She turned back to him irritably. For some reason, he still looked riveted and he very narrowly missed trippingover one of the tiny wine-tables which cluttered the room. He snaked out a speedy hand and restored the rocking article, his perfectly shaped mouth twisting with annoyance.
'May I sit down?' He surveyed her expectantly.
'Suit yourself.'
'You could offer me a drink,' he suggested drily.
'You are not a welcome guest, Mr Terzakis.'
Under her stunned scrutiny, he strolled over to the tray of alcoholic beverages on the sideboard, located the whisky, selected a glass and helped himself. 'I should warn you that I find it impossible to be even slightly courteous in your vicinity.'
Sarah took refuge in silence but her nerves were singing like a soldier's on the brink of a battlefield.
He sank down with indolent grace into an armchair opposite and regarded her with utterly unreadable black ice eyes fringed by ridiculously long, luxuriant lashes. 'Last week, I made several miscalculations,' he murmured smoothly. 'It is obvious that you have no intention of giving up Nikos-----'
'Nicky,' Sarah slotted in shortly.
'Nicky—how cute.'
But he was saying it, she noted with rich satisfaction.
'No intention of giving him I correct?'
'Very rarely, but on this occasion, yes.' But was that quite true? Sarah had tossed in her bed over several nights, questioning whether she was doing the right thing in utterly rejecting the proposal he had made for Nicky's future. In material terms certainly the Terzakis family had a great deal to offer Nicky, and the further suggestion of two parents... But then, it was the potential parents that worried Sarah the most.
'It was perhaps... tactless,' he selected softly, 'of me. to suggest that my brother and his wife assume responsibility for him.'Sarah was not acquainted with him in this mood. She frowned. He was purring like a sensuous cat and toeing the line, a line she had frankly not expected him to abandon so easily. 'Not tactless,' she said. 'Brutally insensitive.'
"The child's future could be secured in another way,' Alex proffered. 'I could adopt him and bring him up as my son.'
Sarah was thrown by the proposal, tossed casually at her without the smallest of preliminaries. The tip of her tongue snaked out to moisten her dry lips. His darkened eyes suddenly flamed into gold, his attention dropping to the surprisingly voluptuous curve of her lower lip and lingering. Faint colour threw his hard cheekbones into prominence. He tautened, shifting slightly in the chair, a tiny muscle pulling tight at the corner of his unsmiling mouth.
There was a thrumming tension in the air. She didn't know where it had come from but it unsettled her, brought her skin out in goose-flesh. She stiffened, and watched that so expressive mouth of his suddenly slide into the faintest of smiles. It was there and then it was gone as though she had imagined it, leaving her scrutinising him with uneasy suspicion of she knew not what
What was the matter with him? Had he been drinking? Perhaps that was why he had to help himself to whisky-dire need rather than simple ignorant bad manners. He had nearly fallen, she reminded herself. In addition, he couldn't seem to hold his concentration.
And he wasn't the only one, she registered, although she could scarcely be blamed for losing focus on the conversation when he was behaving so oddly. As for his proposal that he adopt Nicky! Barely worth the breath required to answer. No... no... no.
'You would hand Nicky over to your brother. That's what you would do.' She spoke her thoughts out loud.'I am a man of my word, a man of honour.' Night-dark eyes rested on her again. 'But then I doubt that you believe that. Yet it is imperative that—er—Nicky should be accepted as a Terzakis.'
'Imperative to whom?' Sarah demanded.
'Do you really think that one day that child will be grateful to you for denying him his rightful place in society?'
Sarah paled, bent her head, assailed all over again by doubt and uncertainty which she was determined not to show him.
'Your determination to deny my nephew what my family could give him is wholly selfish,' he derided harshly.
Taut and strained, Sarah studied the carpet at her feet. Was it selfish? She was greatly disturbed by the accusation. Didn't he see that from her side of the fence the Terzakis men were a particularly abhorrent yardstick by which to measure the rest of his family? Damon: weak, cruel and uncaring, as revealed by his treatment of her sister. Alex: ruthless, arrogant and equally cruel and uncaring of those less fortunately placed in the world. She did not seek to retain custody of her nephew out of revenge and respect for Callie's memory alone. No, indeed...
A child needed more than wealth and status to thrive. A child needed time, understanding and love to grow into a responsible adult. Was it even reasonably possible that Nicky would find those needs fully met by the Terzakis family? Sarah thought not, but she desperately wished she had a crystal ball to see into the future because she was frightened by the fear that she could be making the wrong decision on Nicky's behalf. And if that was true, she would never forgive herself... and Nicky might never forgive her either, she reflected painfully. She cleared her throat and lifted her head, sure on one point. 'I wouldn't trust you with Nicky. He's a helpless little baby and you're a self-centred workaholic shark who would probably dump him in the full-time care of a nanny-----'