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Blackwing Wolf (Kane's Mountains Book 2)(15)

By:T. S. Joyce

That felt right.

The door swung open and in walked trouble. Petite Emma, with those sexy  curves shoved into tight jeans and that little spaghetti-strap silk  shirt. Make-up on point, fresh lip gloss, hair pulled back in a ponytail  that gave him a boner on account of it being a beautiful mess, just  like his Emma. He'd gotten her hair all ratted like that. She'd let him  inside of her. Not like with the other girls she'd mentioned. They were  all fucks he needed when pack life got too hard or his wolf became  unmanageable.

Sex with Emma was different. It was better.

"Why are you staring at my vagina?" she asked. Her voice was thick and a  little slurred, but he'd meant it when he'd told Emma her voice was  perfect. No other girl he'd ever met sounded like her. He would  recognize the tone of her voice from across a busy street.

Dustin cleared his throat and ripped his gaze away from the zipper of her jeans. "Are you here to blow me?"

Emma snorted and knelt down in front of him. "No. You didn't do the bat  signal." She shoved her finger a couple of times into a hole she made  with her other hand.

Dustin wanted to hold onto his worry for a little while longer, but it  was impossible with his dainty little human making lewd gestures like  that.

The smile dipped from her lips. "You okay?"

"Fine. Why?"

"You're on the floor like your world just ended."

Dustin took stock of his body. Crap, she was seeing him in a really  vulnerable position. "Just dealing with some wolf shit. I'm good."

Emma canted her head, and her delicate eyebrows went into the cutest  fucking frown he'd ever seen, right before she scooted between his legs  and hugged his waist. She rested her head against his shoulder and  sighed. "I bought you a drink. It's something called a Pink Panty  Dropper, and it has extra maraschino cherries and a purple umbrella."

Dustin snorted a laugh. "You better not have."

"I roofied it so I can seduce you easier," she murmured, but there was a smile in her voice.

"The girl of my dreams," he muttered. He said it like a joke, but  underneath the tease, he absolutely meant it. Emma was flawless.

He inhaled deeply and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "You really do smell like sex. That's a compliment."

"Well, it's a terrible compliment."

"Thank you."

She shook her head against his shoulder, and he imagined her rolling her  eyes. She did that a lot, but with a smile that said she wasn't that  annoyed with him.

The door swung open, and Winter stumbled in with a pair of pink girly  drinks in her hands and her eyes closed tightly. She was wobbling on her  heels and smelled like a brewery. "Stop fooling around. I have to talk  to y'all." Winter cracked an eye open and sighed with relief. Then she  leaned against the wall beside them and slid down, landing a little too  hard. Some of her drink spilled on the dingy tile floor.

"Sloppy drinker," Dustin accused.

Winter responded by handing him the drink, which had, in fact, five  maraschino cherries sitting in the bottom and a purple miniature  umbrella.

Emma was cracking up at herself.

"You're the worst," he muttered, but he took the horrid drink like a shot, because manners. Werewolves sometimes had them.

Logan kicked open the door and came in holding two more pink drinks and  looking pissed. "She fucking ordered them for everyone." He sat down  beside Winter with the grumpiest frown on his face.

Dustin snorted, and now Emma was really laughing in his arms, shoulders shaking. God he loved her.

Beast came in four seconds later with two more girl-drinks. He smelled  angry. And like maraschino cherries. And last but not least to this  bathroom party were Kane and Rowan. How many monsters could they fit in  one tiny bathroom? Here was the answer.                       


Beast handed Kane the fruity drinks and stumbled over to the urinals on  the wall. A jingle of his belt and the rip of his zipper, his back to  them, Beast started pissing.

"Dude," Logan growled. "There are girls in here."

"Girls pee, too," Rowan slurred.

"How much have you had to drink?" Dustin asked the crowd.

"Enough," Kane muttered, as he sat on Dustin's other side and handed him another pink drink.

"Hard pass," Dustin said.

