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Blackwing Wolf (Kane's Mountains Book 2)(20)

By:T. S. Joyce

Dustin had a really nice back, especially all flexed like this. Powerful  legs were tucked into those sexy jeans, and his hair was mussed as  though he'd just gotten out of the shower. When he turned around and  walked backward in front of her, she thought he would joke with her, but  his face was serious. His sandy-blond brows lowered thoughtfully. "Hey,  Emma?"


He eased to a stop at the side of the trailer, then set down his  supplies and took hers from her arms, too. He approached slowly and  pulled her against his warm chest. The weather was chilly, but he felt  like a furnace. "You aren't a shifter, so you don't realize how  dangerous that was back there. You don't feel how bad off Logan's animal  is, or Beasts, or mine. You're safe with Winter, but that's it." He  eased back and let her see his lips as he lowered his voice. "It was  reckless to charge a group of warring animals like that. Next time it  could be worse than a bruised butt. If I ever ask you to run, I need to  know you'll trust me and do it. Not because I'm trying to boss you  around. I know you're a strong woman who knows her mind, but because I  need to know that when it comes down to it, you can help me keep you  safe. Swear it."

She waited for the punchline. Dustin was rarely serious like this, but  his frown stayed in place, and he was leveling her with such an intense  look, she had no choice but to give him the promise he wanted. "I swear  I'll listen. I forget sometimes that … you know."

"No, tell me."

"That I'm not one of you."

She wanted him to tell her she was wrong. She wanted him to say, ‘No, Emma, you are just like us. You are Crew.' But he didn't.

Instead, he shook his head slowly and sighed. "You have to stay out of  the animal fights. You don't heal like us. One swipe from a paw, and you  could bleed out before I can stop it. Or one accidental bite, and  you're Turned. Especially around Logan and Beast, Emma, especially them.  They don't have any control."

He was pleading with her for understanding with such sincerity, she nodded and whispered, "Okay."

Dustin stared down at her a moment longer, then kissed her lips. When he  disengaged with a sweet smacking sound, he picked up both bins and the  cooler, gave her one last worried glance over his shoulder, and then  disappeared around the corner of the house.                       


For the first time in her life, Emma felt weak. She'd been raised with  vampires in a strong and loyal coven. Her family had never made her feel  different, even if she was human and hearing impaired. Sure, they  could've drank her dry at any moment, but Emma had never felt at risk.

But here with the Blackwings, where fire-breathing dragons ruled the  mountains and the titans of the crew lusted for blood and brawls, she  was at the bottom of the food chain.

And her weakness wasn't only a risk for her anymore.

It put the man she loved at risk, too.

Chapter Twelve

He'd hurt Emma.

Dustin flipped the steaks on the grill, took a swig of his beer, then  cast her another sideways glance. Instinct wouldn't let him take his  eyes off her for long. Not when she smelled sad.

She was sitting in a purple bag chair between Winter and Rowan. The  other two females were chattering happily over her, but his mate was  staring off into the nothing. He missed her smile. That's what he wanted  to give her, not frowns and sad eyes.

He wouldn't admit it, but he'd bought black bag chairs for all the other  Blackwings but purple for her because it was the color she wore the  most. He hoped it was her favorite color. The hair rose on the back of  his neck, and when he looked over at Kane, the alpha was sitting in a  chair, hand resting on his mate's leg as he stared thoughtfully at  Dustin. His wolf didn't want to give the dragon his back, but Dustin  forced his gaze away and paid attention to the steaks. There was no  doubt in his mind the dark dragon knew exactly who Dustin was. He knew  what he was-a traitor. It was beyond Dustin why Kane hadn't killed him  yet. It made no sense that he wasn't a pile of ash right now sitting in  the belly of the dragon.

