Lee had raised an eyebrow pausing on the first step
“Oh… I thought I just looked fine” she said haughtily throwing his earlier words back at him
He laughed gently
“What is it with you Lee…why is it so hard for you to take a compliment?”
“Because” she said icily “You are so bad at giving them”
She had gritted her teeth once more as he had laughed softly behind her
“Are we always going to be at each other like this” he asked softly
Lee had looked stonily back at him
“I guess you should have put it in your contract that I was expected to agree with everything you say and not argue back”
He had chuckled seeming to almost be enjoying the exchange between them
“I’ll bear that in mind for the next time” he said before moving up to join her on the stairs
“Let me take you to your room madam” he said mockingly
“I can find my own way thank you” she said before storming up the stairs and moving into her room without as much as a backwards glance
Yanis Demitri had watched the young woman, with a strange look on his face as she had disappeared into her room before he moved into his, pulling the tie from around his neck as he went.
The next morning, as she had once again woken up early, Lee had showered before dressing and moving down the stairs. As the previous day Yanis was finishing his breakfast and on seeing her he had smiled
“Good morning, cara” he said his tone sarcastic “sleep well, or are you feeling lonely yet”
Lee had scowled at him, before once again sitting down opposite him and helping herself to a cup of tea.
He had laughed even more before becoming suddenly serious, holding her gaze.
“You might find today that you will start to receive phone calls from different organisations. I have made up a list of those you are free to commit time to, any others refer them to my office, the number is on the sheet. Be nice, Lee, but don’t get too involved. At 12.30 I will be back to meet with your brother”
Lee had lifted the sheet, reading carefully through the names and information on it.
“Ok” she said her brow knitted together in concentration.
He had then risen
“Try not to spend too long in the boutiques.” He said as he threw down several credit cards in front of her.
“If they need topped up, let me know”
Lee had looked at the cards, her face showing her uneasiness as she had not wanted to touch them
Seeing her discomfort, he had smiled, his lips curling unpleasantly
“Please don’t even try to pretend” he said softly before leaving the room to the waiting chauffeur.
As he had gone Maria had once more appeared in the room carrying the toast as she had done the previous day. As they had done the before, the two women had then sat and ate together chatting pleasantly
“You know Maria, it might be easier, if when Yanis left I just come down to the kitchen” the young woman had chuckled making Maria laugh with her
“Sounds good” she said approvingly, before moving back out to get on with her work.
If Lee has worried that there would be nothing to do then she was mistaken, as for the rest of the morning the phone had rung off the hook. People and organisations all wishing to congratulate her and Yanis on their engagement, while inviting her to join different committees. As she had been directed to do, Lee had stuck to Yanis list, for once thankful that he had taken the time to prepare the document for her.
Those not on the list were referred to Yanis’s assistant and soon Lee had found that her whole week seemed packed with meetings and events, and she had sighed for the first time realising that perhaps the idle rich were not so idle after all. Being an organised person, she had always carried a diary with her, and was thankful for having it by the time mid day had come around, as she had efficiently organised each and every phone call. At mid-day the phone had been put to voice and she was able to escape upstairs to change for the arrival of her brother.
At 12.45 Yanis had walked into her room, much to her surprise
“Please knock next time” she said stiffly at the way he had just entered unannounced.
He had lifted one eyebrow quizzically
“Where would the fun be in that” he mocked her, smiling as she had tightened her jaw her whole body rigid with indignation
“I would have thought that at the very least Yanis Demitri, you could pretend to behave like a gentleman” she said her tone school marmish
Moving forward he had chuckled softly
“Since when did you see me as a gentleman Lee” he asked, his closeness to her now causing her to flush slightly as she could feel every pulse in her body jumping. Looking around for somewhere to escape she had found herself trapped against her bed