” I think. “We just have to fake our way through the ceremony, and then we’ll have a huge meal and it’s business as usual.” I squeeze her hand back, trying to comfort her and hoping she doesn’t feel how I’m shaking. Fuck, this is some crazy shit.

A steward rushes over to take her things, and we start to walk, still wearing just our swimsuits, and not knowing what else to do. The guests applaud as we walk by them, grinning like fucking idiots. It’s the longest walk of my life.

“Are you sure?” Another hiss from Angie. “I mean, what if it does count. What do we do?” She’s wearing a smile as fake as mine now, but in her eyes is pure panic.

“It won’t count. No fucking way. How could it?” Now if only I felt as confident as I’m trying to sound. How does this work? There need to be witnesses and shit, right? Signatures that have to match? Something? Not having any immediate plans of getting married, it’s not something I’ve looked into.

I put an arm around Angie, trying to calm her while I smile and nod to the guests. She’s stiff as a pole, shivering, and there’s not a thing I can do about it. Well, I did want us to spend more time together. Just like Dad to pull a crazy-ass stunt like this.

Fuck you, Dad.

We stop in front of the arch and Captain Chuck takes a step forward. He straightens, and after giving us what I’m sure is supposed to be a reassuring smile, he speaks in a loud voice. “Welcome, everyone. I’m so glad you’re all here to witness this joyful union   today.” He looks up at the sky. “And boy did we get some beautiful weather for it, didn’t we? It’s a good thing too, because from the look of them, Herb really went all out keeping it a surprise.”