Biting Bad_ A Chicagoland Vampires Novel(53)
“That’s what John Wilkes Booth said after he shot President Lincoln,” Ethan said darkly.
“Are we the tyrants?” I asked.
“We aren’t entirely sure,” Catcher said. “We didn’t find anything else on the Web linking the phrase to the riots or the movement, so it could just be something they came up with at the last minute.”
“So their group’s grown larger,” Ethan said, “and they have a motto. How are they recruiting?”
“We still aren’t certain,” Luc said. Luc projected a Web site onto the wall screen—a social-media site with a Clean Chicago badge.
“This was posted about two hours ago,” he said.
“Two hours ago?” asked one of the Grey House guards, a short-haired and broad-shouldered fellow muscular enough to have played offensive tackle in his former life. “After the riot?”
“We asked the same question,” Luc said. “But the account is definitely new.”
“Which means they had other ways to pull in participants before the riots,” Catcher said.
“Yes,” Luc said. “We still haven’t found any other Internet sources, but they’re clearly recruiting members through some kind of network. Could be military. Could be informal.”
“Could be hate groups,” offered one of the Grey House guards. “Preexisting network of humans who make a hobby of hatred. It can be easy to rile them up to fixate on another group.”
“True,” Luc said, then glanced at Jeff. “Anything like that pop up on Robin Pope?”
“Not so far. Her background is bland. Nothing suspicious. Nothing even interesting.”
“Could it have been wiped?” Jonah asked.
“Sure,” Jeff said. “But there’s also nothing so glorious it looks fake. She just seems dull.”
“General awareness of the riots is undoubtedly helping recruitment,” Luc said. “Media reports are all over the twenty-four-hour news stations, the Web.”
“We’re actually hoping we have an ace there,” Ethan said. “Merit’s family is friendly with the Breckenridges, including Nicholas, the reporter. She called him and asked that he consider preparing a feature about how the riots are impacting the Houses, the neighborhoods. The darker side of hatred, as it were.”
He glanced at Scott. “I’ve offered him access to the House, but you can grant whatever access you’d like—or none, if you prefer—for your people. I know the spotlight isn’t comfortable for all.”
Scott nodded. “I’ll think it over.”
“While we’re taking roll call,” Luc said, “has anyone heard from Morgan?”
“He finally called,” Scott said. “Said he wasn’t able to offer room in the House. According to him, Will, the guard captain, is new and not equipped to handle an influx of vampires, and they’re still reeling from the recent deaths.”
Unappreciative silence followed that explanation.
“Each Master must make his own way,” Ethan said.
“That’s generous,” Scott said. “I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for the first few months of his term, and when Darius tightened the reigns. But he is Master of his House, and he’s not exactly doing it proud.”
Morgan was an odd duck. He’d gotten control of Navarre House under unusual circumstances, and he hadn’t exactly made the most of it, at least not with respect to the other Houses. He seemed to be well intentioned, but he was emotionally immature. I’d hoped he could grow into his position, but he hadn’t gotten there yet. Unfortunately, each time Navarre House huddled farther into its shell, he damaged his relationship with the rest of us. Some night, that was going to bite him in the ass.
“Harold Monmonth also called,” Scott said. “He ‘forbade’ me from staying at Cadogan House. Said the GP would consider it a violation of our charter if we live in sin with blacklisted vampires who’d so recently defied the GP and all it stood for. He gave me a lengthy speech about loyalty and punishment.”
Ethan blinked. “And how did you respond?”
“I reminded him Darius West was head of the GP, and Darius was the only individual who had the authority to forbid Grey House from doing anything. I told him I haven’t heard from Darius, although personally I suspect that does not bode well.”
“Monmonth or not, you may take heat for your decision,” Ethan said.
“My decision was keeping my vampires safe from the rising sun. Any member of the GP who doesn’t understand that is an idiot, and not worthy of the position.”