The security monitors spotted Leia as soon as she stepped out of the speeder. A courtesy droid met her at the doors and opened one.
Walking with long-strided purpose, she started down the main promenade, ignoring the expressions of surprise and whispers of curiosity she left in her wake.
By the time she was. halfway down the main promenade, The Sniffer and The Shooter came running up from behind to join her. She did not break her stride, but continued into the General Ministry’s central offices.
The office staff rose at once as she entered. An older woman emerged from a back room and rushed forward to meet her.
“Madame President,” said Poas Trell, the first administrator’s executive aide. “We weren’t told you were coming—the first administrator is over at the Senate this morning—” “That’s all right,” said Leia. “No special preparations were called for. Where is the minister of state?”
“Minister Falanthas is meeting with the Vorkaan delegation. But I could have him paged—” “No,” said Leia. “That’s not necessary either.
Do you have the emergency petitions for membership?”
“The originals? Why, yes—they’re in Minister Falanthas’s secure file.”
“I want them,” said Leia. “And an endorsement tablet.”
“Of course, Madame President. Won’t you let me call the administrator and Minister Falanthas?”
“Completely unnecessary. They have their work to do, and I have mine,” Leia said. “We’ll use your staff conference room, if it’s available.
You can witness.”
Plat Mallar stirred in the infirmary bed and made a noise that might have been a soft groan. Setting his datapad aside, Admiral Ackbar leaned forward and watched as the young Grannan’s eye crease opened and his eyes sought to focus.
“Good morning,” Ackbar said, patting Mallar’s hand. “Don’t be afraid.
Do you know where you are?”
“Hospital,” Mallar said in a croak.
“Yes. You are in the New Republic Fleet Infirmary on Coruscant,” said Ackbar. “And I am Ackbar.”
Plat Mallar’s eyes widened. “Cor’scant? How? I was—what about Polneye— what happened—” “I will tell you everything, in time. Some of it is hard to hear,” Ackbar said gravely. “But none of that matters today.”
“Thought—I was dying,” Mallar said. Each word was an effort.
“Today you start to live again. And, if you will allow me, I will be here to help you.”
Mallar raised an unsteady hand a few centimeters and pointed. “Who’re you?”
“I am Mon Calamari,” said Ackbar. “And you are Grannan. I have never met a Grannan before today.
Have you ever met one of my people?”
Mallar shook his head slightly.
“Then perhaps we both can learn from each other.”
“Uniform,” Mallar said. “Were you? are you my doctor?”
Ackbar glanced down at his battle dress. “I am just an old star pilot without enough sense to go home,” he said, rising. “I’ll bring your doctor now. He’ll have more important things to talk about.”
Poas Trell could not keep the frown off her face as she handed a seated Leia the stack of petitions. “Madame President, when you said that I could witness—” “Do you have a problem with that?”
“Madame President, Minister Falanthas’s aide alerted him to your arrival before I reached the office.
He’s on his way down now. Could I possibly impose on you to wait just a few minutes—” “No,” said Leia. “There’s nothing to discuss. I have the authority to grant these requests, and I intend to do so. Where is the endorsement tablet?”
“My auxiliary is fetching one,” said Trell. “It will be here shortly.”
Leia raised a questioning eyebrow. “It looks like we’ve received some additional petitions.”
“Yes, Madame President. There are twenty-three all told, eighteen from Farlax and five from elsewhere. The administrator and Minister Falanthas were discussing with Chairman Beruss a proposal that the four systems closest to the hostilities be placed in an accelerated approval process—” “I can accelerate that process considerably if you’ll just get that endorsement tablet in here.”
Trell was openly squirming. “Princess, I’m very uncomfortable with this— ” “Are you questioning my authority to act on these petitions?”
“No, of course not, Princess Leia. I only thought you might see value to consulting with your senior ministers on your decision, and coordinate your timing with–” “The endorsement tablet, please,” Leia said firmly.