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Blackwing Wolf (Kane's Mountains Book 2)(22)

By:T. S. Joyce

Dustin sat on the concrete, right in the middle of what would hopefully  someday be their living room, and pulled her down between his legs. It  wasn't often Dustin got quiet, and she would have worried except he was  still touching her. He was still showing her affection, and the glowing  in his eyes had faded with each passing minute.

Emma relaxed her shoulder blades against his chest as he wrapped his  arms around her and settled his cheek against hers. "I got you  something," he said against her ear.

"A present?"

One nod. "I had all these plans for when I said ‘I love you' for the first time, but earlier, it just felt like the right time."

"It was," she said. "It was perfect. I'll never forget it."

Dustin was quiet for a minute before he said, "Do you know what werewolves say about home?"

Emma shook her head.

"Home is where you rest your bones. It's not a specific place, or  person, or even somewhere permanent. Wolves roam. Packs roam. Settling  territories is hard because no one wants us near their towns. And  rightly so. We tend to ruin things. When I was growing up, we moved  every year from rental home to rental home. I hated that the pack was  always on the move, and my parents had to take us wherever the alpha  decided. It's not like with crews, you understand? There's no working  together unless we are hunting. There is the alpha's law, and you just  hope to get into a pack with a good alpha who will keep you alive  longer. Pack is for survival, not for a happy life. There aren't a lot  of mated pairs for werewolves. What woman is going to put up with our  shit? Most of the girls in the pack I grew up in were turned against  their will and had nowhere else to go. They were always scared.  Skittish. It's how I thought women were supposed to be. My mom was one  of them. Weak around my dad, strong for me and my brother. She  understood the need for her sons to be dominant in the pack so we could  be safe, and when I came along … " Dustin swallowed hard. "She wasn't  disappointed in me. She was disappointed that my life would be stunted.  She could see my future. So could my dad, so could my brother, so could  I. So she made sure I had the best shot possible to survive into  adulthood. She pushed me in school where she didn't with my dominant  brother. It was hard because we were moving around so much, but she  devoted herself to making sure I got the best education. Good schools,  college-she was relentless. At the time, I didn't understand why until  Axton chose me for the pack he was building. Me, a submissive, and Axton  was one of the most dominant wolves in the world at the time."

"Why did he pick you?"

"Because I built a business that could support his pack."

Emma turned her back on the sunset and settled between his legs facing him. "You funded your pack?"

Dustin nodded. "That's what has kept me alive this long. I built teams  of marketers, elite teams, and sold their services to huge corporations.  That's how I started out. It was beneficial to the teams because I  could negotiate more money for them, and beneficial for me because I  made huge commissions on each team I successfully sold to these  companies. So if one of the pack lost a job, or had a hard time paying  bills, or fuck, just didn't want to work, I took care of them."

Whoa, this was unexpected. Dustin was thoroughly educated and a clever  businessman. All of his perverted jokes and lack of seriousness had  thrown her way off track. "That's how you afford your car."

He huffed a laugh and rested his elbows on her bent knees, linked his  hands behind her back. "That's the one splurge I ever did for just me.  Axton was pissed that I wasted pack money, but I didn't care on this  one. I earned all that money and fed it into the pack as an investment  on my survival, but I wanted a fast car. I wanted somewhere I could just  cruise when shit got too heavy. I wanted a place to sleep when we were  moving around and fighting like fucking … well … werewolves."                       


"Axton moved you around a lot?"

"Yeah, his reputation preceded him wherever we went to claim territory.  He is a bulldozer and a killer. He's killed a dozen of our own kind just  to get to where he is, but that's what alphas do."

"Kane didn't do that."

"Kane's not a werewolf. The culture is different, Emma. We're separate from other shifters."

Emma ran her knuckles along the short scruff on his jawline and rested  her cheek against his arm. "Home is where you rest your bones. Sounds  like a sad life to never understand what a real home is."

Dustin stared off into the woods and shook his head. "I never knew what I  was missing, and I never cared until I met you. Until I came here and  saw how a crew could work. How it could be under Kane."

"You want that now?"

He dipped his chin once. "When I was a kid, my mom, she planted flowers  everywhere at every rental house we moved into. We would stay there a  year tops, so she would never get to see her gardens in full bloom, and  it was kind of tragic, you know? She was so sad with my dad, but she was  all smiles when we would work in her gardens. I think she was bright  before my dad put a wolf in her. One of those naturally happy people,  like you and Winter and Rowan. So, growing up, each house we would move  to, I would make a wish for my mom. Every time the clock turned to the  number 11:11 or 10:10, I would put my finger on the numbers, close my  eyes, and wish we could stay in a house long enough for my mom to see  her garden in bloom."

Emma's eyes prickled with tears at the imaginings of Dustin as a sweet child, making wishes for his momma. "Did it ever work?"

Dustin's lips pursed into a thin line, the expression at odds with his  naturally smiling face. He shook his head. "Not in time. She stopped  gardening when I was in college. She just … quit. Stopped smiling, stopped  laughing. And anyway, my parents' pack is still on the move. It's the  way the alpha likes to operate, so they do what he says. I asked her  once what her favorite flower was. I remember we were in this rental  house up in Portland, and it rained a lot while we were there, but that  day, it was sunny. I was weeding. God, I was always weeding with her  because it was mindless work and she was nice to me. She didn't shame me  for being submissive, so I was squatted down in the dirt, maybe ten  years old, and I asked her, ‘Mom, what's your favorite flower?' She was  standing beside me, the sun behind her like a halo, making her look  beautiful, like an angel, and she smiled so big. It had been a bad week  with Dad, and I'd missed her smile. She pointed to this green vine with  these little purple flowers that looked like trumpets. Morning Glories,  she called them. She said they were her favorite because they only  opened up during the day when the sun was out. At night, the flowers  closed up so they could keep the darkness away."

Dustin reached into his back pocket and handed her a packet of Morning  Glory seeds. "Last night I wished on 10:10 and 11:11 that I could plant  you a garden here, and that I would live long enough to watch it bloom  with you." When his eyes filled with deep emotion, he blinked hard, then  stood. "I'm going to grab a beer. Do you want anything?" His voice  cracked on the last word.

Emma didn't understand what was happening. "Dustin, you will live long enough, you silly wolf. Your wish will come true."

"You don't understand," he gritted out. He angled his face away from  her, and his teeth were clenched now. "Those wishes never come true." He  dipped his blazing gaze to the packet of seeds in her hand, then turned  and strode for the trailer without looking back.

And now Emma was left with this hollow feeling, as if he'd given her all of his secrets and none of them, all at once.

Chapter Thirteen

Pocket buzzing incessantly, Dustin's phone went off again. Only the  Valdoro pack and the Blackwing Crew had this number, and he'd just spent  all evening with the Blackwings, so it wasn't them calling. He couldn't  put this off any longer.

He'd avoided Axton and Jace's calls like the plague over the last few  days, ever since they'd seen him and Emma in the woods. Ever since  they'd called him, howling, drawing his wolf back. If Emma hadn't been  there distracting him, Axton would've succeeded. He would've dragged  Dustin right back to him, and hurt Emma. Jace would have hurt her too,  if Axton commanded it. They didn't care about hurting women. They didn't  care about anything.

And once upon a time, Dustin had convinced himself he was the same as  them. As if he was exactly like all the other psychotic werewolves in  the world-normal for a wolf, even if he'd always been on the fringe. But  over the past couple of weeks, such a strong desire to protect not only  Emma, but the other Blackwings, had presented inside of him. He really  was a broken wolf.