"Fucking drink it. I'm going to puke if I have to drink both."

Dustin growled but chugged the nasty drink as Rowan settled on the other  side of Kane. He felt heavy and terrifying so Dustin shifted his weight  toward Winter so he wouldn't barf at the raw dominance wafting from the  dragon.

With a snarl, Logan leaned over his mate and shoved Dustin's head. "Back off. Mine."

"I strongly dislike all of you," Dustin groused. "Not you Emma. You're  pretty and let me have sex with you, and Winter, you're only annoying in  the mornings."

"I second that," Beast said, turning from his piddle-session. "Fuck mornings."

"Did you know public restrooms are one of the filthiest places in the world?" Winter asked. "I read that somewhere."

Emma was slurping out of Kane's remaining drink in his hand while the alpha sucked on his mate's neck. Tonight was weird.

No. As Winter chattered on with the most useless facts on the planet and  Beast agreed with everything as he washed his hands, while Kane and  Rowan sucked face, and Emma hugged him closer, Dustin thought maybe  tonight wasn't weird, but perfect instead. The perfect follow-up to the  fear that his pack would catch up to them and hurt Emma.

Sure, the Blackwing Crew would eventually find him out and probably kill  him in some torturous way, but for now, they felt a lot safer than the  pack. Safe. He huffed a breath and massaged the back of Emma's head.

Safe was just a word, and words meant nothing.

But for Emma?

Dustin frowned down at her. She finished off Kane's drink with a loud  slurp. She smiled up at him and looked so proud and so naughty. Yeah,  she was safe. She had to be. He would make sure of it. He didn't know  how, but he was going to get her out of the trouble that clung to him  like a second skin. He would bring hell to earth to make sure no one  hurt his little human. She was his to protect, and this was the moment  he accepted it. Accepted that she was his priority, that her breaths  were more important than his, that her heartbeat was more vital to him  than his own. It was the moment he made a silent oath to go to war for  her, no matter what it cost him. Because she had to be okay. If Emma  existed on this earth, Dustin could believe in goodness.

She poked both corners of his lips with her forefingers and shoved them  up into a smile. When he chuckled, Emma sighed a happy sound.

"Why are we all hanging out in the bathroom?" Winter asked suddenly,  looking around like she was confused about how she'd gotten there.  Sloppy, sloppy.

"Why wouldn't the Blackwings hang out in a dirty bathroom for their  first celebration?" Kane asked blandly. "Seems fitting enough to me."

"Agree," Logan said, lifting his full drink. When the umbrella fell out  and fluttered to the ground, he stomped on it like a roach.

Winter's face went all mushy, and she cuddled up to the lunatic like he was cute.

"Wait, the Blackwings?" Emma asked Kane.

"Yeah, you've all been invited now. I mean, you still have to bite this  lying asshole to get in." Kane tossed Dustin a hate-filled look. "But  you all got the folders."

"Didn't you know we were celebrating as a crew tonight?" Rowan asked from the other side of her mate.

"But Beast hasn't gotten one," Emma pointed out.

Beast slammed a pink drink back and gulped. "I got one the other day."

"What?" Logan asked too loud. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Beast shrugged his massive shoulders. "No one asked."

Everyone sat frozen in silence, staring at the scar-faced behemoth.

Emma was the first to snort, and Winter and Rowan followed. Their quiet  snickers turned to laughter, and even Logan chuckled. Beast looked  pissed and crossed his arms as he glared at them. Kane shook his head  and sighed the saddest sound, and now Dustin couldn't help laughing  either.

"To the worst crew in the world," Dustin toasted them. "To the D-Team."

The others repeated in unison, "To the D-Team."

And then they downed the rest of the girly drinks.

Chapter Nine



Emma blew on her newly painted nails and carefully turned the page in  the celebrity gossip magazine with the pad of her pointer finger. Why  were all the lies about celebrities boring this week? Or maybe not  boring, but pretty tame compared to the crazy last few days she'd had.