Reading Online Novel


When we finally part, both of us breathing hard, her whole face is flushed and her eyes intent on mine. It’s the kind of look I want to see beneath me, a look that says, “Fuck me again.” My cock strains against my pants, so I hope we’re getting dessert. I’m going to need a little time before standing.

She chews her lower lip and our eyes remain locked for several long seconds. The spell’s broken when I hear an excited little clap behind me. It’s Joyce, staring at us with the most gleeful expression that borders on crazy. “You kids are so adorable! What did I tell you, right? Tongues.”

Angie pulls away from me, looking embarrassed, but... pleased? She turns back to the captain with a mysterious smile on her lips. Soon she’s back to listening to his tall tales, but this time it doesn’t bother me so much. This dinner needs to end, though. Soon.

The waiters clear off the table, and I’ve barely eaten a bite. I don’t get why I let him get under my skin like that. It’s not like Captain Chuck over there’s going to steal her away from me. That look Angie gave me after our kiss? I want it all the time. We’re faking a lot on this cruise, but that was real.

Dessert’s served, and it’s crème brûlée. I grimace. The lowest common denominator of fancy desserts. My stomach rumbles, though, so I dig in like it’s food. I’ll get room service later.

“So Herb...” Chuck doesn’t even register until Angie kicks my shin. Fuck, her shoes are sharp. Also, gotta remember that I’m Herb. “Are you ready for tomorrow’s big event, then?” He winks at me, while Angie and I exchange confused glances.

“Absolutely.” I have no fucking idea. “Ready as ever. You going to be there?”

He laughs, a real belly laugh while he points at me. I chuckle along, but seriously, I really should figure out what this is all about. First the guy at my door this morning, now this. What did Dad have planned for Marie? I’m starting to think we’re in for a serious surprise tomorrow, and it won’t be good.

Chapter 17: Angie

Sun streams in through the window, searing my eyelids and forcing me awake. Blinking and rubbing my eyes, I shake my head to clear the cobwebs. Right. The cabin. The ship. Gavin. This morning there’s no warm, solid body behind me. He’s not here. Seems I have the room to myself.

It’s stupid to be disappointed, and probably just as well. Yesterday was crazy. Shopping, our fight, finding out about Paul, the dinner... The Captain was hilarious, and the food had been so good. Everything had been so fancy, and I’d fit right in. Even Gavin had been good, mostly.

And then there was the kiss.

My breath speeds up just at the thought, and I hate myself for how easily Gavin can do that to me. Life was simpler when I could pretend it was just his body I liked. Is that idiot actually getting to me? Throwing myself back on the bed with a groan, I breathe out heavily, trying to think.

I was supposed to be on this cruise to have fun, with Paul. He was going to be my first. It would be perfect and we’d enjoy good food and complimentary champagne while we spent a couple of weeks together. Instead I’m stuck here with him.

When did the good guy turn into the bad guy, and the bad guy into the... not as bad guy?

I’d held out a little hope that Paul would call me back and explain, but he hasn’t, and I’m actually a little relieved. So many warning signs I’d ignored are obvious in hindsight. Better to find out before we slept together, but it still sucks. So now I’m single again, but it’s not like I can do anything about it here. Everyone thinks Gavin and I are getting married.

The bathroom door opens with a loud click, scaring the crap out of me. Gavin sticks his head out, hair dripping and broad, muscular torso exposed. He keeps his lower half covered behind the wall, making me wonder if he’s naked or not. Memories of his hard ass, his powerful legs, and his big cock spraying cum all over the shower door flash through my mind.

At this rate I’m going to need the shower. Cold.

He glances around the room before his eyes settle on me in just my underwear. He smiles slyly before speaking. “You alright? I thought I heard a noise.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Ah, alright.” He makes as if to close the door, but opens it again. “You weren’t playing with yourself, were you?”

“Get real!” Doesn’t he think of anything else? Speak for yourself, Angie. “No!”

“Were you thinking of me?” He leans forward, exposing just a little bit more. He’s got a bit of a trail of hair down the middle of his stomach and it leads straight to...