God, she'd gone straight for Beast with that damn pepper spray. Dustin  had been fine, wasn't even close to being choked out, but his girl had  gone protective immediately. She would make an amazing she-wolf. She had  those instincts to jump in a fight and wreak havoc. Little hellion. He  bet her wolf would be gorgeous. If he Turned her, would she be a black  wolf like him? Would she be submissive like him? Would she be broken  like him? Or would she be stronger? Didn't matter. He would never bite  her. She didn't want that from him, and now a big part of him thought  she was making the right choice. Werewolves were fucked up on a good  day. Vampires, too, but they weren't as unstable. She had a good head on  her shoulders. Emma would make one hell of a vampire. And that was a  good thing, because soon, he wouldn't be around to protect her anymore.  Either Kane or Axton was going to off him. He just didn't know which one  yet.

"Dude, cut it out," Logan snarled from right beside him.

Dustin startled and swallowed down the growl that was rattling his  throat. He hadn't realized he was doing it. The steaks were medium rare  and cooked enough, so Dustin shoved Logan to give himself some room and  pulled all the steaks but one onto a plate. Emma was human. She wouldn't  like her meat bloody.

The bear shifter flashed him a frown as he made to take the plate to the  table Winter had bought for the back porch. But before he left, Logan  sighed an irritated sound, turned back around, and lowered his voice.  "Are you okay, man?"

Dustin wanted to pop off, but he was so shocked the ex-mercenary cared,  he couldn't think of a single witty response. Instead he answered, "I'll  hold. Just working through some stuff." Like betraying his damn pack.  And not only his pack but his flesh-and-blood brother. Everything had  gotten so messed up.

Looking uncomfortable, Logan shifted his gaze to the exposed beams of  the porch ceiling. He cleared his throat once, twice. "If you ever need  to talk, you can say words to me, and I will try not to kill you."

It was the nicest thing Logan had ever said to him, but this bro-shit  was strange, so Dustin grunted and nodded, and thankfully Logan  understood because he spun and stomped off with the food. Holy shit,  that was weird. Kind of cool, but weird.

Winter was looking at him all mushy, so Dustin flipped her off and then  yanked the piles of asparagus off the foil and onto a giant plate with a  pair of tongs.

Emma slipped her arms around his waist from behind and rested her cheek on his spine. "I'm sorry," she murmured.

Dustin slid his hand over hers just to keep her in place. "Crazy girl, there is nothing to apologize for."

She sighed. "I texted my mom. I told her it's time to talk about the  Turn. I don't want to be the cause for anyone getting hurt. Not the  crew, and especially not you."

Dustin's heart banged against his chest hard and fast. Now? Sure, he'd  accepted she was going vamp, but this soon? He didn't feel ready.                       


She tightened her grip on his waist, and he forced himself to move. He  inhaled a steadying breath and took her steak off the grill. "What will  happen when she Turns you?"

"She'll drain me, I'll die, and she'll keep my body safe until I rise a few days later."

Dustin swallowed bile. Sure, Emma would come back a supe, but to do so,  she had to die first. He turned off the grill and spun slowly in her  arms so she could read his lips when he murmured, "Does Kane know?"

"Yes. I was open with it in my first interview. He knows of my coven.  They are some of the good ones. Quiet pillars in their community. They  are helpers, not hurters."

"How do they eat?" He couldn't help the bitterness in his voice.

"They pay feeders. It's all voluntary. It's part of the reason I've been  saving up. I want to afford to pay feeders so I don't ever go into a  feeding frenzy. I don't want to hurt people."

Dustin thought of her lips on someone else's neck and gritted his teeth  against the urge to bite her here and now and stop that from ever  happening.

Selfish creature. This is what she wants.

With a sigh, Dustin brushed her hair behind her shoulders and told her,  "I'll be your feeder." He leaned down, kissed her neck once, held her  stunned gaze for a moment more, and then took the rest of the food to  the table.

Kane was still watching him, but his eyes didn't look quite as full of hatred right now.

"What?" Dustin gritted out. He was really fucking tired of everyone  watching him like he was a time bomb. Granted, he was a time bomb, but  still. Between Kane eavesdropping and Beast stalking him for funsies,  this was all getting a little annoying.